FIV cu ovocite donate
FIV cu ovocite donate
De multe ori acesta este un subiect tabu datorita implicatiilor sociale, implicatiilor emotionale asupra vietii de cuplu dar si datorita faptului ca in Romania traficul de ovocite este ilegal. Conform legii, organizarea sau efectuarea prelevarii de celule umane pentru transplant, in scopul obtineri unui profit material pentru donator sau organizator constituie infractiune. Ce inseamna de fapt acest lucru? Inseamna ca poti face fertilizare in vitro in Romania dar ca trebuie sa iti gasesti o persoana care sa iti doneze ovocite fara sa accepte nici o compensatie materiala. Pentru cei care doresc sa apeleze la rude sau prieteni, varianta FIV-ului cu ovocite donate in Romania este o solutie viabila. Dar din pacate nu exista nici o posibilitate de a face fertilizare in vitro in tara cu donatoare anonima. Sau cel putin eu, nu am gasit-o. Asa ca singura varianta este cea a FIV-ului in tari in care donarea de ovocite este permisa: Cehia, Slovacia, Spania, Grecia, etc. Din pacate costurile sunt destul de ridicate si perioada de asteptare este de multe ori destul de indelungata. Aceasta sunt de multe ori motivele care ne fac sa ne fie destul de greu sa ne hotaram asupra unei clinici. Va invit sa discutam aici si sa ne impartasim experientele legate de clinicile din afara tarii care fac fiv cu donare de ovocite dar si despre posibilitatile de a face fiv cu ovocite donate (de la donator anonim) in Romania. O sa fac o lista a clinicilor pe care le-am gasit eu in cautarile mele si va astept si pe voi cu completari la aceasta lista. Asteptam si alte informatii utile precum costuri, posibilitati de cazare, transport, etc.
Cehia" target="_blank"> Clinic for Reproductive Medicine and Gynaecology
Telephone: 00420 725 005 219, Email:
FIV cu ovocite donate (sincronizare ciclu cu al donatoarei): 3.900 EUR, Perioada de asteptare - 3-4 luni
(Nu trebuie neaparat sa mergeti la clinica pentru consultatia preliminara. Aceasta poate fi virtuala ceea ce implica doar completarea unor documente ce se pot descarca de pe site-ul lor si trimiterea acestora prin email.)" target="_blank"> Reprofit International
Telephone: 00420 544 527 156, Email:
FIV cu ovocite donate (sincronizare ciclu cu al donatoarei): 3.900 EUR, Perioada de asteptare - 8-11 luni
(Nu trebuie neaparat sa mergeti la clinica pentru consultatia preliminara. Aceasta poate fi virtuala ceea ce implica doar completarea unor documente ce se pot descarca de pe site-ul lor si trimiterea acestora prin email.)" target="_blank"> SANATORIUM HELIOS
Telephone: 00420 731 416 420, Email:
FIV cu ovocite donate (sincronizare ciclu cu al donatoarei): 4.200 EUR, Perioada de asteptare - 8-12 luni
FIV cu ovocite donate (ciclu nesincronizat): 3.700 EUR, Perioada de asteptare - 4-8 luni
Victoria Clinic
Telephone: 0038 044 425-51-66, Email:
FIV cu ovocite donate: 3.500 EUR
Polonia" target="_blank"> Invicta
Telephone: 0048 022 892 93 60, Email:
FIV cu ovocite donate: 9.000 PLN (~2.350 EUR), Perioada de asteptare - 4-6 luni
Grecia" target="_blank"> emBIO Medical Center
Telephone: 0030 210 6774179
FIV cu ovocite donate: 4.500 EUR" target="_blank"> Fertility Center Chania
Telephone: 0030 2821090955, Email: or
FIV cu ovocite donate: 5.000 EUR
Slovacia" target="_blank"> Ferticent
Telephone: 0042 12 482 116 10, Email:
FIV cu ovocite donate: 6.000 EUR, Perioada de asteptare - 10-12 luni
mami_vreau32 ani, AMH = 0.26, FIV 1 nereusit Giulesti - Marinescu (1 embrion transferat), FIV 2 nereusit Budapesta - Kovacs (1 embrion transferat), urmeaza FIV 3 tot cu ovocite proprii tot la Budapesta - Kovacs si in caz de rezultat negativ urmeaza FIV 4 cu ovocite donate la Reprofit Brno in dec 2010
cristmAMH <0,05, 1 Ia nereusita la Timisoara; CM de 3, 4 ori pe an
misa_2145 ani, AMH = 0.18, FIV 1 nereusit - Sibiu, FIV 2 intrerupt - Biogenesis, FIV 3 cu ovocite donate la Sofia - reusit cu gemeni dar a pierdut sarcina, urmeaza transferul embrionilor congelati tot la Sofia! Bafta!
