Ce nu trebuie sa faca o insarcinata
Raspunsuri - Pagina 2

july_g spune:
Dragele mele,
Daca ar fi sa ne luam dupa tot ce scrie pe aici ar trebui sa traim cu aer. eu cred ca avem voie de toate dar in cantitati mici, in asa fel incat organismul sa le poata asimila. Sa nu uitam ca puiul nostru are nevoie de hrana: peste nu, pui nu ca are gripa aviara, vitel nu ca are boala vacii nebune, porc nu ca are prea multe toxine, lapte nu ca vine de la vaca nebuna, oua nu ca au gripa, etc. Sorry, dar eu sunt vegetariana: imi place o singura leguma: CARNEA.
Cred ca v-am binedispus. Si eu sunt ingrijorata pentru ceea ce trebuie sa mananc. Am ajuns obsedata de mancare. Nu-mi place laptele dar beau intre 600 si 900 ml pe zi. Nu mai mult ca nu face bine Si asa mai departe.
Va pup.
Iulia 6+


mariana_1976 spune:
Dragele mele,
Aici cu privire la peste,ni se da o lista cu anumite specii pe care ar trebui sa le evitam in perioada sarcinii.Suedia este considerata o tara f.putin poluata,dar din pacate nu am informatiile necesare ca sa afirm ceva in acest sens despre Romania...
In orice caz,pestii din crescatorii artificiale sunt recomandabili,iar cei mai periculosi ar fi cica cei din ape dulci si mici.(lacuri,riulete,etc)
numai bine tuturor


TweetyGeo spune:
Ciuf, chiar ne foloseste listuta. Daca o postai mai devreme, ce bine era. Pot sa spun ca toata sarcina am vomat o singura data: cand am mancat un crenwursti. Daca stiam ca n-am voie . Numai ca ma gandesc mereu la nepotul meu care manca in fiecare zi vreo doi, trei pana a facut 2 ani si nu i-a fost rau.
Am mancat si peste, dar foarte putin. Nu cred ca are cum sa-mi afecteze. Laptele l-am evitat pe cel nepasteurizat. Iar cafea mai beau cate una la 3, 4 zile.
BB mic a lui GEO


lavi02 spune:
Din cate am citit eu in carti pt gravide pestele e foarte bun si chiar necesar. Contine zinc, fosfor, proteine, e o carne usoara si in general nu e gras. Poate exista zone in care pestele e infestat cu mercur, dar mi se pare o aiureala recomandarea generala sa nu mananci peste. eu din contra, incerc sa mananc peste o data pe saptamana!
Excesul de vitamina A (peste 5000 UI zilnic parca) face rau bebelusului. Din acest notiv nu luati suplimente de vitamine decat din cele speciale pentru gravide, care au un continut mai scazut de vitamina A decat cele pentru "oameni normali".


liris spune:
What Couples Need To Know Right Now
by Niels H. Lauersen, M.D., PH.D. and Colette Bouchez
Copyright 1991
Some of the most exciting advances in reproductive medicine are the breakthroughs for the prevention of miscarriage. Today, there are a multitude of ways your doctor can help protect your conception and you and your partner can reduce your risk of pregnancy loss even if you have miscarried in the past. Among my own patients I have seen couples who had been plagued with the frustration of seemingly unexplained recurring miscarriages conceive and deliver healthy babies, using the simplest of these preventative new treatments.
Medically called a spontaneous abortion, for most couples a miscarriage normally happens only one time. The cause is usually an isolated chromosomal abnormality, which occurs when fertilization involves a defective egg or sperm. This blighted ovum, as it is called, is simply too weak to survive. As a result, sometime in the first twenty weeks of pregnancy it detaches from the uterus and leaves the body.
Under most circumstances, the next attempt at conception is healthy.
In fact, because reproductive hormones are usually at their peak just prior to a miscarriage, I often advise my patients to try for another pregnancy as soon as one month following their loss. When they do, most find this second conception is faster and easier, not to mention healthy.
For some prospective parents, however, pregnancy loss is not an isolated event. A growing number of couples are continually plagued with what is medically called habitual abortion. For these couples, some factor either in their personal biology or in their lifestyle continually interferes with either the quality of their conceptions or the implantation process. They are, in fact, considered infertile, unable to deliver a child.
