Fulgusori Noiembrie-Decembrie2009(35)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 2
laviniablaga spune:
www.ecopii.ro/Articole_despre_copii/Schema_diversificarii_in_alimentatia_bebelusilor.html" target="_blank">d1
www.reclama ilegala - avertizare.ro/forum/index.php?showtopic=72" target="_blank">d2
www.scribd.com/doc/25155876/Scheme-de-Diversificare-Bebelusi" target="_blank">d4
Am trimis pe contul comun nov.dec.2009 o schema mai ampla de diversificare cu tot cu mod de preparare a alimentelor. Sper sa va fie de folos!
PS. Many Bany, pai eu credeam ca Vladutz al tau a curtat-o din greu pe Maria, si ca deja treburile is serioase!
Lavinia, cea mai fericita de Rares Cristian, un grabit!NASTEREA UNUI FULGUSOR GRABITRARES CRESTE
miany75 spune:
scz,monis nu am fost pe faza..ca ciudatenii : iaurtul danone...nu mi se par k chiar deloc ,nici acum nici mai tarziu ( nu stiu cum ne vom descurca cu asta ,avand in vedere ca au tot felul de promotii sa te(ii) atraga )...reteta aia de branza de vaci mi se pare cam aiurea ( desi ,am intrebat-o pe mami si cica se poate prepara asa)...si legumele alea rasfierte..ce-o mai fi ramanand ,frate din ele?!!
atat am retinut pe moment...
Flavours spune:
buna fetelor,
top si eu cand apuc.
cu diversificarea asta e bataie de cap vad. oricum fiecare pediatru ne va da o schema pe care putem alege sa o urmam sau nu. (eu deja ma astept sa nu... chestii de genul cereale, zaharare, miere, indulcire, cartofi nu-s de mine... dar sper sa ma surprinda ).
dau copy paste mai jos la niste guidelines cu care sunt de acord si pe care le voi urma (cu mentinunea ca al meu copil a fost hranit mixt de la inceput din pacate, iar de la 3 luni jumatate formula si o cantitate insignifianta de lapte de la mine - a scazut si cantitatea si nici el nu mai vrea san de parca ar avea ace... biberonul asta...) desi ieri a facut 4 luni, nu voi incepe inca diversificarea, dar cred ca pe la 4 luni jumatate da, ca oricum formula de lapte nu mi se pare o solutie pt exclusivitate...
Foods By Age
4-6 Months
Minimal solid foods as tolerated by baby
Egg yolk--if tolerated, preferably from pastured chickens, lightly boiled and salted
Banana--mashed, for babies who are very mature and seem hungry
Cod liver oil-- 1/4 teaspoon high vitamin or 1/2 teaspoon regular, given with an eye dropper
6-8 months
Organic liver--grated frozen and added to egg yolk
Pureed meats--lamb, turkey, beef, chicken, liver and fish
Soup broth--(chicken, beef, lamb, fish) added to pureed meats and vegetables, or offered as a drink
Fermented foods--small amounts of yoghurt, kefir, sweet potato, taro, if desired
Raw mashed fruits--banana, melon, mangoes, papaya, avocado
Cooked, pureed fruits--organic apricot, peaches, pears, apples, cherries, berries
Cooked vegetables--zucchini, squash, sweet potato, carrots, beets, with butter or coconut oil
8-12 months
Continue to add variety and increase thickness and lumpiness of the foods already given from 4-8 months
Creamed vegetable soups
Homemade stews--all ingredinets cut small or mashed
Dairy--cottage cheese, mild harder raw cheese, cream, custards
Finger foods--when baby can grab and adequately chew, such as lightly steamed veggie sticks, mild cheese, avocado chunks, pieces of banana
Cod liver oil--increase to 1/2 teaspoon high vitamin or 1 teaspooon regular dose
Over 1 Year
Grains and legumes--properly soaked and cooked
Crispy nut butters--see recipes in Nourishing Traditions
Leafy green vegetables--cooked, with butter
Raw salad vegetables--cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.
Citrus fruit--fresh, organic
Whole egg--cooked
Foods to avoid
Up to 6 months: Certain foods, such as spinach, celery, lettuce, radishes, beets, turnips and collard greens, may contain excessive nitrate, which can be converted into nitrite (an undesirable substance) in the stomach. Leafy green vegetables are best avoided until 1 year. When cooking vegetables that may contain these substances, do not use the water they were cooked in to purée.
Up to 9 months: Citrus and tomato, which are common allergens.
Up to 1 year: Because infants do not produce strong enough stomach acid to deactivate potential spores, infants should refrain from eating honey.1 Use blackstrap molasses, which is high in iron and calcium. Egg whites should also be avoided up to one year due to their high allergenic potential.
ALWAYS: Commercial dairy products (especially ultra-pasteurized), modern soy foods, margarines and shortening, fruit juices, reduced-fat or low-fat foods, extruded grains and all processed foods.
Is Cereal the Best First Food?
Remember, the amount of breast milk and/or formula decreases when solid foods are introduced. This decrease may open the door for insufficiencies in a number of nutrients critical for baby's normal growth and development. The nutrients that are often in short supply when weaning begins include protein, zinc, iron and B-vitamins. One food group that has these nutrients in ample amounts is meat.
Unfortunately, cereal is the most often recommended early weaning food. A recent Swedish study suggests that when infants are given substantial amounts of cereal, they may suffer from low concentrations of zinc and reduced calcium absorption.
