Euthanasie pentru Cristi - pe calea cea buna
Raspunsuri - Pagina 4

Alyssa spune:
Ma rog pentru sanatatea micutului si pentru tine sa iti dea putere sa treceti prin incercarea asta. Doamne, ce copilas minunat... Si cite a avut de indurat micutul de el... Dar tu Adelina esti ingerul lui pazitor, esti persoana care trebuia sa ii fii mama... Pling in fata calculatorului de nu ma pot opri... Daca asi putea face ceva pentru voi, asi face imediat... Sa va dea Dumnezeu putere si sanatate multa!!!!

monicuta spune:
Haideti ca deja m- am panicat degeaba. Dumnezeu va gasi oameni si resurse sa rezolve si treaba asta. Probabil ca deja a gasit. Nu am putut sa ma adun sa scriu un mesaj de la cap la coada. Imi vin ganduri si mai postez un mesaj. Pot ajuta cu bani, chiar si cu sume mai mari, daca este necesar. Asta e...sunt tipul de executant. Cine are idei sa ma contacteze la Exista si in Houston un spital de copii. Cine traduce mesajul, sa mi-l trimita si mie. m

papadie spune:
Cine traduce mesajul sa-l puna aici. Pina nu revine adelina cu numele exact al malformatiei de care sufera micutul si cu tratamentele urmate mi-e teama ca nu stim exact pe cine sa cautam (medici specializati pe chirurgie infantila).
cele bune
"Īn afara de constiinta totul e bestialitate" (Camil Petrescu)

CristinaT spune:
Doamne, ce copil frumos! Cat e de frumos si de dulce. Ce inima o fi avut sa-l lase acolo si apoi nici sa nu treaca sa-l vada??? Nu pot sa cred asa ceva :(((
4 ani - februarie 2004

armandcp spune:
Ca sa fie convingator, si spun asta ca sa nu uitam , cat de mult bun suflet ar avea unii, ca sa poata face ceva trebuie sa aibe o justificare destul de solida.
Ar trebui o copie dupa ziarul de unde a fost luata povestea lui Cristi.
Adresa exacta a spitalelor pe unde mititelul a fost , numele medicilor.
Cam tot ce ar putea constitui o cazuistica beton.
Eu am facut asta pentru o fata din Maramures si m-am lovit de cereri de acest gen, chiar daca actiunea in sine a insemnat strangerea de bani si virarea lor in contul unui spital din Germania unde a fost operata.

anisia spune:
Doamne,de ce nu ma mir.Multi doctori abia fac tot ce le sta in putinta pentru copii care au parinti darmite pentru un copil abandonat!Am stat in spital o luna de zile si am vazut cam cum se puteau purta cu copii abandonati asistentele cel putin.Doctoritele veneau la fiecare asa cum veneau si la ai nostri.Era cumplit,imi dadeau lacrimile mai mereu cand treceam pe langa ei ducandu-ma si iesind de la Rares.Plangeau si nu era nimeni care sa-i ia in brate si sa-i mangaie.De aceea sunt convinsa ca Acste micut va avea sanse mai ales ca te-a gasit pe tine Adelina.E berbecut ca rares al meu si berbecutii sunt puternici,nici lui Rares nu i-au dat sanse de supravietuire.Ne-au tinut in suspans 2 saptamani si nu a fost chiar atat de grav ca la Cristi.Astia sunt doctorii,unii,mai dau si verdicte aiurea.
Ma rog sa ajunga pe mana unor doctori sufletisti,sa ai puterea sa lupti cu toate armele pentru sanatatea lui si peste nu mult timp sa scrii o poveste aici frumoasa despre familia voastra!
Nu va pot ajuta decat cu ganduri bune si ruga catre bunul Dumnezeu sa-l faca bine pe Cristi.E un copil scumpel foc!
Multi pupici lui Cristi si tie!
Fetelor felicitari inca odata !
"Copilul nu datoreaza parintilor viata ci cresterea"
Adina si bb Rares Costin

carmen77 spune:
Si mie mi se pare incredibil ca cineva a putut abandona un asemenea copil, si strigatoare la cer atitudinea medicilor care numai medici nu se pot numi. Am sa ma rog pentru Cristi si Adelina, si daca aveti nevoie de o contributie materiala, ajut si cu asta.
Carmen si bb Matei Gabriel