In the past, recurring miscarriage was linked primarily to two factors:
¨ Structural abnormalities. This normally means that some kind of blockage or deviation in your uterus or a weakness in your cervix is interfering with the successful implantation and/or growth and development of a fertilized egg.
¨ Chromosomal abnormalities. Here, chronically defective genetic material in your eggs or your partner’s sperm continually creates embryos that are too weak to survive.
Now, however, much has changed. Although both structural and chromosomal abnormalities still account for a good number of recurring miscarriages, we now know there are a significant number of other biological reasons for pregnancy loss, including:
#9658; Hormone imbalance #9658; Infection
#9658; Endometriosis #9658; Sperm allergy
#9658; Stress #9658; Thyroid malfunction
#9658; Diabetes #9658; Immune system deficiencies
While not all women who have these problems will inevitably miscarry, there is a significant correlation between certain biological factors and a tendency toward miscarriage.
#9827; A history of premature labor and/or premature birth #9827; Your mother took DES
#9827; Age – if you are over thirty #9827; A history of four or more abortions
#9827; Endometriosis #9827; A history of PID or repeated bouts with STDs
#9827; Difficulty in conceiving #9827; Recurring urinary tract infections
DES – Diethylstilbestrol is a synthetic female hormone widely used in the 1950s to
Help control miscarriage and linked to reproductive problems in offspring
PID – Pelvic Inflammatory Disease; STD – Sexually Transmitted Disease
Alone, and even more so in combination with some of the high-risk lifestyle factors (smoking and drug and alcohol use), any of these biological conditions may increase your chances for miscarriage.
MISCARRIAGE ALERT: The new high-risk factor
A startling new discovery made by British researchers has shown that LH (the hormone responsible for ovulation) may be an important link to miscarriage.
The study, conducted by Dr. Lesley Regan, Dr. Elisabeth Owen, and Professor Howard Jacobs, all of the Rosie Maternity Hospital and University College of Medicine, Cambridge, England, involved 193 women all planning to get pregnant. After testing it was found that those women who had an elevated serum LH level prior to getting pregnant (tested on the seventh day of their menstrual cycle), had a miscarriage rate of 65 percent, as compared with 12 percent for those who had a normal LH reading.
Although the results of the study (recently reported in Lancet, a British medical journal) are still inconclusive, they indicate that having your LH level tested prior to conceiving may alert you to the need for special precautions after you conceive, including taking special medications and being especially careful to avoid high-risk factors such as cigarettes, caffeine, alcohol, and VDT (Video Display Terminal, such as Computer Monitor or TV) terminals.
You could make some lifestyle changes such as quit smoking or alcohol and drug using, to help you have a healthier conception. Many of them can help you avoid miscarriage as well. Later in this chapter you will discover several more key things that you and your partner can do to help ensure your pregnancy. Self-help, however, is by no means the whole story. There are medical treatments for the prevention of miscarriage, ways that, together with your doctor, you can take complete control of your pregnancy and increase your odds to an all-time high. The following guide presents some of the newest medical information you need. I have seen all the therapies mentioned result in successful births.
Most fertility specialists now agree that having three or more consecutive pregnancy losses is a sign that a serious biological malfunction may exist. I, however, have always believed that any pregnancy loss is a sign that a patient needs extra attention and treatment. In order to avoid future difficulties, I urge you to seek at least a preliminary fertility evaluation if you have miscarried even once.
Breakthrough 1: The Immune System Booster That Is Saving Babies
Because your developing fetus is a mixture of your tissue and your partner’s, under ordinary circumstances your body would recognize this combination as foreign and begin treating it much like an invading microorganism: Your immune system would manufacture antibodies to destroy it. In order to keep this from happening, nature has provided you with an automatic protective biological response to pregnancy – blocking antibodies. They keep your body from attacking your baby. You begin to manufacture them the moment you become pregnant.
When, however, a particular kind of deficiency in your immune system exists, the blocking antibodies are not made. As a result, your body views your baby as a hostile invader, and your immune system goes to work to destroy it. The result: recurring miscarriage (Este ceea ce in termeni populari se nume#351;te sarcin#259; toxic#259;).
