Endometrioza ne-a unit in lupa pentru bb! (69)

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Link direct catre acest raspuns beatrice75 spune:

ARIANA, am incercat sa iau legatura cu tine pe private, dar nu reusesc, ma poti ajuta? pls help!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns amacuba spune:

Buna fetele

Poate unele dintre voi ma cunoasteti la fiv albu dragos. In fine nu am mai scris de foarte mult timp pentru ca atunci cand am facut fiv si nu am ramas am simtit o mare deceptie si nu am mai vrut sa fac nimic. Si eu ma confrunt cu boala asta care ne macina nervii.
Asta vara am facut prostia sa ma duc la SOVATA!!!!!!!!!! NEVER cele cu endometrioza!!!!!!!!!M-am ales cu un frumos chist endometriozic pe ovarul stg in nici o luna, stiu asta pt ca lunar fac monitorizare.

Ariana am citit povestea ta si chiar ma bucura sa aud ca ceva poate actiona impotriva endometriozei. As avea rugamintea daca poti sa ne spui clinica de la Viena unde ai fost si numele doctoritei care te ajuta in aceasta problema pentru ca eu una as vrea sa incerc sa ma merg acolo. Iti multumesc si va pup pe toate.
Doamne ajuta sa invingem boala si sa ramanem toate insarcinate.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns beatrice75 spune:

Bayer Confirms European Approval for Endometriosis Drug
by Rajshri on December 08, 2009 at 3:03 PM Corporate News
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European approval for Visanne, a drug which treats the gynecological disease endometriosis has been obtained, according to German pharmaceutical and chemical group Bayer.

Related Links
Information on Endometriosis
Researchers Develop Quick, Accurate Way to Diagnose Endometriosis
Deep Endometriosis can be Detected by MRI
Endometriosis Foundation Launched By Star US Researcher

In the United States meanwhile, Bayer is still waiting for a green light for Rivaroxaban, a blood thinning treatment.

Bayer said Visanne would go on sale in Europe in the second quarter of 2010, and will provide relief from pain associated with lesions and inflammation outside the uterus.

The company said the condition affects around five to 10 percent of women of childbearing age.

"Lower abdominal and pelvic pain, cramping menstrual pains (dysmenorrhea), painful sexual intercourse (dyspareunia) and infertility are well recognized symptoms of endometriosis," a statement said.

On Sunday however, Bayer said regulatory approval of Rivaroxaban in the United States had not been completed, and that the company would not be able to provide the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with additional information as requested, by the end of the year.

Rivaroxaban has been used in tests to treat thrombosis or blood clots following hip and knee operations.

Bayer originally sought FDA approval for the drug in July 2008, but US authorities have requested more information on it.

Sold under the dame Xarelto in Europe, the drug is one of Bayer's best hopes for for its health-care division, along with the cancer treatement Nexavar.

Shares in Bayer lost 2.01 percent to 52.65 euros in early Frankfurt trading on the news, while the DAX index of leading German stocks was 0.97 percent lower overall.

Read more: Bayer Confirms European Approval for Endometriosis Drug | MedIndia http://www.medindia.net/news/Bayer-Confirms-European-Approval-for-Endometriosis-Drug-61978-1.htm#ixzz1ls6AudQM

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Link direct catre acest raspuns beatrice75 spune:

Cum se face tratamentul cu vissane?

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Link direct catre acest raspuns _ariana_ spune:

Sorry beatrice, nu stiam ca tre sa activez mesajele private. Am activat dar tot n a intrat mesajul tau. Mai trimite l odata pls.

Eu am fost la doamna dr Aurelia Braneti, are cabinetul in Viena chiar in centru, in districtul 1 , adica 1010 la ei, pe Stubenring la nr 4, et 3, apt 17. Tel :+43 1 5123801 . O sa raspunda asistenta, o fata foarte draguta pe nume Adriana. E d`ajuns limba romana.

Va si o tai la munci!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns beatrice75 spune:

ariana,nu ne tine pe jar!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns roxypuy spune:

cristina - depinde de la organism la organism cat de repede/cum ramai gravi cu endo. eu desi am endo grad 4, evolutie f agresiva (cam la 3 luni mi se formeaza cate un nou chist care creste cu 1 cm pe luna), am reusit sa raman fara nici un tratament si in ciuda faptului ca am pe ov stg un mega chist endo de 6 cm. am 2 laparo la activ, ov stg scos aproape in totalitate, 6 luni diphe dupa prima laparo, am luat ceva naturiste la un mom dat dar mi-am dat seama k nu au nici un efect in cazul meu. regimul de endo nu l-am putut tine...si uite ca totusi am ramas natural! si chistul e inca akolo! asa k don't give up hope!!! mie medicul care m-a operat mi-a spus ca n-o sa pot avea copii nicicum (nici FIV, nici IA...) si uite k i-am dat peste nas!

pup si ai incredere!


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Link direct catre acest raspuns cristina_84 spune:

Foarte tare! Bravo!
Mie mi-e n puc teama sa nu se fi infundat trompele de la endo...de asta ma gandisem la o noua operatie. Ati facut vreodata testul acela care verifica daca trompele sunt infundate sau nu?

Trying for a baby

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Link direct catre acest raspuns beatrice75 spune:

ariana,Tu aveai dureri? despre ce progesteron e vorba? sau a facut o combinatie de progestogeni?

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Link direct catre acest raspuns roxypuy spune:

citat din mesajul lui cristina_84

Foarte tare! Bravo!
Mie mi-e n puc teama sa nu se fi infundat trompele de la endo...de asta ma gandisem la o noua operatie. Ati facut vreodata testul acela care verifica daca trompele sunt infundate sau nu?

cristina, mie la a doua laparo mi-a facut si testul de permeabilitate tubara si eram f ok pe dreapta, stanga era putin in ceatza din cauza inflamatiei de la chistul pe care il scosesera.



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