FIV cu ovocite donate

Raspunsuri - Pagina 15

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Link direct catre acest raspuns KITTA spune:

Am scris asa:
- HELIOS SANATORIUM - mi-au dat numai info generale, fara programare si fara fisiere de completat
- ZLIN: - programare incepand cu 16 Iulie - f. cooool! primit documente de completat si instructiuni si eplicatii f. detaliate; din acest punct de vedere mi s-au parut cei mai buni;
- REPROFIT - perioada de asteptare 10 luni, trimis documente de completat, dar in explicatii f. restransi. Aici ma intreb de ce se asteapta asa mult ca sunt f. buni???
- am mai scris la: The realated Clinique you heard about is in Brόnn (Brno) in the Chech Republic, Prof. Zdenenk Maly.
Please, find some more information and details in
care este clinica sora a lui The realated Clinique you heard about is in Brόnn (Brno) in the Chech Republic, Prof. Zdenenk Maly.
care este clinica sora a Wunschbaby-Zentrum Institut fόr Kinderwunsch la care ma plibai eu de fo cateva ori, dar de aici nu imi raspunse nimeni.
Acum trebuie sa imi fac temele si sa le trimit fisierele, si apoi ce e mai greu sa ma hotarasc unde merg.
Va mai tin la curent si mai trec si eu pe aici din cand in cand ca sa nu imi ies din mana. Eu voi face la anul sau poate in Decembrie, dar iar sa imi stric sarbatorile de iarna.......pana atunci sunt pasare calatoare prin ari straine

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Link direct catre acest raspuns denisa220972 spune:

mami_vreau draguta cand te vazusi eu prima data,erai foarte bine si inclin sa cred ca nu ai luat cinestie cate kg.(15kg), lasa ca cine ne place, ne place si asa. Eu la prima stimulare am asimilat 500g , iar la adoua am luat 2-3kg. si am dat petrecere ptr. ele deci in concluzie am 53kg si sunt lungaaaaa.
Ma bucur ca operatia a decurs bine si te simti bine, insanatosire rapida.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns adria42 spune:

Mami, ma bucur ca ai scapat cu bine de operatie, sa te faci sanatoasa repede!Unde ai incercat in Spania, la Barcelona?
Eu am fost plecata cateva zile in Delta si a fost superb!
Am primit raspuns de la Brno ca programarea ramane in aprilie 2011. So, I must wait...

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Link direct catre acest raspuns monaramona spune:

ma bucur pentru voi fetelor si asteptam insanatosirea mamei

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Link direct catre acest raspuns mami_vreau spune:

samira, kitta, adria, denisa, monaramona va pup pe toate si va multumesc pentru sustinere!

eu sunt bine, ma refac surprinzator de repede dupa operatie... nu prea stiu ce sa fac in continuare, pana in decembrie... dr. zice sa mai incerc un fiv cu stimulare cu ovocitele mele... da' eu cred ca raman la planul initial, cu fiv pe ciclu natural pana in decembrie...

denisa sunt la fel ca la fiv 1... ca am pus dupa cateva kg da le-am dat jos... numai ca si la primul fiv aveam de unde da jos asa ca am inca surplus.
zici ca te mananca talpile de-un fiv. pe cand vrei sa faci?

kitta si mie mi s-au parut super profesionisti cei din zlin... mie nu imi venise inca ciclul dupa fiv-ul esuat si ma programasera deja peste 2 luni. deci promti, domne, promti!
numai ca eu primisem raspunsul de la brno prima data, mi-au placut si ei, le-am dat raspuns afirmativ si feelig-ul mi-a zis sa merg in continuare la brno... deci a fost o decizie nu foarte "gandita" sa zic asa dar momentan nu o regret in nici un fel.

adria nu am incercat la barceloa ci la alicante... o zona supe de concediu!
un fiv cu donate costa 6.450 euro dar faza tare e ca au promotie, 3 fivuri cu ovocite donate cu 14.959 euro si in cazul in care dupa 3 fivuri nu reusesti iti returneaza 30%... si ai si o noapte de cazare inclusa la fiecare fiv si transportul de la si la aeroport... tare, nu? io mai caut ca poate gasesc si ceva 1 + 1 gratis!

uitati si raspunsul lor:

Thank you for your email.

My name is Salomι Lopez and I deal with the International Department. Please, feel free to ask me everything you like.

I am explaining you the fresh and synchronized egg donation program.

The procedure normally consists of two visits to Alicante . We can organize it and coming just once, but we would
need some previous test to be done in your country.

In the first visit you will have an interview with the doctor, he will explain you the procedure and he will solve all
your doubts, he will perform a medical exam with ultrasound scan
and transfer test. Also blood tests on both you and your partner will be done in this visit and he will provide a
sample to be analyzed and frozen, even if you decide to use fresh sperm, just in case. After the visit, the doctor
will prescribe you your drugs.

The technique used is ICSI and we normally transfer on day 5 (blastocysts).

All previous results that you can bring or send to us before coming will be always helpful for the doctors.

Once both you and your ideal donor are prepared, you will come for the embryo transfer.

Our hospital staff is available 24 hours in order you
can be relaxed and supported during the whole treatment.

Our donors are young and healthy; just 3 out 10 interviewed women become a donor. She will be similar to you and
she will have your blood group (if you prefer it). Normally, there is no waiting list.