How This Treatment Can Help You
While researching the causes and effects of immune system stimulation, researchers made an astonishing discovery. When the white blood cells of your partner (or any suitable donor) are injected into your body, you begin to manufacture the blocking antibody !
According to Dr. D. Ware Branch of the University of Utah College of Medicine, one of the pioneers of this treatment, once immunized with their partner’s(or a donor’s) white blood cells, more than 70 percent of the women studied were able to successfully conceive and deliver. Injections normally begin just prior to conception and continue for several weeks into your pregnancy.
Although widely used in Europe and currently a mainstay in fertility clinics throughout England, where researchers have found it both safe and effective, this treatment is still considered experimental in the United States. (A few researchers here have suggested further testing is needed to determine if it may slightly increase the risk of birth defects and/or low-birthweight babies.)
To locate a medical center performing white blood cell immunotherapy in your area, contact the American Fertility Society or RESOLVE, a national support group for couples with fertility problems, listed below.
American Fertility Society RESOLVE
2140 Eleventh Avenue South 5 Water Street
Suite 200 Arlington, MA 02174
Birmingham, AL 35205-2800 1-800-662-1016
(205) 933 – 8494 Self-help for infertile couples, physician referrals, IVF information, etc.
Free list of IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) clinics, $1 guide (in 1990) to selecting the right one.
You Might Need This Treatment If:
· You have unexplained recurring miscarriages.
· Your partner’s sperm tests normal.
· You have miscarried any babies conceived via laboratory assistance, such as artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization.
Breakthrough 2: How Baby Aspirin Can Save Your Pregnancy
Another type of immune system deficiency, one that causes a blood-clotting disorder, may also be responsible for a significant number of recurring miscarriages. According to researchers at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, when certain antibodies are present in your system, you can develop blood clots in the vessels leading to your baby’s placenta, the sac by which he or she receives nourishment from your body. These clots can keep vital nutrients from reaching your baby, who, as a result, may never develop sufficiently to sustain life.
How This Treatment Can Help You
Although a variety of drugs have been used in the experimental treatment of clotting disorder, research shows that when administered under the guidance of your physician, one of the most successful, in terms of preventing miscarriage, is baby aspirin. Thought to thin your blood sufficiently to keep the nutrient-blocking clots from forming, baby aspirin also helps to keep your blood flow even and consistent, which means your baby’s nourishment is also more regular.
Other studies have shown that baby aspirin may also help stimulate your immune system, strenghtening your ability to manufacture the blocking antibodies and thus giving your pregnancy an extra edge of protection.
The recommended dosage is one baby aspirin daily, starting about two weeks prior to when you plan to conceive and continuing into the first trimester of your pregnancy. While the use of aspirin at any time during pregnancy was once believed to be tied to some birth defects, the latest studies reported in the New England Journal of Medicine have shown that taking aspirin early in your pregnancy is safe. A recent FDA ruling requires all products containing aspirin to carry warning labels pertaining to use in pregnancy; this warning, however, refers primarily to those effects that have a slight chance of occurring in the third trimester of your pregnancy and/or during delivery.
You Might Need This Treatment If:
· You have unexplained recurring miscarriages.
· You test positive for autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus.
· Your blood test is positive for the presence of anticardiolipin antibodies, the biochemical responsible for this condition.
Breakthrough 3: The Natural Hormone Supplement That Can Save Your
One of the most common causes of miscarriage is a faulty implantation. That is, although your conception was healthy and your fetus is in good shape, it fails to adequately attach to your uterus. When this occurs, your baby cannot be properly nourished. In addition, if the implantation is exceptionally weak, normal movement is sometimes enough to shake it loose, and cause you miscarry.
Although a number of factors can cause a faulty or weak implantation, the latest research shows one of the most common is a lack of progesterone, a hormone that is manufactured after ovulation and serves to soften and condition the lining of your uterus, making implantation healthier and stronger. When progesterone is in short supply during the second half of your menstrual cycle (this is called a luteal phase defect), your uterine lining remains rigid. This can either prevent implantation from occurring or cause any that does occur to be weak.
