Palin versus Obama - a star is born (1)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 5

columbiana spune:
au mai fost si bilbielile armatei americane din Somalia intoarse cu coada intre picioare, si faptul ca ulterior a refuzat sa trimita trupe si sa recunoasca genocidul din Rwanda, drept care in 1998 si-a prezentat scuzele pentru asta; a mai trimis trupe si in Haiti.
B.Clinton ramine oricum figura politica contemporana pe care-o admir cel mai mult

natynic spune:
Nicicand probabil nu vor intra in cursa candidatii perfecti. Dar acum, daca era republicana MIZERABILA de sub numele lui Bush nu sfarseste, America o sa sfarseasca nu peste mult timp.
Clinton a initiat razboiul din Iugoslavia??? Hai sa fim seriosi...
mamica Iuliei Elena-esenta tare in sticluta mica (30.01.2008)

Ramona J spune:
Pai Naty, cine l-a inceput?
Buna completare Ana.
The best thing you can do for your children is to love your wife.

columbiana spune:
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citat din mesajul lui natynic Nicicand probabil nu vor intra in cursa candidatii perfecti. Dar acum, daca era republicana MIZERABILA de sub numele lui Bush nu sfarseste, America o sa sfarseasca nu peste mult timp. Clinton a initiat razboiul din Iugoslavia??? Hai sa fim seriosi... Naty mamica ![]() DA-I DOAMNE MINUNII MELE SANATATE, MINTE SI NOROC! |
Naty uite-aici, cam se sustine ce spune Ramona:
deja in 1989 George Kennan, atunci ambasador USA, vorbeste despre razboi in Iugoslavia.

lorelaim spune:
Intr-adevar o doamna cam belicoasa - cel putzin in declaratzii... cine stie daca va ajunge sa si puna in practica ceea ce spune...
May 3, May 2, May 1
"Daca dragoste nu e... nimic nu e..."

natynic spune:
Citez din articolul respectiv: "For three years, the American approach toward the Bosnia problem had been one of disengagement, hoping that the Europeans -- who had high hopes for their fledgling political union -- would take the lead to solve the problem. Yet Europe's response proved feckless, and the United States proved no better. More than any other foreign policy issue, the problem of Bosnia's defined -- and plagued -- the early years of Bill Clinton's presidency. Despite some significant successes during his first term -- such as the Middle East peace process, the 1994 Framework Agreement with North Korea, the passage of NAFTA -- Clinton's early years were in many ways defined by the inability to bring peace to Bosnia."
Asta nu e egal cu A INITIA razboiul...In Iugoslavia si in Balcani mai larg e un butoi de pulbere istoric, ce precede cu mult chiar existenta lui Clinton, nu numai presedentia sa.
Eu cred ca exact de asta are omenirea nevoie...Sa nu se mai bage America atata in treburile nimanui, chiar sub pretextul "aducerii binelui". Republicanii, mai ales cei mai conservatori, mi-au dat totdeauna impresia unor "detinatori de adevaruri supreme"; astfel dee oameni intotdeauna au fost periculosi pentru progres...
mamica Iuliei Elena-esenta tare in sticluta mica (30.01.2008)

natynic spune:
Uite mie alta chestie nu mi-a placut in articolul citat de lorelaim: ca pana anul trecut respectiva n-a calatorit in afara Americii de Nord. O fi o prostie, dar pt o viitoare vicepresedinta a SUA mie asta imi suna ff prost...
mamica Iuliei Elena-esenta tare in sticluta mica (30.01.2008)

blackpanterro spune:
Nu are Palin suportul femeilor(inteligente)
Dear Ms. Palin—
Even in this very red state of Alabama, we know the difference between a show horse, a hobby horse, and a work horse. You do not represent working class women, farm wives or single mothers—ALL of whom turned to Hillary Clinton with great hopes. You charged women for their own rape kits when you were mayor in Wasilla. You use housekeepers and nannies to care for your kids. You don't want sex education in schools, but you let your daughter get pregnant! You do not now, nor will you ever speak for us!
–Gita H., Montgomery, AL
Adriana si Aidan Alexander(27.06.2005)
A ticket to hell has never been funnier
"You know your god is man-made when he hates all the same people you do."

natynic spune:
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citat din mesajul lui blackpanterro Nu are Palin suportul femeilor(inteligente) Dear Ms. Palin— Even in this very red state of Alabama, we know the difference between a show horse, a hobby horse, and a work horse. You do not represent working class women, farm wives or single mothers—ALL of whom turned to Hillary Clinton with great hopes. You charged women for their own rape kits when you were mayor in Wasilla. You use housekeepers and nannies to care for your kids. You don't want sex education in schools, but you let your daughter get pregnant! You do not now, nor will you ever speak for us! –Gita H., Montgomery, AL Adriana si Aidan Alexander(27.06.2005) A ticket to hell has never been funnier "You know your god is man-made when he hates all the same people you do." | asa ceva...Un f bun rezumat al starii de fapt


petra spune:
Palin a fost scoasa in fata pentru imagine si fatada! din declaratiile ei se vede ca nu prea are multe de spus. O da inainte cu D-zeu (daca crede in D-zeu este bine dar prea des il baga pe D-zeu in promisiuni politice). A luat-o pe partea credintei pentru ca in unele state se voteaza si aici la sugestiile capilor diferitelor confesiuni religioase. In aceasta perioada poti auzi des indicatii politice din gura conducatorilor de culte. Si sunt unii care iau decizii sub aceasta influienta religioasa . Asta este.