adria4242 ani, FSH = 16.8, 3 IA la Bucuresti, FIV 1 nereusit Budapesta- Kovacs, uremaza FIV 2 tot cu ovocite proprii tot la Budapesta - Kovacs. Dr. K i-a recomandat dupa primul FIV, datorita raspunsului slab la stimulare, FIV cu donatoare de ovocite.
luminika33 ani, a trecut prin mai multe interventii chirurgicale in care si-a pierdut ovarele si trompele, deci singura sansa de a deveni mamica este FIV cu donare.
flori7040 ani, se pregateste pentru primul FIV cu ovocite donate in Grecia.
kashaaspiranta la bebe prin FIV cu ovocite donate.
Tabitha34 ani, AMH=0.79, FSH=35,9; posibila aspiranta la bebe prin FIV cu ovocite donate (noi sparam sa nu fie cazul).
violeta7435 ani, AMH=0.79, FSH=18; are o sarcina obtinuta natural dar pe care a pierdut-o la 5 luni din cauza incompetentei medicilor; va incerca tratament cu DHEA si stimulare fara inhibare si daca nu va iesi asa se va indrepra spre FIV cu donatoare.
kittadupa 9 FIV-uri, anul acesta este in procedura de adoptie, dar spune ca nu prea sunt sanse asa ca intre timp incearca sa intre pe listele de asteptare si poate la inceputul anului 2011 incepe cu donatele.
naida8723 ani, diagnosticata cu menopauza precoce din cauze necunoscute; Biopsia ovariana, AMH-ul, FSH-ul (de 110), Inhibina B arata ca nu mai are ovule; urmeaza FIV cu ovocite donate la Zlin, Cehia; pe 31 august are ET.
mami_vreau spune:
Acum o sa postez raspunsurile pe care le-am primit de la clinici ca sa faceti o idee. Am trimis mail la multe clinici dar din pacate unii nu mi-au raspuns.
Sanatorium Helios:
In our HELIOS Sanatorium, all our patients, who wish to obtain donated oocytes, are listed in the Donor Eggs programme (one of its parts is the waiting list). Waiting time and costs depend on the alternative, for which the patient decides.
There are three variations:
A)Donation of eggs, synchronized cycle
B)Donation of eggs, CRYO - cycle
C)Donation of embryos
In the first case, the cycle of the recipient and the donor is synchronized, the donor undergoes stimulation. The cycles are mutually synchronized, so that the day of eggs uptake coincides with the 14th day of the cycle of the recipient. On this day the eggs are fertilized with sperm sample of the recipients partner. From the fertilized eggs embryos are grown, which are then transferred back to the uterus of the recipients. Generally 1-2 embryos are transferred, the doctor, based on the health condition of the patient, specifies the amount of embryos. Desire of the recipient is taken into consideration. If more embryos evolve that can be transferred, it is possible to freeze them and use them in the future for next transfer.