How This Treatment Can Help You
By taking progesterone supplements prior to conceiving, you help ensure that the amount of this hormone necessary for a healthy implantation is present in your body. In addition, progesterone supplements taken after conception can prevent miscarriage by helping to keep prostaglandin levels from rising too high. When this hormone-like substance is elevated, severe uterine cramping, similar to labor pains, can occur, causing you to expel your fetus.
Although the treatment is safe for you and your baby (no negative side effects have been reported), it’s important that only natural progesterone supplements be used in this treatment. Most synthetic forms of this hormone (like the kind found in some birth control pills) will have no beneficial effects. However, some fertility clinics have recently reported success with hydroxyprogesterone caproate, a long-lasting synthetic progesterone.
An extra bonus: Studies show that if you use natural progesterone suppositories during the early part of your pregnancy, your baby may be more intelligent than those born to mothers do not use this supplement.
You Might Need This Treatment If:
· Blood and/or urine tests indicate low progesterone levels during the last two weeks of any menstrual cycle.
· Your body temperature does not rise after ovulation, or it fluctuates intensely. Using the BBT (Basal Body Temperature) guide in Chapter Thirteen, you can help detect a progesterone deficiency by watching for a significant temperature increase of about one degree after ovulation. If it does not occur, progesterone may be deficient.
· Your menstrual cycles are irregular. This can also indicate a hormone imbalance strong enough to affect your pregnancy.
Breakthrough 4: How To Use a Condom To Prevent Miscarriage
In much the same way that you can be allergic to strawberries or roses, you can also be allergic to your partner’s sperm. As a result, your body begins making sperm antibodies the moment he ejaculates into your vagina. Aimed at destroying what your body perceives as a deadly invader, the antibodies create an environment so hostile that it becomes difficult or almost impossible for sperm to survive. In most cases, the sperm will die, and no pregnancy will occur, which is why sperm antibodies are a leading cause of infertility. However, when your antibody reaction is mild to moderate, sperm may only be defected. The sperm is still able to fertilize an egg so conception takes place. But because the sperm is defective, that conception is usually too weak or too frail to survive, thus setting the miscarriage process in motion.
How this Treatment Can Help You
As devastating as a sperm allergy can be, recent research has revealed that through regular, unvarying use of condoms for up to one year (or longer) you may be able to lessen your immune system response to your partner’s sperm. Working on the same principle used to trat food allergies, where abstinence can decrease sensitivity, by avoiding direct contact with your partner’s sperm for as little as six to twelve months, it is now believed, you can gradually decrease your sensitivity. Condom therapy is usually accompanied by specific tests designed to measure your level of sperm antibodies at three-month intervals. When antibody production falls low enough, you are free to conceive without fear of miscarriage.
You Might Need This Treatment If:
· You have unexplained miscarriages.
· You test positive for the presence of antisperm antibodies in your cervical mucus
· Your partner’s sperm tests normal.
Coffee, Cigarettes, and Alcohol: The Miscarriage Connection
· Consume more than 150 mg of caffeine daily (about two cups of coffee or three colas) and you are more likely to experience a miscarriage than women who consume less.
Researchers now believe that undue or prolonged physical or emotional tension can significantly reduce the supply of blood to your fetus. This, in turn, can weaken your conception and lead to miscarriage. In addition, stress may play a role in the movement of your fallopian tubes, sending them into spasms significant enough to move your fertilized egg into your uterus before the endometrium (uterine lining) is thick and/or soft enough for a healthy implantation. If it occurs, any implantation that takes place can be weak and faulty, depriving your baby of nourishment.
The consequence – an implantation that is not sufficiently attached to your body and can easily be torn loose and lost.
The good news here is that, for most women, moderate exercise will not harm a pregnancy. In fact, unless your implantation is extremely weak, even direct injuries to your abdomen will likely do little harm. The key, however, is moderation. Never overdo workouts while you are pregnant, or even a healthy implantation can suffer.
The connection is your body temperature, which is naturally higher when you are pregnant. Extremely vigorous workouts can quickly and easily bring body heat into the danger zone. When your body overheats, your baby overheats as well. While your system allows excess heat to escape through your skin, your baby has no such opportunity and remains hotter a lot longer. When the heat is excessive enough for a long enough period of time, as in an aerobic dance class lasts an hour or more, your baby can grow so hot that a miscarriage spontaneously occurs.
