Naturiste si homeopate (28)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 21

Olivia26 spune:
Adi, multumesc pentru primire.
Eu am luat deja de aseara prima tableta de vitex. Sunt de 1000mg si iau cate 1 pe zi.
Sotul o sa repete spermograma. Pe langa BU ia si Tribula plus care contine ginseng, tribulus terrensis si damiana.
Iti doresc multa sanatate tie si bebicului.
Ce nu te omoara, te face mai puternic.

Olivia26 spune:
Originally posted by kiddo
Fetelor, voi ce stiti despre spirulina? Am citit cateva lucruri pe net, dar unele ma baga in ceata, cum ar fi 1. ca nu se ia in timpul sarcinii (dar nu toti mentioneaza asta) si 2. ca excesul de acizi nucleici (spirulina ar contine mult ADN si ARN) aduce si riscul cresterii nivelului acidului uric in organism, provocand astfel pierderea calciului, aparitia calculilor renali si instalarea gutei. Asta in conditiile in care cei mai multi zic ca de fapt spirulina e senzationala si ca face numai bine organismului... Voi ce stiti?
Kiddo, eu in timpul facultatii, luam spirulina de la Hofigal pe perioada sesiunii si ma simteam bine, aveam mai multa energie. E posibil sa fie fost si autosugestie, dar... De fapt sunt niste alge cu efect "energizant, antianemic, stimuleaza cresterea si memoria, previne imbatranirea timpurie, revitalizeaza functiile sexuale, accelereaza refacerea postoperatorie, detoxifiant general, stimuleaza lactatia mamelor."(asta e pe prospect) Nu scrie ca ar fi toxica in sarcina dar sa stii ca si eu am mai citit ca ar fi.
Despre celelalte efecte negative pe care le mentionezi, eu nu am auzit si nici simtit, cu toate ca am luat destul de mult timp.
Bafta si sanatate!
Ce nu te omoara, te face mai puternic.

miki-miki spune:
Adimercedes multumesc pt link. Tu cate pastile luai pe zi de ulei de peste? Ti-am cerut link-ul sa vad concentratia sa caut de aceeasi concentratie si pe aici. Am gasit ceva pe site-ul de unde se cumpara si Vitex-ul . Ii spune EPA.... .
MRL iti raspund aici in legatura cu Extracul de muguri de zmeur. Am intrebat-o pe bioloaga dc e bine sa fie luat pe per tratam pt FIV si dupa ET si a zis ca NU pt ca are actiune hormonala si este posibil sa-ti dea peste cap tratamentul.
Olivia de unde ai luat Vitex d 1000mg? De ce firma e produs si cat costa ?
Edit: Scuze, acum am vazut ca esti din Cypru. M-am si mirat ca l-ai gasit in farmacii. Ce scrie in prospect ca contine? Planta macinata sau extract standardizat?

