Agatamentul stradal
Raspunsuri - Pagina 16
conchita spune:
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citat din mesajul lui ruxij Eh, si voi ii bagati in seama, contesta si ei un fapt evident, doar ca sa se afle in treaba. Doar istoria celor trei distinsi forumisti mentionati arata ca ei sunt intotdeauna in partidul pentru contra. |
mdeh, vocea intelepciunii, maica. :-))))
eniuei, sa vezi acum etichete ce iei si tu ca ti-ai permis sa fii anti la anti: vei fi declarata asexuata, acritura, frustrata sexual, ne-aranjata, ne-machiata, locuitoare de alabama si neaparat boccie, cu ura pe barbati neaparat! caci, nu-i asa, privilegiul de a fi fluierata pe strada apartine centristelor din bucuresti, alea frumoase, fardate si cu sugar daddy la poarta. 'telectualele au doar orgoliul ranit ca-s nebagate in seama.
mianna spune:
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citat din mesajul lui conchita Mianna, logica ta e iarasi lipsa la apel: daca NU ti s-a intamplat TIE in ultimii 3 ani, asta nu exclude: 1. ca NU mi s-a intamplat MIE in 8 ani de amerika si 2. ca DA, mi s-a intamplat in 31 de ani de romanika, MIE mi. |
logica mea era taman punctul 3, care ti-a scapat (cel putin in enumerare, ca sa nu zici ca insinuez ceva). chiar daca NOUA nu NI se intampla, asta nu exclude ca altora li se poate intampla. aci ori acolo.
(zau ca n-as fi crezut ca trebuie s-o scriu negru pe alb. da' continua sa faci apelul).
XIO spune:
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citat din mesajul lui conchita
da, disputa Xio si Accept. ah, da, si Guestus. nimic |
Xio nu disputa nimic , Ruxij , eu am lansat acest subiect tocmai pt. a vedea daca sunt singura care se intreaba care anume este scopul acestor tampe tentative de "macho man".
Acum mi se pare de rasul curcilor ca dupa ce am repetat in "tz" mesaje ca nu este nici un omagiu , nici o lauda si ca aceste lucruri sunt spuse tuturor purtatoarelor de organe genitale feminine citesc si eu in ultimele pagini ca tocmai eu (!!! ironia sortii) sunt de acord cu astea si le vad ca pe o ofranda.
Mai cititi doamnelor ce scriu si altii , nu doar ce scrieti si ce vreti voi .
Ruxij , mersi de indesare in categorie, da' nu e cazul.
poate altadata.
***Fur is for petting** (produse eco)
accept92 spune:
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citat din mesajul lui conchita un barbat care vrea sa faca ccc cunostinta unei femei o abordeaza altfel, clar - sau si aici sunt diferente de opinie? nimic | o veste proasta pentru tine...barbatii care se manifesta in modul discutat la subiect nu isi propun sa faca ccc cunostinata cu femeia in cauza.
accept92 spune:
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citat din mesajul lui ruxij Le agreseaza pe alea mai tinere in general, pt ca astea sunt mai vulnerabile. |
Nu cumva astea tinere sunt si mai frumusele (tot in general vorbind)? Sau e doar o coincidenta fara legatura cu subiectul discutat? Nu stiu, intreb si eu!
XIO spune:
[quote]citat din mesajul lui XIO
In America ta acum cativa ani erau abuzati SEXUAL 3.000.000 de copii/ an .
Du-te zile alora ca sunt niste mincinosi , ca au stat si ei 3 zile in tara ta minunata si acum acuza ca i-a violat Ionica din Romania.
***Fur is for petting** (produse eco)[quote]
Daca exista 3 milioane de copii abuzati sexual anual cred eu ca nu sunt oamenii chiar atat de puri si se intampla si pe acolo diverse lucruri sexuale neplacute.
"I think we've all been harassed at some point and using that as a measure seems highly unscientific to me, as the definition will be very different between people and cultures. The data is also incomparable as the number of occurrences of harassment is left out in OP's article.
More specific data would be much more interesting. US and Canada has estimates that 50% of women will be sexually abused at least once in their lifetime for instance."
Dar presupun ca vorbeste prostii doamna de mai sus.
Approximately 15,000 sexual harassment cases are brought to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) each year. According to the EEOC, the number of sexual harassment complaints filed by men has more than tripled in recent years. Currently, approximately 11% of claims involve men filing against female supervisors.