To help guard against pregnancy loss, take the following precautions:
§ Stop any vigorous exercise once you become pregnant. It is especially important to perform only moderate to mild workouts in your first trimester.
§ Make certain all workout programs are preapproved by your doctor, especially after you conceive.
§ If you show any signs of weak implantation, including brown staining or bleeding in any amount, or, if you are at high risk for miscarriage, refrain from any exercise during the first trimester of your pregnancy or until your doctor says it’s okay to resume working out.
Patients who have miscarried frequently ask whether intercourse could have caused their pregnancy loss. One of my patients was so convinced that her husband’s very active sex drive had somehow caused her miscarriage, that she remained cold and sexually unresponsive to him for weeks. This, as you can imagine, was not a very advantageous situation for a couple trying to conceive their first child.
The truth is, if your body is normal and healthy, especially if you are young and your conception is strong, sex will not harm your pregnancy. However, if you are at high risk for miscarriage – if you are over age thirty, have had endometriosis, or have had difficulty conceiving – or if you have any other high-risk factors mentioned earlier, then, yes, sex during the first few weeks of your pregnancy, maybe even during the first trimester, can be harmful.
What sexual activities can harm your pregnancy the most ?
¨ Heavy penile thrusting
¨ Intense pelvic activity, especially rocking
¨ Deep penetration
¨ Anal sex
¨ Repeated pounding on your uterus
¨ Use of vibrators
The motions that accompany all these activities can shake loose a weak implantation or force your fallopian tube or your uterus into a spasm that expels your fertilized egg.
In addition, because sperm contain high levels of prostaglandin, the chemical that causes painful uterine contractions of menstrual cramps and labor, continual or frequent ejaculations into your vagina can induce dangerous tubal or uterine contractions that can expel any implantation that is even a little weak.
Finally, orgasm, with or without penetration, can have similar negative results – if you are at high risk.
Should you avoid sex during the start of your pregnancy ? If you are at high risk for a miscarriage, yes – for at least the first eight weeks following conception.
If possible, avoid sex for the first three to four months.
In a recent study by the California state government it was learned that women who drank bottle water had a lower rate of miscarriage than those who drank tap water. Why ? The toxins in some tap water have been found to be dangerous to a developing fetus.
In a study of 1,700 births by the University of Colorado Medical Center it was found that the use of water beds during pregnancy can sharply increase your risk of miscarriage. The reason ? Electrical fields present in this environment have been found to disturb fetal development.
Derived from vitamin A and used to treat severe cases of acne, the medication Acutane is one of the most harmful drugs connected to pregnancy problems. When taken during pregnancy, it can contribute to miscarriage, as well as causing an increase in the risk of birth defects. I strongly advise you to not to use this medication unless you have completed your family.
1. Check with your doctor about taking 333 mg of erythromycin daily for 6 weeks to reduce the possibility of infections linked to miscarriage.
2. Continue taking prenatal vitamins.
3. Stop all alcohol consumption.
4. Avoid use of any products containing caffeine.
5. Avoid all sources of radiation, including VDTs (Video Display Terminal), electric blankets, heating pads, water beds, color TV (sit at least ten feet away from the front and the back at all times), microwave ovens, airport or other security x-rays, and medical x-rays.
6. Sleep on your left side to increase blood flow to your baby.
7. Avoid exceptionally strenuous exercise.
8. If your doctor determines you have an incompetent cervix, you should receive a Shirodkar suture no later than your 14th week of pregnancy.
9. Limit medication to those items absolutely necessary, and avoid use of any recreational drugs.
10. With your doctor’s permission, take one baby aspirin daily for the first 8 to 10 weeks of your pregnancy.
11. Avoid heavy lifting.
12. Avoid sex for six to 8 weeks after conceiving.
13. Receive injections and/or use suppositories of natural progesterone for the first 8 weeks of pregnancy.
While it was once believed that any attempt by a fetus to leave a mother’s body was a sign that the pregnancy was not a healthy one, this is no longer the case. Today, studies show that in many instances of impending miscarriage the baby is healthy, so all possible steps should be taken to prevent a pregnancy loss. First, and most important, you must know the warning signs of miscarriage and report them to your doctor immediately:
¨ Blood spotting (more than a slight pink stain; brown stains are of special concern)
¨ Bleeding in any intensity
¨ Cramping, no matter how mild
¨ Dizziness
¨ Burning headache
¨ Swelling of joints
¨ Excessive nausea or vomiting
¨ Fever
¨ Extreme or especially sudden fatigue
¨ Fainting
¨ Severe or sudden backache
¨ Sudden loss of pregnancy symptoms
When any of the signs of miscarriage appear, you must call your doctor immediately. It is likely that he or she will ask you to come to the office or the hospital for an examination.
