FIV 97
Raspunsuri - Pagina 25

Avalon spune:
Dany, ma bucur ca nu ti-au gasit endometrioza si mai ales ca ai actionat asa rapid. Despre diagnostic, eu inteleg ca doar o trompa e functionala. Pe sot il cunoastem de la oligo. O sa-ti spun parerea mea, si sa stii ca atunci cand dau sfaturi ma transpun in situatia voastra si ma intreb ce as face in locul vostru. Inseminari poti incerca inainte de fiv dar numai cand ovulezi pe trompa buna (altfel risti extrauterina) si numai daca aveti cel putin 2 milioane de gigei buni. Dar cum inseminarile au efectul scontat daca faci si stimulare, nu stiu daca e indicat sa faci stimulari inainte de fiv. Eu am facut pauza de stimulari 6 luni inainte ca sa am productie buna la fiv.
Iti multumesc din tot sufletul pentru toate informatiile pe care ai avut bunatatea sa mi le dai. Iti doresc recuperare rapida dupa operatie

stuart spune:
Mai intai vreau sa va urez si eu(cu intarziere): LA MULTI ANI CU SANATATE SI INDEPLINIREA CELEI MAI IMPORTANTE DORINTE PT. 2007!
FELICITARI pt. noile gravidute si SUCCES celor care sunt sau intra in marea cursa!
Pt. ca in scurt timp urmeaza sa intru si eu in "hora" (unele dintre voi imi cunoasteti istoria) momentan caut informatii utile succesului in ale FIV-ului. Daca nu este cu suparare m-am gandit sa vi le impartasesc, poate pt. unele dintre noi sunt de ajutor.
IVF Herbal Support is a treatment by Herbal Medicine that complements IVF hormone treatments and increases the rate of success for embryo implantation. To learn about our product, please explore the links below:
How does IVF Herbal Support Work?
What's in IVF Herbal Support?
How to take IVF Herbal Support?
How does IVF Herbal Support Work?
IVF Herbal Support comprised of a balanced combination of herbs containing medicinal qualities that help Increasing Chance of Implantation, Relieving Stress and Preventing Weight Gain.
Increasing Chance of Implantation
The uterus is a natural incubator which has to be kept at a constant temperature to facilitate the embryo implantation following the transfer. During IVF treatment, most women take hormones to stimulate the ovaries to produce up to twenty eggs. All of the Follicle Stimulating Hormones (FSH) have the undesirable side effect of producing excess fluids in the lower abdomen, causing a bloating sensation in many women.
The excess fluids produced in the lower abdomen by the hormones often cause coldness in the uterus. Excess fluid is one of the primary reasons for IVF failure since it reduces the body's natural temperature not unlike the cooling effect of water around a car engine. This coldness is the main cause of implantation failure and explains why in many cases quality embryos that have been developed and transferred failed to implant.
The use of IVF Herbal Support, when taken in conjunction with the IVF hormone treatment, helps to disperse the unwanted accumulated fluids and to increase the body's temperature by regulating its normal blood supply. Specific herbs are included in the formula to help warm the blood supply to the uterus walls and specifically to the uterine lining. This results in increasing blood flow supplied by oxygen to the uterus and enhancing the embryo implantation.
Relieving Stress
Many women experience increased level of stress while going through IVF treatments and often ask for help in coping better with their stress level. Stress relief is known to be an important factor in achieving a successful pregnancy. IVF Herbal Support has included natural substances such as Poria to help overcome the stress factor and enhance relaxation of the body and mind. This has proven to help many women in better preparing themselves for a successful IVF cycle.
Preventing Weight Gain
Many women experience weight gain during the IVF cycle. This weight is the excess fluids produced by the hormones. We find that when the hormone treatment is combined with the IVF Herbal Support, much of this unwanted weight gain is prevented by dispersing the excess fluids.
What's in IVF Herbal Support?
IVF Herbal Support is made of premium Chinese medicinal herbs and taken in powder or tablets form. All our herbs are manufactured by one of the most established and respected manufacturers of concentrated Chinese herbs and are produced according to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) regulations in Taiwan by Kaiser Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd (KP). Kaiser's modern scientific processing methods and rigorous quality control set them apart from other sources of Chinese herbs.
Our formula contains:
A very effective mushroom that helps drain the excess fluids caused by the hormones from the lower abdomen. This in turn prevents the excess water from cooling the uterus, keeping the uterus warm to enhance implantation.
Poria Core
This herb helps in relieving stress by calming the mind and spirit during an IVF treatment. Relaxation has been determined to have a very important role in better coping and preparing most women for a successful IVF cycle.
Coicus Seed
An herb that helps Poria eliminate the excess fluid mentioned above and making the process more effective.
Angelica Sinensis (Dong Quai)
This is a well known herb that helps warm the blood supply to the uterus which in turn helps preparing the uterine lining for implantation in a rich, warm and receptive environment.
This herb is added to our IVF Support formula in order to help the Angelica (Dong Quai) move the blood supply in the outer walls of the womb making it an ideal warm incubator.
This herb is a key ingredient in the treatment of infertility. It is known to warm the uterus by supporting it with warm energy. This herb also helps the formation of bones in the fetus which is why we recommend taking the IVF Herbal Support during pregnancy until the end of the 12th week.
An herb that helps support the uterus and is often used to decrease the chance of miscarriage. We include this herb in our IVF Support formula since it is instrumental in increasing success rate of implantation by helping the Dipsacus strengthen the fetus bones and enhance its correct development.
How to take IVF Herbal Support?
Your IVF Herbal Support order contains 6 weeks supply.
IVF Herbal Support treatment should begin on the first day of your cycle (about 2 weeks before the eggs are retrieved), and continued until the blood pregnancy test is conducted, approximately two weeks after the embryo's transfer.
If pregnancy test is positive, order your 2nd 6 weeks supply of IVF Herbal Support and continue with the IVF Herbal treatment until the end of the 12th week of pregnancy since it aids in the normal development of the embryo during the critical first few weeks.
If pregnancy test is negative, we recommend not taking the herbs until the first day of your next monthly cycle before your next IVF treatment.
Take 3 capsules three times a day on an empty stomach. Avoid eating for approximately. half an hour after taking your capsules.
Pt. mai multe informatii accesati linkul:
In cazul in care doriti va pot face cunoscute si alte informatii gasite de mine si considerate utile.
Cer scuze moderatorilor pt. mesajul f. lung!
Ai izbutit? Continua!
N-ai izbutit? Continua!