The waiting period: 8-12 months
Price: 4200,- Euros
In this case, oocytes donated directly by patients, who are undergoing IVF, are used. These oocytes are fertilized at the day of collecting by frozen sperm sample of the recipient’s partner (which is preceded by husband’s/partner’s sperm sample freezing). If the embryos evolve to the stage of blastocyst, which is suitable for freezing, they are frozen. The donor of oocytes subsequently undergoes all necessary examinations (genetic, HIV, etc.) After receiving negative results from the genetic examinations of the donor, the embryos can be used for cryo-embryo transfer. In the meantime, the uterus of the recipient is being prepared for transfer of the frozen embryo by hormonal stimulation. On the 14th day of the cycle, the thickness of the mucous tissue (endometrium) in uterus is measured. If everything is all right, on the 20th day of the cycle the transfer of frozen embryo(s) to the uterus can be carried out.
In case of unsuccessful cultivation (if there are no embryos suitable for embryo transfer), the HELIOS Sanatorium will find a new donor and repeat the cultivation at its own expenses. If there are no suitable embryos for freezing even after second cultivation, the deposit will be used for refund all the costs. In this case, we recommend a consultation with the doctor and considering donation of complete embryos. If the patient still wishes to repeat the cycle, it is necessary to pay the deposit again. For fertilization a minimum amount of 5 donor oocytes is used. One embryo transfer of at least one quality embryo is guaranteed.
Waiting period: 4-8 months
Price: 3700,- Euros
In all three variants the donor must meet the following requirements:
All necessary examinations must have negative results
Age 18-34 for women, 18-40 for men
Secondary school graduates
Without any genetic abnormalities in the family history
The donor may be chosen by the following criteria: appearance (colour of eyes, colour and quality of hair, height and type of body) and blood group.
The price for individual variants includes: costs of donor stimulation, medicaments required for stimulation, surgical collection of oocytes, embryo cultivation and their eventual freezing, award for the donor.
If you choose variant B, it is necessary to freeze the partner’s sperm sample.
In case of interest, you may take an entry informative interview with a specialist of the HELIOS Sanatorium, or we can answer your possible question by phone or by e-mail.
Yours sincerely Jan Sula MD
mutatia MTHFR C677T heterozigota
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
mami_vreau spune:
Invicta, Poland:
Dear Madam,
Thank you for your attention and interest in our fertility clinic. We do most procedures of fertility treatment available in the world, accordingly to scientifically based standards. All procedures are listed on our web site , where you are warmly welcome. The procedures and treatment of your specific fertility problem should be diagnosed and discussed during your visit that should be planned on the 1-3 cycle day.
Then, after your problem is precisely diagnosed according to your health state (I mean hormonal disturbances - package of 9 hormones), the treatment could be planned.
We do ICSI procedures with donor eggs, but only donated from young (to 35 years old), healthy (genetically and checked with infectious diseases with no ontological history in family) women. They do it voluntarily and the donation is totally anonymous for both - the donor and the acceptor of eggs.
That is the only legal way of doing such procedures in Poland . We do not do the procedure with donor chosen by the patients. Of course the treated woman gets the overall information about age, physical features etc. of the donor but it remains anonymous anyway.
The cost of IVF with procedure donor eggs is 9000 PLN plus medicines if it necessary.
The patients need usually about 2 to 4 visit. First you should have consultation visit when You decided with the doctor the best method of treatment, make some specification of the donor - we need information like - high, color of eyes, blob group etc.
If you have your reports, you are kindly requested to bring them with you for initial planning visit. You are warmly welcome to visit the clinic on1-3 cycle day.
Waiting time is about 4-6 month, after qualification visit.
Best regards
Marzena Sulewska
mutatia MTHFR C677T heterozigota
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
mami_vreau spune:
CRM, Zlin:
Dear Laura,
Thank very much for your interest in our Oocyte Donation Treatment Program. It was nice to talk to you.
My name is Diana Los Chovancova and I am an IVF and IVF Oocyte Donation Co-ordinator at Clinic of Reproductive Medicine and Gyneacology in Zlin.