The first step is usually a pelvic exam to determine if your cervix is still closed. Next, a sonogram may be given to determine the exact environment of your uterus and to see if your baby is healthy. Finally, you should be given a blood test to measure your levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), the hormonal indication of pregnancy.
If your cervix is still closed, beta hCG levels are elevated, and your sonogram shows that your baby is okay, your pregnancy is said to be in a state of threatened abortion, and there is a good chance that your baby can be saved if you take a few simple precautions:
· Get plenty of bed rest. If possible, remain in bed for at least 24 to 48 hours.
· Elevate your feet as much as possible.
· Lie on your left side to increase blood flow to your baby.
· Stay in close touch with your doctor.
Your doctor should administer an injection of natural progesterone, followed by treatment with natural progesterone suppositories, or additional injections.
Talk to your doctor about prescribing 333 mg of erythromycin twice a day for 2 weeks to ward off any infections.
If additional symptoms appear or if problems subside and then begin again, call your doctor immediately. If heavy bleeding persists and you can’t reach your doctor, go directly to the nearest hospital emergency room and tell them you are pregnant.
To ensure healthy pregnancies in the future, make certain you receive the proper treatment and care after your miscarriage. Depending on the type of pregnancy loss you experience and when in your gestational term your loss occurs, your miscarriage will be classified in one of three distinct categories, each with its own treatment.
1. The complete abortion. When this occurs, the placenta has completely torn away from your uterine wall and your fetus is fully expelled into your vagina. Normally, bleeding will slow down and eventually stop, all pain will subside, and your uterus will begin contracting, returning to its normal shape and size. When this occurs, there is usually no residual tissue left, and your miscarriage is said to be complete. Although this determination must be made by your doctor, normally no further treatment is needed.
2. The incomplete abortion. Although a miscarriage has occured, your placenta may still be partly attached to your uterus, and/or remnants of fetal tissue may be left inside. Because of this, your uterus cannot contract as it normally should, and the blood flow resulting from the miscarriage process cannot be stopped. As a result, severe bleeding, sometimes leading to shock, can occur. Also, fetal tissue that is not completely discharged can lead to infection and create blockages that can cause infertility. The best treatment is a suction evacuation followed by a D&C, which surgically scrapes your uterus and removes all remaining fetal tissue.
3. Missed abortion. This occurs when your fetus dies sometime before your 20th week of pregnancy but remains inside your body. There was likely no bleeding or pain, and your cervix was not dilated and remains closed. The first signs of a missed abortion are the absence of obvious pregnancy symptoms, along with lack of weight gain, decrease in breast size, and lack of fetal movement. A pregnancy blood test (hCG) and a sonogram will help confirm a missed abortion, which always requires a suction evacuation or D&C as soon as a diagnosis is made.
Because it is vital that your miscarriage be accurately categorized and treated, never try to diagnose your own pregnancy loss. Seek medical attention whenever you believe your pregnancy is in jeopardy, and get the proper follow-up care after a miscarriage occurs. This not only could save your baby but it might preserve your future fertility as well.
Even if turns out that you do lose more than one pregnancy, don’t give up hope.
I recently treated a patient who had miscarried 12 times but wouldn’t give up. After no fewer than 5 doctors had told her it was hopeless, we discovered she was harboring a little-known (and hard-to-diagnose) parasite. Once the infection had been cleared (it took just 14 days of antibiotic treatment), she conceived naturally, and delivered a full-term, healthy baby !
ooooo....aceste cuvinte ne doare!


Siminaf spune:
Cred ca articolul emai vechiutz!
