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apropo de OMG, exact ce spuneam mai sus:


se pare ca nu avem scapare


True health is a journey not a destination, a process not an event, a habit not a diet.

"Man, you can do anything for 30 seconds!" Tony Horton, P90X

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Allure e ingrozitor ce scrie acolo

Nu stiu de ce unora li se pare fireasca si asteptata scaderea natalitatii (da, da, in scopurile nobile ale descresterii populatiei ca deh, suntem prea multi deja ), cand se observa ca de ceva zeci de ani populatia se tot inmulteste. Nimeni nu se intreaba, cum deodata a inceput sa scada natalitatea? Sau mai bine zis, sa creasca mortalitatea... Nu e totul un cerc vicios, de la ce bagam in gura - including OMG-uri - si bolile din ce in ce mai sinistre si timpurii?

Iubeste-ma atunci cand merit cel mai putin, pentru ca atunci am cea mai mare nevoie.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yo2lzhB282Y" target="_blank">Tribute to an angel

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citat din mesajul lui danat
Nu stiu de ce unora li se pare fireasca si asteptata scaderea natalitatii.

Chiar asa, de ce n-ar incapea 100 de miliarde de oameni pe pamant?

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Link direct catre acest raspuns blackpanterro spune:

In Americi Monsanto e "ucigasul" fermierilor care ar putea foarte bine sa acopere necesarul de mancare (organica) pt Americi...daca nici ei nu au pamant arabil si posibilitati...dar na, corporate farming conduce tot, are lobby ff puternic si bani garla asa ca lumea e obligata practic sa cumpere ce produc ei, nu pt ca e bun dar pt ca umple buzunarele adanci ale CEOs de la Monsanto.
Uite aici cine sustine Monsanto si ce fac ei...

Daca mancarea nu ajunge tuturor, astfel incat trebuie inmultita genetic, de ce exista curentul "Freegans"? Oameni care nu sunt saraci dar fac asta ca sa dovedeasca un punct de vedere...ca omul are ochii mai mari decat stomacul...e nasol ca America arunca mancare neatinsa la gunoi in loc sa fie donata celor care nu au ce manca, poate asa nu ar mai trebui nimic inmultit genetic(care oricum nu ajunge pe masa saracilor ce traiesc cu $1 pe saptamana, adica 1.4 miliarde de oameni)...

Adriana 12w si Aidan Alexander - 4 ani
A ticket to hell has never been funnier

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Allure spune:

"The Worst Finding of All? GMOs Remain Inside Us!

The only published human feeding study revealed what many find to be the most disturbing discovery. The genes inserted into GM crops transfer into the DNA of bacteria living inside our intestines and continue to function. This means that long after we stop eating GMOs, we may still have potentially harmful GM proteins produced continuously inside of us. Although scientists only tested this on soy, if Bt genes from corn chips also transferred, they could transform our intestinal bacteria into living pesticide factories, possibly for the rest of our lives.

When doctors hear about this evidence, they often respond by citing the huge increase of gastrointestinal problems over the last decade. GM foods might be colonizing the gut flora of North Americans.

Even if GMOs helped combat global hunger, which they don’t, it would be hard to justify putting these high-risk organisms into the food supply in their current state. Especially since GM crops cross-pollinate and contaminate the environment. Their self-propagating genetic pollution may outlast the effects of global warming and nuclear waste."


True health is a journey not a destination, a process not an event, a habit not a diet.

"Man, you can do anything for 30 seconds!" Tony Horton, P90X

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Allure spune:

Shhhh! Meet the Scientist Who Dared to Break the Silence on GMOs.

Arpad Pusztai
Biologist Arpad Pusztai had more than 300 articles and 12 books to his credit and was the world’s top expert in his field. But when he accidentally discovered that genetically modified (GM) foods are dangerous, he became the biotech industry’s bad-boy poster child, setting an example for other scientists thinking about blowing the whistle.

In the early 1990s, Dr. Pusztai was awarded a $3 million grant by the UK government to design the system for safety testing genetically modified organisms (GMOs). His team included more than 20 scientists working at three facilities, including the Rowett Institute in Aberdeen, Scotland, the top nutritional research lab in the UK, and his employer for the previous 35 years. The results of Pusztai’s work were supposed to become the required testing protocols for all of Europe. But when he fed supposedly harmless GM potatoes to rats, things didn’t go as planned.

Within just 10 days, the animals developed potentially pre-cancerous cell growth, smaller brains, livers, and testicles, partially atrophied livers, and damaged immune systems. Moreover, the cause was almost certainly side effects from the process of genetic engineering itself. In other words, the GM foods on the market, which are created from the same process, might have similar effects on humans.

With permission from his Director, Pusztai was interviewed on TV and expressed his concerns about GM foods. He became a hero at his Institute—for two days. Then came the phone calls from the pro-GMO Prime Minister’s office to the Institute’s Director. The next morning, Pusztai was fired. He was silenced with threats of a lawsuit, his team was dismantled, and the protocols never implemented. His Institute, the biotech industry, and the UK government, together launched a smear campaign to destroy Pusztai’s reputation.

Eventually, an invitation to speak before Parliament lifted his gag order and his research was published in the prestigious Lancet. No similar in-depth studies have yet tested the GM foods eaten every day by Americans and Canadians.

restul articolului aici: http://urbangardenmagazine.com/2009/11/the-big-gmo-cover-up/

True health is a journey not a destination, a process not an event, a habit not a diet.

"Man, you can do anything for 30 seconds!" Tony Horton, P90X

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Link direct catre acest raspuns xenocid spune:

Abdominabil domne! Ab-do-mi-na-bil!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Allure spune:

cam cit de curate sint afacerile cu GMO...



True health is a journey not a destination, a process not an event, a habit not a diet.

"Man, you can do anything for 30 seconds!" Tony Horton, P90X

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Allure spune:

cind au de ales, animalele de teste ocolesc mincarea GMO.
numai noua ni se pare gluma...


True health is a journey not a destination, a process not an event, a habit not a diet.

"Man, you can do anything for 30 seconds!" Tony Horton, P90X

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citat din mesajul lui danat
Nimeni nu se intreaba, cum deodata a inceput sa scada natalitatea? Sau mai bine zis, sa creasca mortalitatea...

Confuzie totala: una? celalata? amandoua? sigur nu-s echivalente.

In tarile dezvoltate, scaderea natalitatii e un fenomen social: cariera versus familie, scaderea influentei bisericii (indemnul cu "Rahila" s.a.m.d.), cultul independentei. Mortalitatea a scazut si ea; diferenta poate fluctua, evident.

Faptul ca unele boli devin mai frecvente decat in trecut poate fi datorat progreselor in medicina: lumea nu mai moare de pneumonie, septicemie, TBC, deci alte boli (care apareau mai mult la varste inaintate in trecut), si pentru care nu avem metode la fel de eficiente, devin mai "frecvente". Dar e o notiune relativa: global, populatia din tarile dezvoltate e mai sanatoasa azi decat acum 100 de ani, mai ales comparand aceleasi sectoare de varsta (de ex. 0-60). Cand bolile cardiovasculare vor deveni mai rare prin medicamente noi, incidenta cancerului va creste si mai mult - aproape toata lumea va muri de cancer. Asta nu inseamna ca imbolnavirile de cancer sunt mai probabile la orice varsta, ci doar ca probabilitatea de a-l dezvolta creste cu varsta. Ajungi la 120 de ani, n-ai alte boli, dar celulele o iau razna ... ca materialul genetic nu-i facut sa reziste atata.

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