Our clinic has been working since 2001 and provides a wide range of procedures for assisted reproduction - IVF/ET-ICSI as well as IVF egg donation program including. PGD is possible. To know more from us click on:
There are three English speaking doctors working in Donor Treatment Program:
Dr. Stanislav Chovanec, Dr. Edita Slovakova and Dr.Ondrej Krenek
How to Make a Reservation
Usually we are able to make the reservation for you within 2 months (It is minimum you need to manage your treatment: paper work, undergo the tests, pauing the deposit, starting taking medication /about 6 weeks before egg retrieval of you donor/. If we start to schedule your treatment immediately, the egg retrieval from your donor can be about 8- 9 weeks from today.
Currently, I can make reservation for your treatment for the week commencing May 31st, June 7th, 14th and later. The egg retieval of donor used to be on Thursdays, you should come for your first appointment on Wednesday at the latest.
If you decide for the treatment, please, choose the date and fill and send back to me both the attached forms - Questionnaire for Recipient and First Virtual Visit. Then I will make a reservation for you. You can also send your medical records from your previous treatments for our doctor, as well aspictures of you and your partner to get a general idea of your physical appearance. This will surely help to provide the best match with your donor as possible.
Time Frame of the Treatment
We used to work in constant time schedule:
Tuesdays/Wednesday – Initial appointment with the doctor.
Thursdays – Oocyte retrieval, sperm contribution, fertilization.
Fridays – fertility report – the information about embryo transfer day
Sundays – Tuesdays – embryo transfer /transfer is mostly on Tuesdy, day 5th/
Wednesdays– recommended departure
Overall time you have to spend in Zlin is 10 days
Notice: Sometimes can happen that the doctor will need to postpone donor egg retrieval about one or two days so then ET day will be postponed, too. You will be informed about this during your initial appointment.
Arrangement Process before Your Arrival
I will send 5 very important emails before your arrival to you. It would be fine to print them and save them together with all attachments.
Email #1 – Initial information (you are reading just now) + important attachments /Questionnaire, First Virtual Visit, 9.02 IVF Oocyte Donation Fee Schedule, PGD Pricelist, Guarantees, Consent.
Email #2 – The confirmation of the date of your treatment - will be sent to you after reservation of the date of your treatment. There you cane find a detailed information about the time frame of your treatment and the deposit payment due + the bank details.
We request for the deposit payment 1 000 Euros or 1 500 USD.
(For deposit payment we accept only payment from your bank account to our bank account, for the final (balance) payment at the clinic we accept credit card payment (VISA, Master Card or American Express) or cash payment.
Email #3 - The confirmation of receiving your deposit payment – I will send you this email when we received your deposit payment on our bank account. I will inform you also about the time of initial appointment at our clinic as well as inform you about the date when we post you the medications. You can await the package within one week until 10 days.
Email #4 - Medication Schedule- I will let you know about your medication schedule.
Email #5 - The information about the donor – I will send you the information about the donor for you approximately one month before donor egg retrieval. One month before is the time when the donor starts taking hormonal contraceptive and then continues her hormonal stimulation before eggs retrieval. We always trie to keep all the preferences from the form Questionnaire and use your pictures to do the best match as possible.
We are aware of the fact that a proper match of a donor with our clients is very important for future lives of parents and their babies, too. That is why we try to promise to provide the closest match for you.
Success rate
The present success rate of the fresh egg donation is to this date 65% the biochemical and 50% the clinical pregnancy. Success rate of frozen embryo transfer is 35%. At the moment, we do not have any frozen donor embryos. We can make fresh for you.
Age limit
We used to treat clients until 52 years of age. Each client that is older than 45 years needs a written confirmation from her doctor that she is healthy enough to undergo the treatment and cope with consequent pregnancy.
According to czech law we can treat the couples (marriage is not condition). If you need to use donor sperms, it is possible. However, if you want to come without your partner, he must signed a conset (attached) that he agrees with donor embryo transfer. His signature must be officially notarized.
Our Oocytes Donors
Oocyte donation in the Czech Republic is anonymous, voluntary and free of charge. Our donors are young women up to 35 years of age who fulfill the strict criteria for oocyte donor search (Guidelines for oocyte donation of The American Society of Reproductive Medicine, published in Fertility and Sterility, Vol. 77, No. 6, Suppl. 5, June 2002). All these women have to undergo gynecological, hormonal, and genetical test as well as they are repeatedly tested for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, chlamydias, cytomegalovirus) The STD test must not be older than 3 months before the egg retrieval. Then, they are repeated before starting as well as during their stimulation.