In the US, Dr. Nancy Krebs headed up a large infant growth study that found breastfed infants who received puréed or strained meat as a primary weaning food beginning at four to five months grew at a slightly faster rate. Kreb's study suggests that inadequate protein or zinc from common first foods may limit the growth of some breastfed infants during the weaning period. More importantly, both protein and zinc levels were consistently higher in the diets of the infants who received meat. Thus, the custom of providing large amounts of cereals and excluding meats before seven months of age may short-change the nutritional requirements of the infant.
Meat is also an excellent source of iron. Heme iron (the form of iron found in meat) is better absorbed than iron from plant sources (non-heme). Additionally, the protein in meat helps the baby more easily absorb iron from other foods. Two recent studies, have examined iron status in breastfed infants who received meat earlier in the weaning period. While researchers found no measurable change in breastfed babies' iron stores when they received an increased amount of meat, the levels of hemoglobin (iron-containing cells) circulating in the bloodstream did increase. Meat also contains a much greater amount of zinc than cereals, which means more is absorbed. These studies confirm the practices of traditional people, who gave meat--usually liver--as the first weaning food. Furthermore, the incidence of allergic reactions to meat is minimal and lower still when puréed varieties are used.
sunt si aici chestii discutabile (ficat organic nu prea gasim, etc)... oricum o sa imprumut ce mi se pare bun din mai multe scheme.
mami de Tudor (04.11.2009)
Flavours spune:
bananele se coc pe vapor cu gaz etilen(pt coacerea rapida acasa se pot pune in ceva inchis cu un mar, care produce gaz etilen si se coc bananele f dragut)... in plus mai au si alte chimicale, dar asta e lumea in care traim (nu uitati ca in plus romanica e singura care testeaza nu stiu ce ingrasaminte de la basf incepand de anul asta... deci inca ceva momeala pt taranii si cultivatorii romani)
nu putem sa ii ferim de tot ce e chimic si toxic... dar, sa ne straduim cat putem...
mami de Tudor (04.11.2009)
laviniablaga spune:
Lylyana.ion, Raluci, DianaR unde sunteti? e totul bine?
Lavinia, cea mai fericita de Rares Cristian, un grabit!NASTEREA UNUI FULGUSOR GRABITRARES CRESTE
coquelicot spune:
Nush ce naiba m-a apucat, dar daca tot m-a bagat do in ceata cu rahitismul si diversificrea , am inceput sa citesc serios:D
Uite, referitor la uleiul de ficat de cod, chiar e interesant de stiut daca trebuie modificate cantitatile de vigantol, mi eimi recomanda cineva sa dau ulei de ficat de psete ca vigantolul ar fi apa de ploaie.
Da, sunt super multe discutabile, parca nici carne nu as introduce ca ce faci cu acidul uric si rinichii car esi asa nu sunt super maturi?
Si de acolo, nu imi place treaba cu galbenusul cu sare, oricat de slightly salted ar fi el.
uuuuf, grele maica , grele.
mami de bebe MATEI (10.11.2009)
cristina_boc spune:
ce liniste pe aici,
toata lumea ?
ma gandesc ca de iesit pe afara nu poate fi vorba pe vremea asta.
La Zalau ninge incontinuu de dimineata.
Piticul meu doarme de la 12.00, cu treziri de papa din ora in ora.
CRIS , Andrei Cristian, 7 dec 2009
miany75 spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui laviniablaga Lylyana.ion, Raluci, DianaR unde sunteti? e totul bine? Lavinia, cea mai fericita de Rares Cristian, un grabit!NASTEREA UNUI FULGUSOR GRABITRARES CRESTE |
Diana R. ori e in drum spre munte ori schiaza deja..
laviniablaga spune:
iasu` v-ati intalnit?
Lavinia, cea mai fericita de Rares Cristian, un grabit!NASTEREA UNUI FULGUSOR GRABITRARES CRESTE
krelia spune:
ca tot suntem la capitolul asta...cautand ceva pe la chicco (mai exact, steamerul )...am dat peste asta
sincer....am vaga senzatie ca din ce citesc mai mult...voi fi mai incurcata in informatii si mii si mii de scheme de diversificare....si iar ma apuca toti incornoratii..ca la perioada pre-vaccin...
(scuzati..gandeam cu "voce" tare.....)
Intre timp, a venit si pediatra, am facut si vaccinul...m-au trecut toate apele cand a trebuit sa-l tin.....a plans putin, ne-am luat in bratic, ne-am pupilit...si apoi s-a linistit. A plecat pedi (caci se grabea), i-am dat o zambilica si acum am adormit.
Despre diversificare nu am apucat sa vorbim foarte multe....mi-a promis o ora intreaga de discutii, luna urmatoare. Am aflat totusi ca vom incepe cu sucul de morcov si de mar, cate 1 lingurita (5ml), crescand pana la 50ml...si completare cu lapte.
Am intrebat de branzica - a zis dupa 6 luni. Am intrebat si de ficatei si oua...mi-a zis ca pe la 8-9 luni, si atunci cu prudenta, numai 1 sg aliment de genul asta, iar daca observam ceva pe corp....taiete cu susan (vorba lu' Badea )...de banana am uitat, dar probabil este acelasi tratament si pt banana, cu deosebirea ca ii putem da mai devreme (cred)
Sper ca peste 1 luna sa pot veni cu o schema palpabila.
Ah, si despre lapte cu cereale, la noi nu va fi vorba, avand in vedere ca avem 7230 gr . In rest, suntem bine, am crescut la 62cm, PC=40cm, putza e bine (tati o sa fie fericit si dintisori nu avem inca.
Krelia, mami de tzutzupid Rares-Mihai
Muhammad Ali