Limba engleza

Limba engleza | Autor: lu.more

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Buna, dragilor,

Stiu ca ar trebui sa postez subiectul acesta in alta pate, dar lasati-mi-l aici, va rog, ca-i urgenta mare.

Facem temele la engleza.
Fii-mea trebuie sa sublinieze intr-un text, verbele lexicale.
Ce-s alea? Ca-n caiet nu scrie nimic, in carte nimic, pe internet nu m-am lamurit deloc.
Pliiiiiiz! E pentru maine!!!!

Dragii de noi
« C'est quand on n'y croit plus, que le ciel vous entend et pardonne. »


Inceputul discutiei

Link direct catre acest raspuns copiloi spune:

Verbul "lexical" este verbul principal.

De ex. in propozitia "I am playing", verbul lexical este play.

Sau, in prop. "I have written", vb. lexical este write.


Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns lu.more spune:

Multumesc, Alina, incerc sa inteleg... Dar nu avansez...
Mai bine : copiez textul si imi subliniaza cineva afurisitele astea de verbe lexicale?
M-apuc de copiat...
Multumesc !!

Dragii de noi
« C'est quand on n'y croit plus, que le ciel vous entend et pardonne. »

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns lu.more spune:

Dave and Vanessa are all alone at home. Dave wants to know what there is on television tonight. There is a western before the news and a good film after the news. But there is also a football match at the same time on BBC 1. Dave decides to put two sets in the same room. But Vanessa refuses. She doesn't want to hear the noise of the match. Dave thinks his sistes is nice. Typical, isn't it?

Un multumesc mare, vorba francezilor...

Dragii de noi
« C'est quand on n'y croit plus, que le ciel vous entend et pardonne. »

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns voljena spune:

Originally posted by lu.more

Dave and Vanessa are all alone at home. Dave wants to know what there is on television tonight. There is a western before the news and a good film after the news. But there is also a football match at the same time on BBC 1. Dave decides to put two sets in the same room. But Vanessa refuses. She doesn't want to hear the noise of the match. Dave thinks his sistes is nice. Typical, isn't it?

Un multumesc mare, vorba francezilor...

Dragii de noi
« C'est quand on n'y croit plus, que le ciel vous entend et pardonne. »

astept pareri pro si contra ca n-am mai fost pe la clasa de ani

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns lu.more spune:

Din cauza de ora tarzie am amanat tema la engleza pentru maine dimineata, cand o fi fii-mea cu mintea limpede, ca altfel nu pricepe nimic! Deci mai e timp.
Voljena, vad ca tu le-ai subliniat cam pe toate...
Poate imi confirma cineva ca asa e, si gata, nu va mai plictisesc!
Va pup!

Dragii de noi
« C'est quand on n'y croit plus, que le ciel vous entend et pardonne. »

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns copiloi spune:

Originally posted by lu.more

Dave and Vanessa are all alone at home. Dave wants to know what there is on television tonight. There is a western before the news and a good film after the news. But there is also a football match at the same time on BBC 1. Dave decides to put two sets in the same room. But Vanessa refuses. She doesn't want to hear the noise of the match. Dave thinks his sistes is nice. Typical, isn't it?

Un multumesc mare, vorba francezilor...

Dragii de noi
« C'est quand on n'y croit plus, que le ciel vous entend et pardonne. »

Am "subliniat" verbele respective. DAR nu pot garanta 100% ca e corect. Din punctul meu de vedere e corect, dar exista posibilitatea sa gresesc.


Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns copiloi spune:

Originally posted by copiloi

[quote]Originally posted by lu.more

Dave and Vanessa are all alone at home. Dave wants to know what there is on television tonight. There is a western before the news and a good film after the news. But there is also a football match at the same time on BBC 1. Dave decides to put two sets in the same room. But Vanessa refuses. She doesn't want to hear the noise of the match. Dave thinks his sistes is nice. Typical, isn't it?

Un multumesc mare, vorba francezilor...

Dragii de noi
« C'est quand on n'y croit plus, que le ciel vous entend et pardonne. »

Edit: am vazut raspunsul de mai sus, m-am "documentat" si cred ca este corect. Am facut si eu corecturile in text. Dar cu toate acestea, nu e garantat 100%.


Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns ancutzathree spune:

si eu as fi subliniat la fel...
oricum toate verbele sunt lexicale...
LEXIC= totalitatea cuvintelor dintr-o limba,vocabular

anca @" target="_blank">Asa s-a nascut o mare iubire ..." target="_blank">Varsta lui Alex

...viatza e doar o iluzie a simtzurilor...

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns danyce spune:

"Auxiliary or Lexical
The verbs in English can be generally categorised in terms of

auxiliary and
lexical (or content, or what Hughes describes as 'ordinary') verbs .
The auxiliary verbs perform their function only in relation to the lexical verbs (and are hence sometimes also known as function verbs). Auxiliary verbs, unlike lexical verbs, are sometimes described as a closed category, as their total number is limited, and has not changed very much in the recent history of the language. Due to their limited number, all the auxiliary verbs in English, unlike the lexical verbs, can be conveniently listed in a typical grammar of English.
Some of the auxiliary verbs are categorised as modal, whereas the others can be categorised as primary.

The primary auxiliary verbs in English are
do, have, and be.
The modal auxiliary verbs are
can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, used to, need, dare.
One must be careful with these examples, because some of them can function as lexical verbs. All the primary auxiliary verbs for example, depending on their meaning, can function as lexical verbs, and this is also true for some of the modal auxiliaries, such as need and dare (and arguably, will and would, although their meanings are different from those of their auxiliary equivalents).
In order to see whether a verb functions as an auxiliary, we have to see whether its essential function is to modify another verb; if the verb stands on its own, then it should be regarded as a lexical verb.

For example, the verbs in the following clauses are all lexical:
'he needs some money',
'he has two houses',
'she is a teacher'.
All verbs are lexical verbs except for the small set of auxiliary verbs. Examples of lexical verbs are kill, cook and eat"

Cu alte cuvinte, "lexical verbs" sunt verbele de sine statatoare, nu auxiliarele.Aproape orice verb e lexical.
Ex. She sings a new song.
He writes beautiful letters.
They eat potatoes every day.

Sper sa fi inteles acum.Bafta!

Daniela Veuger si Alma Bianca 21 octombrie 2004
Alma,poze noi,si mai noi,cele mai noi,nou-noute,
poze yahoo" target="_blank">Povestea Almei

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns danyce spune:

Voljena, e bine tema

Daniela Veuger si Alma Bianca 21 octombrie 2004
Alma,poze noi,si mai noi,cele mai noi,nou-noute,
poze yahoo" target="_blank">Povestea Almei

Mergi la inceput