Our donor database consists of early 400 donors. They are mostly University students from Tomas Bata University that is situated close to our clinic. That is why we are able to find an appropriate egg donor for you in a very short time. All our donors are Caucasian. We do not have any African or Asian donors.
There is no problem to find a donor according to your requests. You can ask for a donor, that donated previously with success or has a child/children already. When matching donor to recipient /oocytes as well as sperms/, we try to fulfill the most of your preferences /height, weight, hair/eye color, education, etc./ Your picture will surely help.
The average number of retrieved eggs is 10-12. From our experiences, this is the number that promise the best possible outcome. However, each donor has a different reaction on successful stimulation, so the range of oocytes retrieved is from 8-20. Our doctors' effort is to stimulate each donor carefully in order not to harm her health on one side as well as to get the best quality oocytes on the other side.
Please warn me on your irregular period or no bleeding that you need doctor´s suggestion do trial mock with ultrasound or no. I will ask our doctor about his opinion and inform you.
Male Partner
Results of the sperm analysis if partner’s sperm is used (not needed when using donor sperm)
Both Partners
Results of these STD tests: HIV 1,2, Hepatitis B and C and Syphilis (results should not be older than 1 year old and must be done in your country before your arrival. We need to get copy of the results via email, than originals at the day of your appointment.
In case of using sperms of your husband/partner, his STD tests must be repeated at the day of your initial appointment at the clinic (EU legislation).
Medications for the DE Treatment
We are able to send the medication pack to you with drugs neede until first pregnancy test. You can find the lict of drugs in attached document 9.02 IVF Oocyte Donation Fee Schedule.
The drugs will be sent after paying the deposit for reservation. Our doctor will provide a detailed hormonal protocol to you.
Here are several hotels where our clients use to stay during their treatment in Zlin:
1. Hotel Garni (15 min. walking from the clinic)
2. Parkhotel min. walking from the clinic)
There is a special special price for our clients per single room 1 040 CZK, per double room 1 360 CZK breakfast including.
3. Hotel Baltaci
4. Penzion Uno family accomodation, with very friendly atmosphere and calm area of Zlin. Penzion offers the rooms with full equipment kitchen where you can cook by yourself. 10-15 minutes walk from pension is supermarket. Penzion offers their client pick up to the clinic and back in the price 1 300 CZK per one day/room (journey takes 10 minutes to the clinic) or 1 200 CZK without pick up and you can use public traffic (the journey takes about 40 minutes to the clinic).
E-mail of pension Uno Mrs.Riegelova
Please for more information check hotels and pension web sites.
5. Hotel Moskva /I have attached a PDF document about this hotel/
If you decide for some of them, let me know, I can help you with reservation.
Transport from the airport
We can provide a taxi transport from the airport to you. You can order it directly on: by Mr.Tomas Zaoralek .
Vienna - Zlin 150 EUR
Bratislava - Zlin 150 EUR
Praha - Zlin 220 EUR
Brno - Zlin 70 EUR
If there are further details you require from us, do not hesitate to write an email or call on my cell whenever you need. You can also use SKYPE - my name is dianalch.
I am looking forward to hear from you soon .
Kindest regards,
Diana Los Chovancova, MBA
IVF and Oocyte Donation Coordinator
Cell phone: +420 725 005 219
mutatia MTHFR C677T heterozigota
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
samira33 spune:
mami laura,tu cand vrei sa mai faci un Fiv cu doftorasu cu ochi albastri???ca vaz ca esti convinsa ca in Decembrie il faci pe ala cu ovo donate
gandesti in perspectiva draga...asta e bine...da zi si mie cand te mai fivuiesti la Budapesta???