I attach you the costs for one cycle, as you will see what is included.

There is a Refunding Program. It consists of 3 fresh cycles and the success rate is 90%. In case you are not
pregnant after 3 cycles, we refund you 30% of the total price, but there is suitability test for this program. I attach
you also the costs.

Also, in this program, one night of accommodation and airport/clinic transfers are included . Although Saturdays and
Sundays our taxis do not work.

At the moment, we are giving appointments for July,

In case you have other questions, please let us know. If you prefer, we can set a time to call you and solve your

Kind Regards

Salomι Lopez

Tel. 0034 672 27 29 61

si uitati si atasamentul cu detaliile referitoare la pret:

EGG DONATION CYCLE……………………………………………………..…………………………… 6450,00 euros
Initial consultation with ultrasound scan and transfer test………………………………………….…………….no charge
Blood Group……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……… charge
Karyotype and Serology (both recipient and partner)……………………………………..…………………………no charge
Sperm assessment and freezing (includes general sperm assessment, laboratory preparation, freezing for ICSI)
Egg Collection and culture of gametes and pre-embryos
ICSI (Sperm Microinjection)…………………………………………………………………………….………………… charge
Assisted Hatching ( if needed)…………………………………………………………………………….…………………no charge
Embryo co-culture
Blastocysts………………………………………………………………...………………………………………..…………… charge
Embryo Transfer
Donor Costs:
Interview and selection
Blood Tests, Blood Group and medical exam
Economic Compensation
Follow up visits
Room and Theatre
Egg cells retrieving
Anaesthesia and nurse
If interested, please mark the box with a cross.
#9633; Sperm donation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….+ 400 euros
#9633; Embryo Freezing (if possible)……………………………………………………..……………………………………………..……+ 520 euros
#9633; Annual Storage Cost………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………….………+ 400 euros
The couple/patient must pay the costs in Reception, not to the medical team. You will pay 30% of the total cost in your first visit as a deposit and a 70% of the total costs the day of the transfer.
The cost of patient medication has NOT been included. If the embryo transfer does not take place, the amount of 700.00 euros will be refunded.

EGG DONATION REFUNDING……………………………………..……………………… 14.950,00 euros
It is guaranteed with the payment of this amount that in case the patient is not pregnant after three cycles, we will reimburse you the 30% of the amount delivered (the possibilities of achieving a pregnancy after three cycles do not exceed the 90%). There is a suitability test for this program.
Initial consultation with ultrasound scan and transfer test………………………………………….…………….no charge
Blood Group……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……… charge
Karyotype and Serology (both recipient and partner)……………………………………..…………………………no charge
Sperm assessment and freezing (includes general sperm assessment, laboratory preparation, freezing for ICSI)
Egg Collection and culture of gametes and pre-embryos
ICSI (Sperm Microinjection)…………………………………………………………………………….………………… charge
Assisted Hatching ( if needed)…………………………………………………………………………….…………………no charge
Embryo co-culture
Blastocysts………………………………………………………………...………………………………………..…………… charge
Embryo Transfer
Donor Costs:
Interview and selection
Blood Tests, Blood Group and medical exam
Economic Compensation
Follow up visits
Room and Theatre
Egg cells retrieving
Anaesthesia and nurse
If interested, please mark the box with a cross.
#9633; Sperm donation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….+ 400 euros
#9633; Embryo Freezing (if possible)……………………………………………………..……………………………………………..……+ 520 euros
#9633; Annual Storage Cost………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………….………+ 400 euros
The couple/patient must pay the costs in Reception, not to the medical team. You will pay 30% of the total amount in your first visit as a deposit and a 70% of the total costs the day of the transfer. To get the 30% of the total amount, the patient must come personally to our Unit to confirm the situation and to collect the money.


mutatia MTHFR C677T heterozigota

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Link direct catre acest raspuns denisa220972 spune:

mami_vreau draguta ma bucur ca esti ok. In legatura cu FIV-ul acum sunt in "revizie tehnica toatala" mai curat una alta, mai schimb daca se poate si fac o balanta la 3 luni sa vad cum stau cu "profitul si pierderile".Luna aceasta astept sa vad daca mai apare nenorocita de sangerare din ziua 12-14 de CM si daca apare mai fac un chiuretaj bioptic si fug(nustiu unde momentan)am devenit si masochista, ma rog sa apara, sa fac si acea biopsie sa-mi iau dupa creier cativa "fluturoi". Daca lucrurile ar merge ok prin sept-oct.

O zi buna

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Link direct catre acest raspuns monaramona spune:

buna la toate venit si eu din concediu mai repede din cauza bucur ca sunteti bine si va faceti programari temeinice..

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Link direct catre acest raspuns luminika spune:

Buna fetelor,
E cam liniste pe aici, se pare ca toata lumea a plecat in vacanta. Va doresc concediu cat mai placut si sa va intoarceti cu forte proaspete. Eu tocmai m-am intors din concediu, a fost super - super fain, m-am distrat dar si odihnit.
Va pup si va astept pe forum!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns monaramona spune:

se pare ca incep prima..mi-am luat depherelinul si il fac pe 9 iulie..continuarea va spun dupa ce vine dr ca nu stiu restul pa la toate fetele

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Link direct catre acest raspuns monaramona spune:

fetelor dar toate ati plecat in concediu..nimic nou..faceti macar prezenta
eu prezenta

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