gudinde spune:
Pt fetele cu PCOS si in special pt Denisabia. Cautam acest articol cand mi-ai pus tu mai multe intrebari legate de PCOS. In sfarsit l-am gasit. Sunt cateva intrebari si raspunsuri legate de acest sindrom. Eu zic ca sunt interesante.
What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?
PCOS is a health problem that can affect a woman’s menstrual cycle, fertility, hormones, insulin production, heart, blood vessels, and appearance. Women with PCOS have these characteristics:
• high levels of male hormones, also called androgens
• an irregular or no menstrual cycle
• may or may not have many small cysts in their ovaries. Cysts are fluid-filled sacs.
PCOS is the most common hormonal reproductive problem in women of childbearing age.
How many women have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?
An estimated five to 10 percent of women of childbearing age have PCOS.
What causes Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?
No one knows the exact cause of PCOS. Women with PCOS frequently have a mother or sister with PCOS. But there is not yet enough evidence to say there is a genetic link to this disorder. Many women with PCOS have a weight problem. So researchers are looking at the relationship between PCOS and the body’s ability to make insulin. Insulin is a hormone that regulates the change of sugar, starches, and other food into energy for the body’s use or for storage. Since some women with PCOS make too much insulin, it’s possible that the ovaries react by making too many male hormones, called androgens. This can lead to acne, excessive hair growth, weight gain, and ovulation problems.
Why do women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) have trouble with their menstrual cycle?
The ovaries are two small organs, one on each side of a woman's uterus. A woman's ovaries have follicles, which are tiny sacs filled with liquid that hold the eggs. These sacs are also called cysts. Each month about 20 eggs start to mature, but usually only one becomes dominant. As the one egg grows, the follicle accumulates fluid in it. When that egg matures, the follicle breaks open to release the egg so it can travel through the fallopian tube for fertilization. When the single egg leaves the follicle, ovulation takes place.
In women with PCOS, the ovary doesn't make all of the hormones it needs for any of the eggs to fully mature. They may start to grow and accumulate fluid. But no one egg becomes large enough. Instead, some may remain as cysts. Since no egg matures or is released, ovulation does not occur and the hormone progesterone is not made. Without progesterone, a woman’s menstrual cycle is irregular or absent. Also, the cysts produce male hormones, which continue to prevent ovulation.
What are the symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?
These are some of the symptoms of PCOS:
• infrequent menstrual periods, no menstrual periods, and/or irregular bleeding
• infertility or inability to get pregnant because of not ovulating
• increased growth of hair on the face, chest, stomach, back, thumbs, or toes
• acne, oily skin, or dandruff
• pelvic pain
• weight gain or obesity, usually carrying extra weight around the waist
• type 2 diabetes
• high cholesterol
• high blood pressure
• male-pattern baldness or thinning hair
• patches of thickened and dark brown or black skin on the neck, arms, breasts, or thighs
• skin tags, or tiny excess flaps of skin in the armpits or neck area
• sleep apnea#8213;excessive snoring and breathing stops at times while asleep
What tests are used to diagnose Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?
There is no single test to diagnose PCOS. Your doctor will take a medical history, perform a physical exam—possibly including an ultrasound, check your hormone levels, and measure glucose, or sugar levels, in the blood. If you are producing too many male hormones, the doctor will make sure it’s from PCOS. At the physical exam the doctor will want to evaluate the areas of increased hair growth, so try to allow the natural hair growth for a few days before the visit. During a pelvic exam, the ovaries may be enlarged or swollen by the increased number of small cysts. This can be seen more easily by vaginal ultrasound, or screening, to examine the ovaries for cysts and the endometrium. The endometrium is the lining of the uterus. The uterine lining may become thicker if there has not been a regular period.
How is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) treated?
Because there is no cure for PCOS, it needs to be managed to prevent problems. Treatments are based on the symptoms each patient is having and whether she wants to conceive or needs contraception. Below are descriptions of treatments used for PCOS.
Birth control pills. For women who don’t want to become pregnant, birth control pills can regulate menstrual cycles, reduce male hormone levels, and help to clear acne. However, the birth control pill does not cure PCOS. The menstrual cycle will become abnormal again if the pill is stopped. Women may also think about taking a pill that only has progesterone, like Provera, to regulate the menstrual cycle and prevent endometrial problems. But progesterone alone does not help reduce acne and hair growth.
Diabetes Medications. The medicine, Metformin, also called Glucophage, which is used to treat type 2 diabetes, also helps with PCOS symptoms. Metformin affects the way insulin regulates glucose and decreases the testosterone production. Abnormal hair growth will slow down and ovulation may return after a few months of use. These medications will not cause a person to become diabetic.
Fertility Medications. The main fertility problem for women with PCOS is the lack of ovulation. Even so, her husband’s sperm count should be checked and her tubes checked to make sure they are open before fertility medications are used. Clomiphene (pills) and Gonadotropins (shots) can be used to stimulate the ovary to ovulate. PCOS patients are at increased risk for multiple births when using these medications. In vitro Fertilization (IVF) is sometimes recommended to control the chance of having triplets or more. Metformin can be taken with fertility medications and helps to make PCOS women ovulate on lower doses of medication.
Medicine for increased hair growth or extra male hormones. If a woman is not trying to get pregnant there are some other medicines that may reduce hair growth. Spironolactone is a blood pressure medicine that has been shown to decrease the male hormone’s effect on hair. Propecia, a medicine taken by men for hair loss, is another medication that blocks this effect. Both of these medicines can affect the development of a male fetus and should not be taken if pregnancy is possible. Other non-medical treatments such as electrolysis or laser hair removal are effective at getting rid of hair. A woman with PCOS can also take hormonal treatment to keep new hair from growing.
Surgery. Although it is not recommended as the first course of treatment, surgery called ovarian drilling is available to induce ovulation. The doctor makes a very small incision above or below the navel, and inserts a small instrument that acts like a telescope into the abdomen. This is called laparoscopy. The doctor then punctures the ovary with a small needle carrying an electric current to destroy a small portion of the ovary. This procedure carries a risk of developing scar tissue on the ovary. This surgery can lower male hormone levels and help with ovulation. But these effects may only last a few months. This treatment doesn't help with increased hair growth and loss of scalp hair.
A healthy weight. Maintaining a healthy weight is another way women can help manage PCOS. Since obesity is common with PCOS, a healthy diet and physical activity help maintain a healthy weight, which will help the body lower glucose levels, use insulin more efficiently, and may help restore a normal period. Even loss of 10% of her body weight can help make a woman's cycle more regular.
How does Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) affect a woman while pregnant?
There appears to be a higher rate of miscarriage, gestational diabetes, pregnancy-induced high blood pressure, and premature delivery in women with PCOS. Researchers are studying how the medicine, metformin, prevents or reduces the chances of having these problems while pregnant, in addition to looking at how the drug lowers male hormone levels and limits weight gain in women who are obese when they get pregnant.
No one yet knows if metformin is safe for pregnant women. Because the drug crosses the placenta, doctors are concerned that the baby could be affected by the drug. Research is ongoing.
Does Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) put women at risk for other conditions?
Women with PCOS can be at an increased risk for developing several other conditions. Irregular menstrual periods and the absence of ovulation cause women to produce the hormone estrogen, but not the hormone progesterone. Without progesterone, which causes the endometrium to shed each month as a menstrual period, the endometrium becomes thick, which can cause heavy bleeding or irregular bleeding. Eventually, this can lead to endometrial hyperplasia or cancer. Women with PCOS are also at higher risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Getting the symptoms under control at an earlier age may help to reduce this risk.
Does Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) change at menopause?
Researchers are looking at how male hormone levels change as women with PCOS grow older. They think that as women reach menopause, ovarian function changes and the menstrual cycle may become more normal. But even with falling male hormone levels, excessive hair growth continues, and male pattern baldness or thinning hair gets worse after menopause.