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
cipcirip spune:
Mami vreau despre FIV cu donatoare se vb shi aici
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
mami_vreau spune:
samira inca nu stiu sigur cand voi face fivul in ungaria... depinde cat de curand voi face operatia pentru scoaterea trompelor... oricum este foarte posibil sa fac in ungaria prin septembrie deoarece am primit deja raspunsul de la reprofit (clinica din brno) si data estimativa a punctiei donatoarei mele va fi in jur de 2 decembrie... deci trebuie sa ma misc repede...
cipcirip am citit subiectul si am vazut ca este axat mai mult pe fiv-ul cu donator... aceasta este motivul pentru care am deschis (cu acceptul moderatorilor) acest subiect! eu, in momentul in care am inceput sa ma interesez de fiv cu ovocite donate nu am gasit decat informatii vagi, raspandite prin diferite subiecte. eu una m-am documentat deja, stiu unde voi face fiv-ul dar pentru a veni in intampinarea celor care sunt in aceeasi situatie ca si mine, am deschis acest subiect dedicat donarii de ovocite... sper sa nu fie cu suparare si mai sper sa fie persoane care sa poata vorbi deschis despre acest subiect!
mutatia MTHFR C677T heterozigota
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
mami_vreau spune:
buuuun... acum haideti sa va povestesc cum am procedat cu cele 2 clinici din cehia care au posibilitatea de "First virtual visit" - CRM - Zlin si Reprofit - Brno.
Am completat formularele care se pot descarca de pe site-ul lor cu istoricul meu medical si caracteristicile fizice ale mele si ale sotului pentru a ajuta la gasirea unei donatoare potrivite pentru noi. Am adaugat un fisier pe care eu il aveam deja facut cu toate analizele facute de mine si de sot precum si cu rezultatele de la laparo si histero. Am trimis mail catre cele 2 clinici in care le-am spus ca sunt interesata sa fac FIV cu donatoare la ei cat mai curand posibil. Nu ma asteptam sa primesc raspuns prea curand deoarece cu vreo 2 luni in urma am trimis mail la 7 clinici si am primit raspunsuri doar de la 2...
Am fost placut surprinsa cand la numai o ora de la trimiterea mailului am primit raspuns de la reprofit in care imi spuneau ca au primit mailul, ca vor analiza documentele transmise si ca imi vor comunica o data estimativa a embriotransferului. Mi-am zis "Frumos... m-au bagat in seama dar sunt sigura ca va mai dura pana voi primi al doilea mail de la ei!" Ei bine, a doua zi mi-au propus o data estimativa a transferului pe 5-7 decembrie (pe 2 dec punctia donatoarei)... am acceptat, mi-au trimis contractul impreuna cu mailul urmator:
Confirmation of donor eggs treatment date
Expected date of donor’s egg retrieval: 2. 12. 2010
Expected date of embryo transfer:
Day 3 ET: 5. 12. 2010
Day 5 ET: 7. 12. 2010
Please accept this letter as confirmation of your treatment with donor eggs at Reprofit International. Expected date of donors egg retrieval can rarely be delayed by one day, in such case, we would inform you of this fact ahead of time.
Recommended date of arrival is 1 day prior to expected date of your donors egg retrieval, applies to patients that don’t have partners frozen sperm stored at Reprofit. In case you do have frozen sperm stored at our clinic, then your arrival date can be one day prior to your expected embryo transfer.
You will be asked to pay a deposit in the amount of 1000 Euros within 90 days from receiving this confirmation. It is necessary to submit your deposit via wire transfer, doing so will confirm your treatment.
Latest date to receive deposit: 10.7.2010
Please contact us 3 months prior to your scheduled treatment via email and inform us of the date of your last period and the date of your next expected cycle. Your personal treatment plan will be established based on these facts.
The following medications will be used during your treatment with donor eggs. Please ask your doctor to prescribe you the medications available in your country.
