A murit Michael Jackson!!!!
Raspunsuri - Pagina 46

Anina_n spune:
Cory, si eu sunt din categoria celor peste 30 de ani. Muzica lui Michael m-a vrajit de la inceput si chiar daca nu eram un fan infocat, cu postere, palarie, degete infasurate cu leucoplast alb, tot ii iubeam muzica.
Imi place mult ritmul melodiilor lui si linia melodica a baladelor ce le canta.
Asa mi-a atras atentia melodia, "They Don't Care About Us" si apoi versurile, care sunt un strigat catre ceea ce i se intampla dupa 1993.
Nina, mami de

Copilasi din 2002
www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_shared?p=88028d9eaeae0f93a00846" target="_blank">Fie-ti ingerii aproape, Emma, licurici scump !

danielac spune:
Am fost vrajita de concertul de aseara de la MTV, am ascultat cu lacrimi in ochi intreg concertul impreuna cu fiica mea, fascinata si ea de muzica unui OM de exceptie!
MJ a fost si va ramane unic in istoria muzicii!

hannen spune:
Anina,este superba pagina de la ProFM.Multumim!
Citesc si pling!Ascult si pling!Vorbesc cu al meu si pling!
Nici nu stiu daca ma ajuta situatia asta sau nu.Adica si al meu il placea mult,ei acum il place si mai mult.Abia acum a invatat mai multe despre el si pur si simplu nu se poate abtine sa nu asculte continuu .Cauta orice filmulet,interviu...apoi comentam amindoi.
Ma ajuta sa vorbesc cu cineva,dar tot nu ma linistesc.din contra,lacrimile o iau la vale cu mai mare viteza.
cory,si eu stiu mai mult versiunea cu prison,decit cealalta.Parca asta s-a difuzat cel mai mult la noi,la MCM parca!parca asa-i zicea postului ala.Si ai dreptate cind vorbesti de Elvis,Beatles...nu stiu,Michael a fost altceva,a fost "al nostru".Foarte frumos ai povestit cum ai uitat sa te asezi pe canapea!
Hannen mamica de trei printzese Amira
I want to tell the world... a Story
Occupation 101: Voice of the Silenced Majority
The Future`s So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades
"In a world filled with hate,we must still dare to hope.In a world filled with anger,we must still dare to comfort.In a world filled with despair ,we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust,we must dare to believe."-Michael Jackson

Alexia27 spune:
Ma doare...ma doare rau, din ce in ce mai rau. Pe masura ce trec orele si apar noi stiri, parca din ce in ce constientizez ca nu mai este. Nu ma pot concentra la nimic, nici sa citesc, nici nimic. Vreau sa ma uit la cate un clip si nu pot; nu pot sa-l vad asa de viu pe scena si mintea sa imi spuna ca de fapt e undeva fara suflare...citesc mesaje de adio si plang, va citesc pe voi si ma doare fizic...e o durere organica, o simt in piept...am vazut pe CNN ca vor sa-l inmormanteze tocmai marti, si nu la Neverland...nu pot gandi clar, nu stiu ce e cu mine...
Fii TU disponibil cand vrea copilul, nu-l fa pe el disponibil cand vrei tu!

z333 spune:
Exclusive: it seems like AEG Live no longer wants to wait to show video proof of Michael Jackson’s fitness and health. Sources say the concert promoter will likely release some “live” video clips from Jackson’s rehearsals either late tonight or early tomorrow. The release will not be exclusive but rather like a movie release—wide—to get the most impact. The clips will show Jackson dancing, singing, and directing his show, interacting with cast members as they put together the “This Is It” tour for London. Photos from the tour were distributed days ago by AEG; there’s also talk of a DVD to come.
If this doesn’t dispel the idea that Jackson was frail or incoherent, nothing will. Stay tuned…
R.I.P Michael!!! You'll always be in my heart

z333 spune:
si am mai gasit ceva...
The Michael Jackson funeral is scheduled for 10 a.m. on Tuesday, July 7, at Los Angeles’ Staples Center. Sources tell me that AEG Live, which owns Staples and next-door neighbor Nokia Theatre, will use both facilities and the surrounding plaza.
There’s no official confirmation yet, but I’m told all systems are go.
Insiders also say that AEG will put gigantic screens outside the facilities for the thousands who will not get inside. No word yet on how ticketing will be handled.
In order to do this, the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, scheduled to begin its run at Staples on July 8, had to be persuaded to postpone moving into Staples by several hours.
Insert your own circus joke here.
Somehow it seems appropriate. It will be a day for the Greatest Show on Earth to follow The Biggest Funeral in History. Jackson would love this, that’s for sure.
Earlier speculation had the funeral being held everywhere from Neverland to Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.
R.I.P Michael!!! You'll always be in my heart

danielac spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui luminitaguba Exclusive: it seems like AEG Live no longer wants to wait to show video proof of Michael Jackson’s fitness and health. Sources say the concert promoter will likely release some “live” video clips from Jackson’s rehearsals either late tonight or early tomorrow. The release will not be exclusive but rather like a movie release—wide—to get the most impact. The clips will show Jackson dancing, singing, and directing his show, interacting with cast members as they put together the “This Is It” tour for London. Photos from the tour were distributed days ago by AEG; there’s also talk of a DVD to come. If this doesn’t dispel the idea that Jackson was frail or incoherent, nothing will. Stay tuned… R.I.P Michael!!! You'll always be in my heart |
abia astept sa vad!
vorba lor, daca nici acum nu se va vedea ca el era ok inainte de a muri..

danat spune:
Da, ok, si eu astept sa vad (cu toate ca nu stiu unde, astia pe aici nu dau f multe despre MJ, dar cine stie..) insa si daca vom vedea ca a fost ok, in forma, in putere...la ce ne mai foloseste? Cu atit mai mult nu avea nici un motiv sa plece asa repede si stupid...si ramine un mister si o aberatie tot ce s-a intamplat.
Fetelor, eu am 40j de anisori, asa ca l-am savurat din "scutece" pe MJ si prima melodie auzita cu el a fost:
Era ceva cu totul nou pt anii '80 ritmul asta si m-a fermecat din prima clipa vocea lui, melodia, mi se par foarte sexy


www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4s16pzRYqU" target="_blank">
"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and make a Change"
"Man in the Mirror" - Michael Jackson

hannen spune:
danat,stai linistita ca orice apare pe "piata" e pe net in secunda doi.Asa ca sigur o sa ai unde sa vezi.
Vorba ta,daca il vedem ca era ok,sanatos,in stare sa sustina un concert,doua,noua,poate 50 ,la ce ne foloseste?Sa ne ofticam si mai tare??
Hannen mamica de trei printzese Amira
I want to tell the world... a Story
Occupation 101: Voice of the Silenced Majority
The Future`s So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades
"In a world filled with hate,we must still dare to hope.In a world filled with anger,we must still dare to comfort.In a world filled with despair ,we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust,we must dare to believe."-Michael Jackson

iarina spune:
Fetelor, ma scuzati ca n-am trimis link-uri, m-am impotmolit la lucru si in subiectul cu Rosia Montana, unde, uimitor, se discuta Michael. Cum ajung acasa, pun link-urile.