Crestinismul si evolutia spirituala 4
Raspunsuri - Pagina 14
crinuta spune:
Iasmine, eu am inceput deja sa lucrez la piesele care se vor conta doar in Saptamana Mare.
Vinerea Marea e deosebita, tin minte anul trecut, a fost incredibil.
Se aduc flori la mormantul lui Isus, are loc o intreaga procesiune. Cine apuca sa vina la Sf. Iosif in Vinerea Mare, va ramane miscat.
Sper sa am timp sa iti descriu tot ce se intampla. Sper sa ajung la timp, pt ca va fi arhiplina Catedrala, si daca nu mergi din timp nu doar ca nu ai loc, dar stai si pe afara.
Insusi Arhiepiscopul va tine procesiunea respectiva.
La voi spala preotul picioarele celorolalti preoti in sapt mare?
Crinuta si minunea ei
Fara Dumnezeu nimic nu e.
Cine se increde in sine, cade rau!
Second chance" target="_blank">Divine Mercy" target="_blank">2010 messages
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Iasmin08 spune:
Sincer nu cred ca exista acest obicei (spalatul picioarelor) dar ma voi interesa. N-am auzit insa.
Cum adica duceti flori la mormant? Nu e la Ierusalim Sfantul Mormant?
Iasmin, mama de strengar de 8 anisori
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
crinuta spune:
La noi se face mormant, cu statuia lui Isus in marime naturala. Asa cum se face de Craciun ieslea, asa se face si de Paste. Isus, rastignit, in mormant.
Crinuta si minunea ei
Fara Dumnezeu nimic nu e.
Cine se increde in sine, cade rau!
Second chance" target="_blank">Divine Mercy" target="_blank">2010 messages
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
mamabear spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui crinuta Ba stiu, dar daca vrei iti spun pe privat. Crinuta si ![]() Fara Dumnezeu nimic nu e. Cine se increde in sine, cade rau! Second chance" target="_blank">Divine Mercy" target="_blank">2010 messages |
Crinuta daca imi era adresat mie mesajul, vreau si astept PM de la tine.
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
mamabear spune:
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citat din mesajul lui Iasmin08 "Nascatoare de Dumnezeu Fecioara, bucura-Te! Ceea ce esti plina de har, Marie, Domnul este cu Tine. Binecuvantata esti Tu între femei si binecuvantat este rodul pantecelui Tau, ca ai nascut pre Mantuitorul sufletelor noastre" . Aceasta pravila a fost data de Maica Domnului însasi în veacul al VII-lea, si odinioara era savarsita de catre toti crestinii. Mai pe urma însa a fost data uitarii. Preacuviosul Serafim de Sarov a amintit de acea pravila. În chilia lui s-a gasit o carticica veche cu descrierea minunilor petrecute cu oamenii care împlineau aceasta pravila. Citirea de 150 de ori a rugaciunii #8222;Bogorodicinaia" îi aduce crestinului un mare folos. Domnul ne-a aratat cat de puternica este rugaciunea Preacuratei Sale Maici înaintea Lui si cat de eficient este ajutorul acordat de Ea: în cele mai dificile împrejurari si cu totul pe neasteptate Ea ne-a întins mana Sa izbavitoare... Iasmin, mama de strengar de 8 anisori |
Asta e rugaciunea, dar referirea la asa-zisa "pravila" nu e adevarata. Scria chiar si la comentariile subiectului din link-ul dat .
In afara de cateva exceptii (ex: "Sfinte Dumnezeule", "Doamne miluieste") in cadrul unor slujbe sau randuieli, in cultul ortodox nu se practica repetarea unei rugaciuni de un anume numar de ori, mai ales asa de mult -150, care nici nu are vreo semnificatie. Sfantul Serafim e posibil s-o fi facut intr-un anume fel, dar asta putea tine de pravila lui, si nu de ceva generalizat.
Rugaciunea asta mi-e tare draga, inca de cand, adolescenta fiind, mergeam sambata seara la priveghere si o ascultam cantata de toata obstea manastirii, uneori in frunte cu IPS Pimen ; (in cadrul slujbei se canta de 3 ori).
Si eu o cant de multe ori prin casa, cand nu imi povestesc cei mici aventurile lor
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
mamabear spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui crinuta La noi se face mormant, cu statuia lui Isus in marime naturala. Asa cum se face de Craciun ieslea, asa se face si de Paste. Isus, rastignit, in mormant. |
La noi, mormantul e simbolizat de Sfantul Epitaf sau popular, Sfantul Aer. Acesta este facut din panza de in sau din matase, pe care se afla imprimata sau brodata icoana inmormantarii Domnului.In Vinerea Mare, se scoate Sfantul Epitaf in mijlocul bisericii si la slujba Prohodului este purtat in procesiune in jurul acesteia si apoi dus in Altar. Iesirea din biserica si ocolirea ei, semnifica purtarea Trupului Domnului de la Golgota la locul mormantului. Este asezat pe Sfanta Masa, unde ramane pana miercuri, inainte de Inaltarea Domnului, cand este ridicat si pus spre pastrare. Epitaful simbolizeaza trupul mort al Mantuitorului, iar ridicarea de pe masa in ajunul Inaltarii simbolizeaza inaltarea Sa la cer .
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
mamabear spune:
Tot eu sunt, ca am uitat sa raspund la o intrebare a Crinutei, daca la noi spala preotul picioarele celorlalti preoti.
Raspunsul este ca in unele biserici protosul, uneori arhiereul, spala picioarele celorlalti preoti, dar nu se obisnuieste peste tot.
La noi, in Vinerea Mare, iese protosul (adica preotul "principal" atunci cand e slujba in sobor) cu crucea in spate. In bisericile sau manastirile mari, crucea e foarte mare si e un sentiment deosebit sa-l vezi pe preot ducand-o.