Can be used as tablets or patches, we prefer tablets
Tablets: Estrofem 2mg, Provames 2mg, Progynova 2mg, Climaval 2mg, Estrace 2mg, Estrimax 2mg
Patches: Estraderm TTS 50,100ug , Estrahexal 50,100ug
Can be used as capsules, pessaries, gel or intramuscular injections
Capsules: Utrogestan 100 or 200mg , Prometrium 100 or 200mg
Pessaries: Cyclogest 400mg
Gel: Crinone 8%
Injections: Geston, Agolutin
GnRH analogue depot injection
Injection: Decapeptyl depot 3,75mg , Diphereline depot 3,0 mg
Lupron depot 3,75mg, Enanton depot
Other medications that may be added to your treatment :
Prednisone 5mg tbl
Baby Aspirin 40-100mg tbl,
Folic Acid,
Low molecular weight heparin
(Please use of this drugs discuss with your GP or infertility specialist, consider also last treatments)
Best regards
Eva Kope#269;ná
IVF coordinator
Tel.: +420 543 516 001
Fax: +420 543 516 020
Mob.:+420 774 464 187
Hlinky 122/48
CZ - Brno , 603 00
asa ca iata-ma pornita deja la drum... voi face fiv-ul la brno, la reprofit...
oricum va pot spune ca am fost placut impresionata si de cealalta clinica, cea din zlin... a doua zi dupa trimiterea mailului (dar dupa ce acceptasem propunerea celor din brno) m-au sunat cei din zlin... super profesionisti... ce m-a uimit foarte tare e ca mi-au spus ca pot face fiv cu ovocite donate destul de repede... chiar si in luna mai... le-am spus ca nu vreau totusi sa fac atat de repede, chiar daca in mail scrisesem "as soon as possible"... ca ma asteptam sa dureze mai mult... le-am spus ca vreau sa fac si alte investigatii inainte si ca ii voi contacta... mi-au propus sa imi trimita mail cu toate informatiile necesare... ceea ce au si facut... am postat mai sus raspunsul lor, care mi se pare destul de complet...
Deci pana acum sunt multumita de ambele clinici de care v-am povestit... Daca vreti sa intrebati ceva anume, nu ezitati sa o faceti.
mutatia MTHFR C677T heterozigota
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
cristm spune:
multumim de informatii...sunt f. bucuroasa si increzatoare acum ca vad ca altii au primit raspunsuri de la asemenea clinici. Eu am trimis acum vreoa luna e-mail la sanatorium helios, Brno, Cehia- n-am primit raspuns nici in zi de azi. Ma bucur ca tu ai primit, in felul acesta ma ajuti si pe mine. Spui ca ai fost multumita de ambele clinici din Cehia, am sa trimit si eu e-mail la vad care dintre ele ma poate as fi super incantata daca as reusi cat mai devreme sa ma primeasca.Mi-a P.K. mi-a dat verdictul ca sanse nu am decat cu donate, asa ca ....n-am la ce sa sper...daca nu te superi dai adresa ta de mess ...poate mai vorbim ...
va dau informatii si despre mine :1 Ia nereusita la Timisoara...CM de 3, 4 ori pe an, amh = <0,05
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
bytzi spune:
mami vreau, ,f utile informatiile
Sa speram ca nu vei mai avea nevoie de fiv-ul din decembrie
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
mami_vreau spune:
cristm in momentul in care mi-a infiripat in minte ideea ca trebuie sa fac fiv cu ovocite donate, informatiile pe care le-am avut de pe net imi aratau ca este un proces anevoios si de lunga durata... ma bucur mult ca am primit aceste raspunsuri atat de repede... si au venit exact atunci cand avea nevoie de ele: dupa un fiv nereusit, cand trebuia sa ma mobilizez pentru a continua lupta... exact cum am spus, am trimis mailurile pe 31.03 si pe 01.04 ma contactasera deja ambele clinici.
Daca te grabesti, trimite intr-o prima faza mail catre cei din zlin... au perioada de asteptare mai scurta si mi se par super profesionisti... ai vazut cate informatii mi-au trimis pe mail... si am si vorbit cu ei o gramada la telefon, atunci cand m-au sunat!
mutatia MTHFR C677T heterozigota
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)