miki-miki spune:
MRL am uitat sa-ti spun ca ar fi bine sa iei si Omega 3 (de la Doppel Herz) 2/zi si o tii in continuare pana nasti.Nu are actiune hormonala dar e f buna pt organism. Caut si site-ul cu celalt produs EPA (care de fapt e tot Omega 3) si care iese mai ieftin . Pana faci comanda pe site si iti soseste produsul sa iei de la Doppel Herz din plafare.

Olivia26 spune:
Originally posted by miki-miki
Olivia de unde ai luat Vitex d 1000mg? De ce firma e produs si cat costa ?
Edit: Scuze, acum am vazut ca esti din Cypru. M-am si mirat ca l-ai gasit in farmacii. Ce scrie in prospect ca contine? Planta macinata sau extract standardizat?


Ce nu te omoara, te face mai puternic.

denisabia spune:
gudinde sarut-mana pentru articol, acum nu pot sa diger bine informatiile ca sunt prinsa in niste reactii la biochimie , dar cum termin citesc cum trebuie.

chivutamonica spune:
Adi,iti multumesc pt. intrebare ,sunt mai bine ,miine merg dinou la doctor pt a-mi prescrie o reteta pt. colesterol.
Ce sa-ti spun eu referitor la uleiul de peste ,probabil este indicat si in timpul sarcinii dar pe cutie scrie asa:daca esti insarcinata te opresti si consulti un medic,pe majoritatea am vazut inclusiv si pe cele prenatale.Medicul trebuie sa stie daca mai este necesar sa continui sau nu,asta-i explicatia cred.
Tu cum te mai simti,sper sa fi mai bine si sa ai o sarcina usoara,ai grija de tine.,MONI

kiddo spune:
Olivia26, multam de raspuns. io am terminat o cura de trei luni de napraznic si acuma fac pauza. ma gandeam la spirulina asta, pentru niscai energizare, mai ales ca sunt in sesiune, serviciul, serviciu... e stresul pe capul meu cat china. in rest, sa auzim de la toata lumea si

MRL spune:
Miki, . Ai un PM.
Zmeur NU,
Omega 3 DA
Eu m-am ferit pe toata perioada cat sunt pe AC sa iau ceva naturiste. Am luat doar acid folic. Merge sa iau Omega 3 cu AC?