Alyssa spune:
Cristi was born at the Municipal Hospital of Constanta on the 14th of March 2001. He was an unwanted baby. Born prematurely and with a heart malformation, this baby was abandoned after three weeks of his birth in the Intensive Therapy wing of the hospital in Constanta. Even the doctors were not very optimistic - the child could not live with this malformation more than a month. Then they thought that he would not live more than two months, then six months, then they decided: the baby will be dead before his first birthday. But Cristi did not die and then they put another term : a year and a half, maybe two. But Cristi went on and continued his little life between the beds of the same wing of the hospital where he was abandoned. He slowly learned the hours when they did admitting, the nurses and the doctor's names, he learned the treatments of every child passing through the Intensive Therapy wing. The date of his hospital release never came. The doctors, by law, contacted the mother of the baby, but she refused to see him, even though a year after she abandoned Cristi she gave birth to a girl in the same hospital, just a floor below the place where her son was fighting for his life.
In the meantime his heart was getting weaker. Trips to Bucharest and Timisoara took place and then back to Constanta to the Intensive Therapy wing. Then they heard of this baby at Cluj. There someone decided to put him in the spotlight, so Cristi was on the front page of the newspaper in constanta for few months. This is how I found out about him. We met in September. A head with blond hair on the other side of the grills of his metal crib. I found out about his illness and I started the trips. The doctors in Constanta told me that the boy is being evaluated at Cluj for a surgery. So I made my first trip to Cluj. After few hours of waiting in front of the pediatrician's office( I would not rather give his name) I told him that I was there for Cristi. The answer- I will never forget it- was: " If it is the child that I think it is, I already told the doctors in Constanta that nothing can be done for him. This child had to be operated on the first days of his life. Now NOTHING can be done". I insisted for him to be seen and finally they agreed, so then after few days we were on our way to Cluj traveling in a frozen Ambulance. They released him after few days because a group of American doctors will come to Cluj and maybe they will have a better opinion.
Back to Constanta. We became dependant on each other. I was "his Adenina". Then another trip to Cluj. The american doctors arrived. They consulted him, they adored him and they told us that their answer will cone in January. That Christmas I had him at home. He alone was our celebration. Then the answer came from Cluj: Cristi could be operated on by the American doctors. I felt that it had to happen, that every day was worth living just for a moment like this. But in the meantime Cristi's health situation became worse and when he arrived at Cluj he had high fever and he was breathing heavily. They transferred him at the Children's Hospital where they treated him with antibiotics and he started to feel better. But he surgery fell through! And then the doctors maybe remembered that they are very good at predicting. They told me that they did not intend to operate on Cristi, that they brought him there for some tests and they gave me a sound advice: to give up on this child because it is not a child that will live. Because he can't be operated on, he could live only 3, 4, 5, years and then he will perish.
And then I remembered the stray dogs! Sure! And then I did not understand how come they did not think of it sooner. Euthanasia. It is the best answer for Cristi. Euthanasia, Maybe it had to be done long ago, then at three weeks of life when ANYWAYS THEY KNEW THAT HE WILL NOT LIVE MORE THAN A MONTH! But this time they were more generous! Three, four, five years! Why wait that long? After all he is just an abandoned child.
But he has blond hair and when he laughs he tilts his head on the side and laughs with his entire face. He tells me that I am "baba" and "mos" and then "Thief". And then he says no "Adenina is not a Thief". And then he laughs again. And then he kisses me loudly on my nose and on my forehead, then he forgets about me and he looks in my pockets for my cell phone. I have two. He does not like one of them. He wants only the one "little and red". The other one he says that it is "broken". one day he told me that he asked Santa to bring him yogurt. He can have yogurt! Because it has no salt. I can't write anymore because I cry.
For all the people that know that Cristi will not live, for all of them that did euthanasie him long ago..., I don't know - pray for them because they don't know what they are doing!

antoioana spune:
sunt socata! Spune exact despre ce malformatie este vorba. Putem intreba aici daca se poate face o operatie. Putem scormoni mai mult prin tara, poate gasim un doctor adevarat care sa nu fi uitat juramantul meseriei. De asemenea sunt gata sa ajut financiar. Sau cu traduceri. Orice, numai sa-mi spui.
Doamne ajuta copilasului si tie si...nemernicilor alora ca poate le vin mintea si inima la loc!!!