Denia din Vinerea Mare e tare, tare frumoasa si emotionanta!
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
crinuta spune:
Da, parca stiu ca la voi se trece pe sub masa in Vinerea Mare, nu?
Mamabear, da, pt tine era mesajul, iti voi trimite pm.
Crinuta si minunea ei
Fara Dumnezeu nimic nu e.
Cine se increde in sine, cade rau!
Second chance" target="_blank">Divine Mercy" target="_blank">2010 messages
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
crinuta spune:
Iasmin, uite cam ce se intampla in Vinerea Mare.
E in engleza, nu am gasit atat de bine explicat in romana:
The Catholic Church treats Good Friday as a fast day, which in the Latin Rite of the Church is understood as having only one full meal (but smaller than a regular meal - often substituting meat with fish) and two collations (a smaller repast, two of which together do not equal one full meal). In countries where Good Friday is not a day of rest from work, the afternoon liturgical service is usually put off until a few hours after the recommended time of 3 p.m.
Crucifix prepared for veneration on Good Friday.The Roman Rite ordinarily has no celebration of Mass after that of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday evening until that of the Easter Vigil unless a special exemption is granted for rare solemn or grave occasions by the Vatican or the local bishop, and the only sacraments celebrated are Baptism (for those in danger of death), Penance and Anointing of the Sick.[10] While there is no celebration of the Eucharist, Holy Communion is distributed to the faithful only in the Service of the Passion of the Lord, but can be taken at any hour to the sick who are unable to attend this service.[11]
The altar remains completely bare, without cross, candlesticks or altar cloths.[12] It is customary to empty the holy water fonts in preparation of the blessing of the water at the Easter Vigil.[13] Traditionally, no bells are rung on Good Friday or Holy Saturday until the Easter Vigil.
The Celebration of the Passion of the Lord takes place in the afternoon, ideally at three o'clock, but for pastoral reasons a later hour may be chosen.[14] The vestments used are red (more commonly) or black (more traditionally).[15] Before 1970, they were black except for the Communion part of the rite, for which violet was used,[16] and before 1955 black was used throughout.[17] If a bishop celebrates, he wears a plain mitre.[18]
The liturgy consists of three parts: the Liturgy of the Word, the Veneration of the Cross, and Holy Communion.
The first part, the Liturgy of the Word, consists of the reading or chanting of Isaiah 52:13-53:12, Hebrews 4:14-16, 5:7-9, and the Passion account from the Gospel of John, which is often divided between more than one singer or reader. This part concludes with a series of prayers: for the Church, the Pope, the clergy and laity of the Church, those preparing for baptism, the unity of Christians, the Jewish people, those who do not believe in Christ, those who do not believe in God, those in public office, those in special need.[19]
The second part of the Good Friday liturgy is the Veneration of the Cross: a crucifix, not necessarily the one that is normally on or near the altar at other times, is solemnly displayed to the congregation and then venerated by them, individually if possible, while special chants are sung.[20]
Communion from the Blessed Sacrament on Good Friday (Our Lady of Lourdes, Philadelphia).The third and last part is Holy Communion according to a rite based on that of the final part of Mass, beginning with the Our Father, but omitting the ceremony of "Breaking of the Bread" and its related chant, the "Agnus Dei." The Eucharist, consecrated at the Mass of Holy Thursday is distributed at this service.[21] Before the reform of Pope Pius XII, only the priest received Communion in the framework of what was called the "Mass of the Presanctified", which included the usual Offertory prayers, with the placing of wine in the chalice, but which omitted the Canon of the Mass.[17]
Priest and people then depart in silence, and the altar cloth is removed, leaving the altar bare except for the cross and two or four candlesticks.[22]
The Way of the Cross, celebrated at the Colosseum in Rome on Good Friday.In addition to the prescribed liturgical service, the Stations of the Cross are often prayed either in the church or outside, and a prayer service may be held from midday to 3.00 p.m., known as the Three Hours' Agony. In countries such as Malta, Italy, Philippines, Puerto Rico and Spain, processions with statues representing the Passion of Christ are held.
In Polish churches, a tableau of Christ's Tomb is unveiled in the sanctuary. Many of the faithful spend long hours into the night grieving at the Tomb, where it is customary to kiss the wounds on the Lord's body. A life-size figure of Christ lying in his tomb is widely visited by the faithful, especially on Holy Saturday. The tableaux may include flowers, candles, figures of angels standing watch, and the three crosses atop Mt Calvary, and much more. Each parish strives to come up with the most artistically and religiously evocative arrangement in which the Blessed Sacrament, draped in a filmy veil, is prominently displayed.
Crinuta si minunea ei
Fara Dumnezeu nimic nu e.
Cine se increde in sine, cade rau!
Second chance" target="_blank">Divine Mercy" target="_blank">2010 messages
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
Katya spune:
Buna seara fetelor si mai ales somn usor,ca dormiti de ceva ore...
Iasmin,sa porti sanatoasa fustele si sa ai grija cu raceala,sa te faci bine repede!
Nikole,tinem pumnii,o sa fie bine,cind e termenul?
Crinuta,da,impresionanta Vinere Mare aveti si voi.A,am uitat sa va multumesc pt Bucura-te,Marie!
Mamabear,mersi pt explicatiile cu Sfintul Aer,an de an parintele ne zice ca Vinerea Mare nu impartaseste decit dupa scoaterea Sf Aer,la ora 5,ei,si eu ma tot intrebam ce fel de Aer o fi acela,ma gindeam ca iese din altar un aer sfint...
Dar trecutul pe sub masa ce semnifica?
Ce mai faci,Ica?
V-am pupat pe toate!
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)