A telephone poll conducted by Louis Harris and Associates on 782 workers revealed:
# 31% of the female workers claimed to have been harassed at work
# 7% of the male workers claimed to have been harassed at work
# 62% of targets took no action
# 100% of women claimed the harasser was a man
# 59% of men claimed the harasser was a woman
# 41% of men claimed the harasser was another man
Of the women who had been harassed:
# 43% were harassed by a supervisor
# 27% were harassed by an employee senior to them
# 19% were harassed by a coworker at their level
# 8% were harassed by a junior employee
Studies suggest anywhere between 40-70% of women and 10-20% of men have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace.
A 1999 survey by the Society for Human Resource Management states that 62% of companies offer sexual harassment prevention training programs, and 97% have a written sexual harassment policy.
Presupun ca nu e relevant pt. ca aici este hartuire sexuala la munca si noi vorbim despre aia de pe strada , nu?
Sexual Harassment Support reports:
"Sexual harassment is common at every stage of education. Verbal and physical harassment begins in elementary school, and 4 out of 5 children experience some form of sexual harassment or bullying. Eight out of 10 will experience this at some point in their school lives, and roughly 25 percent will experience this often. Boys are more likely to physically harass and bully others, or to be physically bullied themselves. Girls are more likely to use, and experience, verbal and psychological harassment and bullying. Six out of 10 students will experience some form of physical sexual harassment."
A survey conducted by the American Association of University Women(AAUW 2002) on 2064 students in 8th through 11th grade:
83% of girls have been sexually harassed
78% of boys have been sexually harassed
38% of the students were harassed by teachers or school employees
36% of school employees or teachers were harassed by students
42% of school employees or teachers had been harassed by each other
In their recent study (AAUW 2006) on sexual harassment at colleges and universities, the AAUW reported:
62% of female college students and 61% of male college students report having been sexually harassed at their university.
66% of college students know someone personally who was harassed.
10% or less of student sexual harassment victims attempt to report their experiences to a university employee.
35% or more of college students who experience sexual harassment do not tell anyone about their experiences.
80% of students who experienced sexual harassment report being harassed by another student or former student.
39% of students who experienced sexual harassment say the incident or incidents occurred in the dorm.
51% of male college students admit to sexually harassing someone in college, with 22% admitting to harassing someone often or occasionally.
31% of female college students admit to harassing someone in college.
In the "Report Card on Gender Equity," the NCWGE that 30 percent of undergraduate students, and 40 percent of graduate students, have been sexually harassed.
Se intampla si in universitati si in scoli
22% admitting to harassing someone often or occasionally.
Si daca mai e nevoie :
How Often Does Sexual Harassment Occur?
* 4 out of 5 students (81%) have experienced some form of sexual harassment during their school lives. (Hostile Hallways, American Association of University Women 1993).
* There were 6,127 complaints of sexual harassment filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in 1990. 15,342 complaints were filed with the EEOC in 1996. This represents an increase of 280% in the last six years. (EEOC Sexual Harassment Statistics, EEOC & FEPAs Combined: FY 1990 - FY 1996).
* Women are nine times more likely than men to quit jobs because of sexual harassment, five times more likely to transfer and three times more likely to lose jobs. (“Impact of Work Experiences Toward Sexual Harassment”, Allison M. Konrad and Barbara A. Gutek, in Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 31, September 1986).
* In a content analysis of 48 hours of prime time television programs, findings suggest that sexual harassment is prevalent within this medium. Overall, 84% of the shows studied contained at least one incident of sexual harassment or sexually offensive behavior, with an average of 3.4 incidents. In none of these programs was the behavior specifically labeled as sexual harassment. The manner in which sexual harassment is portrayed on prime time television implies that such actions are not serious, that victims are not seriously affected by the harassment, and that harassment can be prevented if victims would resist. resist (“Prime Time Sexual Harassment”, Elizabeth Grauerholz and Amy King, in Violence Against Women, Vol 3, No 2, April 1997, Sage Periodicals Press).
* In a study of 2,000 female students, 89% reported experiencing inappropriate sexual comments, gestures and looks; 83% were touched, grabbed or pinched; 40% reported these incidents occurred daily at school. (Secrets in Public: Sexual Harassment in Our Schools, Nan Stein, et al., Center for Research on Women, Wellesley College and NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund, 1993).