1. Ideea de a lua antibiotic preventiv este absolut stupida. Adica sa te incarci cu chimicale! Ce bine-i poate face lui bebe, mai alea in primul trimestru, cind are loc organogeneza?!? Si nu este universal-valabila Eritromicina, deci poate o iei chiar degebutza!
2. Aspirina este TOTAL CONTRAINDICATA in sarcina: in primul trimestru si datorita efectului teratogen pe care s-a dovedit ca-l are (dar asta nu se stia prin '91), iar in ultimele 2 trimestre datorita posibilelor singerari ce pot aparea = de aici pierderea sarcinii sau nastere prematura.
De restul nu ma mai leg, ca astea 2 super-sfaturi mi se par suficiente ca exemplu!!!
Simina & Andrei (Deiutzu) & bb2 din burtica
Virsta bebe2
Virsta Deiu
Home, wherever you are...
Excursie la Lake Arrowhead
Laguna Beach
Beach Cities


ciuf spune:
Dragele mele,
Daca ar fi sa ne luam dupa tot ce scrie pe aici ar trebui sa traim cu aer. eu cred ca avem voie de toate dar in cantitati mici, in asa fel incat organismul sa le poata asimila. Sa nu uitam ca puiul nostru are nevoie de hrana: peste nu, pui nu ca are gripa aviara, vitel nu ca are boala vacii nebune, porc nu ca are prea multe toxine, lapte nu ca vine de la vaca nebuna, oua nu ca au gripa, etc. Sorry, dar eu sunt vegetariana: imi place o singura leguma: CARNEA.
Cred ca v-am binedispus. Si eu sunt ingrijorata pentru ceea ce trebuie sa mananc. Am ajuns obsedata de mancare. Nu-mi place laptele dar beau intre 600 si 900 ml pe zi. Nu mai mult ca nu face bine Si asa mai departe.
Va pup.
Iulia 6+
Iulia, eu stiu o treaba. Nu ma pot aseza intr-o sticla pe toata perioada sarcinii ca sa fiu protejata la maxim, dar macar este bine sa cunosc riscurile. Si asta am si cautat sa fac cand am postat acest mesaj informativ. De ce sa nu minimizez riscul, ca si asa nu se stie ce gene transportam la bebelusi???
Si, intradevar, cele expuse mai sus sunt valabile in cazul unor expuneri prelungite. Nu daca o faci o data, gata te si gandesti ca ai facut rau copilului si se va naste bolnav, iar tu toata sarcina vei fi o obsedata de ideea asta.
Numai bine,
Ciuf si Luca
Camera lui Luca/Finding Nemo


liris spune:
si io tot carne maninc cu cea mai mare placere. dar acum imi fac spanac si alte chestii d'astea, ma strimb si fac ca toate alea dupa care le ingurgitez. dc e bine ptr ala micu o fac.
ziceti ca n-are nimic asa o data?! ca eu azi vreau la Mc Donalds.... un picut. apoi eu maninc multe mincaruri facute la microunde.. fierte adica, dar le las cele 10 minute perioada de gratie , de "linistire".
faza cu aspirina si pe mine m-a contrariat un pic, eu stiu de baby aspirine ptr cei in virsta, Larry King zicea ca ea una zilnic... dar imi suna total aiurea sa iau ceva asa ceva in sarcina. nu am motive stiintifice, doar imi suna ciudat.
ooooo....aceste cuvinte ne doare!


july_g spune:
Imi pare rau daca te-am suparat, Ciuf! E adevarat ca daca stii, poti sa previi. Dar m-a enervat chestia cu pestele! La noi, tocmai cica circula gripa aviara si boala vacii nebune. Eram fericita ca macar peste pot sa mananc. Si hop, apare articolul tradus de tine! Normal ca am vazut negru inaintea ochilor! A trebuit sa renunt la multe cand am aflat ca sunt insarcinata(sa nu crezi ca am vreun regret) iar pestele era una dintre placerile pe care nu mi le refuzam.
Sunt iertata?????????????????????
Va pup, Iulia


ciuf spune:
Iulia, scuze daca mesajul meu a parut mai rautacios. Nu m-am suparat pe tine. Nu ma ciufulesc eu asa cu una cu doua.
Numai bine
Ciuf si Luca