* Nearly half of the 832 working women in researcher Barbara Guteck's 1985 study said they had been harassed. None took any legal action. Only 22% told anybody about the harassment. (The 9to5 Guide to Combating Sexual Harassment, Ellen Bravo and Ellen Cassedy. New York : John Wiley and Sons, 1992).
* In a 1994 survey of federal workers, 44% of women and 19% of men reported they experienced some form of unwanted sexual attention within the preceding two years. (Sexual Harassment in the Federal Workplace, the U.S. Merit Systems Protections Board’s report to the President and Congress, 1995). Only 6% of those experiencing sexual harassment took formal action. The most common reason given by those who did not take formal action was they did not think the situation was serious enough to warrant it.
* Sexual harassment in the federal workplace cost the government an estimated $327 million during the two-year period from April 1992 to April 1994. (U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, 1995).
Nu cred ca toti hartuitorii sunt romani sau au fost in Romania.
***Fur is for petting** (produse eco)
Llaura spune:
Sexual harassment are alta unitate de masura pe aici, de ex povestea cu profa de franceza si elevul (cel care s-a sinucis? nu mai stiu exact), care a facut deliciul televiziunilor ce romantic ce trist hai sa lacrimam in masa, pe aici ar fi fost statutory rape parnaie direct fara multa vorba.
Mana pe c.r si vorba fara perdea faceau parte din atmosfera de servici in Ro din pacate. Sper din inima ca situatia s-a mai schimbat in ultimii ani.
ladyJ spune:
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citat din mesajul lui accept92 o veste proasta pentru tine...barbatii care se manifesta in modul discutat la subiect nu isi propun sa faca ccc cunostinata cu femeia in cauza. |
De vreo 10 ori a mentionat Conchita ca ideea acestor barbati este de a OFENSA femeia. De a o jigni, de a o face sa se simta inferioara, vulnerabila, etc si etc. Cred ca la subiectul asta s-au folosit TOATE sinonimele si adjectivele posibile pentru a descrie cat mai clar situatia. Ce dracu mai, da parca chiar vorbim chinezeste.
Te rog, Accept, renunta la a mai scoate fraze din context si ia ideea la pachet asa, toata, cum e ea prezentata de cel care o scrie.
Demult nu am mai vazut asa subiect, turnu babel era parfum.
ladyJ spune:
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citat din mesajul lui accept92
Nu cumva astea tinere sunt si mai frumusele (tot in general vorbind)? Sau e doar o coincidenta fara legatura cu subiectul discutat? Nu stiu, intreb si eu! |
Intelege, nu doar femeiel frumoase sunt agresate. NU tu spuneai ca frumusetea este un factor subiectiv, depinde de cine priveste? Pai atunci??? O tot dai inainte cu frumusetea, ai tu un fix asa.
XIO spune:
Accept , de "MILF" ai auzit?
Cand am fost in Bucuresti sa-mi iau viza pt. cele 3 zile am plecat impreuna cu mama-mea la vreo 6 dimineata spre statia de metrou. Pe drum am fost "acostate" de 2 "barbatei" , adica un tembel de vreo 10 ani care casca gura fericit si fratele lui rrom in varsta de vreo 14-16 care a vrut sa-si bage mana in decolteul memei mele. Nu a reusit iar noi nu am putut sa-i ardem cateva cretinului cum merita pt. ca era cu "gasca" in spate si doar noi 2 pe strada.
Mama unei prietena care are peste 50 de ani , nu se imbraca fantastic si nu e vreo frumusete ravisanta a fost claxonata de nu stiu cate ori pe strada.
Deci nu conteaza cum arati , ce faci , samd , conteaza ca esti acolo si ca se poate.
Exista si complimente dragute pe strazi care te fac sa zambesti , dar din pacate astea sunt 2% din taranismele care te fac sa te enervezi , respectiv care te ajuta sa-ti cladesti o rabdare de fier.
Llaura, glume fara perdea fac si eu la faculta si la spital mai tot timpul doar ca le fac cu pers. pe care le cunosc si cu care stiu ca imi permit , nu agresez vreun biet suflet nevinovat si nici nu oripilez pe nimeni.
***Fur is for petting** (produse eco)