Messa spune:
KITTA si M Oana, am sa intreb cum e cu FIV-ul la Judetean Ilfov cand ajung acolo (mai am 9 zile si nasc!) - ce sa zic, din cate am vazut in 9 luni de sarcina, oamenii sunt foarte draguti, conditiile sunt excelente si chiar cred ca sunt pusi pe treaba... dar, cum eu nu am avut nevoie de FIV, nu m-am interesat in amanunt despre asta. O sa am insa timp in cele cateva zile cat am sa stau in spital dupa nastere sa aflu ce pot afla si promit ca va spun si voua. Mai stii de unde sare iepurele?
Stiu cum e sa vrei un pui si sa nu se poata (indiferent de motiv - la mine nu s-a putut nu ca as fi avut vreo problema, dar nu am avut, ca sa zic asa, conditii, pentru a face un puiut) - eu imi doresc bebitza asta pe care am s-o vad in 9 zile de vreo 7 ani. De asta m-am si gandit la voi... daca exista inca o posibilitate, de ce nu? Eu una, as incerca orice numai sa-mi vad visul implinit!
M Oana, mercic de urare, sper sa fie bebelina sanatoasa si mancacioasa, ca tare am asteptat-o!
Va pup, fetelor, si va tin pumnii. Va anunt de indata ce am mai multe info, dupa ce revin acasa dupa nastere.

zouzounaki spune:
bine v-am regasit din bine ati venit, fetelor noi...n-am mai intrat de ceva timp,am fost plecati in atena pentru avut ceva emotii,dar din fericire,totul arata foarte bine...analizele f bune,uter f bun...asa ca am primit unda spus ca ne putem apuca si de luna asta...dar nu am sa incep de luna sa mai astept macar o luna,din cauza ca astept sa mi se regleze ciclul la 28 de zile...deja iarasi a intirziat o inceput un fel de dieta sa-i zic asa,in sensul ca maninc foarte multe ciorbite,carne fiarta alba,plus numai fileturi fara carofi..numai renuntat la am inceput cu cornflakes in laptic cald si multe fructe,plus abdomene si ceva exercitii...deci nu ma apuc de fiv pina nu mi se regleaza cm si pina nu dau jos 10 kg...asta ar fi cam luna viitoare...protocolul va fi cel lung,lista de tratamnet am scris-o in capitolele trecute...fivul am sa-l fac in atena cu dl. mastrominas(cel mai cunoscut aici in tara),iar pretul f bun,nu mai mult de 2000;medicamentele le iau gratis de la stat cu asigurarea medicala...deci tot ce ramine este ajutorul divin...dragele mele,ma duc sa dorm sint f obosita,tocmai am ajuns si am fugit la computer sa vad ce ati mai pup pe toate cu drag..zouzou
"Cat asculti de Dumnezeu, atat asculta si Dumnezeu de tine"
Parintele Arsenie Boca

Messa spune:
Kitta, e pe b-dul Basarabia, la o statie de tramvai de stadionul Lia Manoliu, catre Nicolae Grigorescu.

nicoll75 spune:
Buna dimineata prea mai scriu pentru ca nu am noutati,dar va citesc zilnic si va tin auzit,din intamplare,despre inlocuirea trompelor.cred ca persoana care a zis acest lucru merge la Giulesti.are cineva idee despre ce este vorba?a mai auzit cineva de trompe artificiale?poate fetele care merg la Giulesti au mai multe informatii.pupici si sa aveti parte de cea mai importanta realizare in viata

pussi spune:
KittaBAFTA AZI!!! si sa primesti explicatiile necesare
KoraBAFTA!!! cred ca azi te intalnesti cu T.
Monilandcred ca si tu ai azi intalnire asa ca TIN PUMNII!!!
fetelor parca sunteti liceene indragostite si va vedeti duminica cu iubitii
Avaloneu am stat 4 ani cu infertilitate dupa laparo mi s-a pus un diagnostic...era crunt sterilitate primara de natura tubara(trompe inpermeabile..parte superioara)... medicii si sotul erau suparati, eu eram vesela ca am un diagnostic clar,eram mandra de el
Sheri spor la injectoane si cum le-ai inceput SA FIE INTR-UN CEAS BUN!!!
Zouzouma bucur ca intri si tu in echipa de fivoase de februarie-martie
adhnana, Cris, madalina, nicoleta, Liana haideti fetelor, trebuie sa deschideti anul 2007 cu sa ne tineti la curent si vreau sa ne spuneti si endometrul(am eu o pasarica cu el)
Klade acord cu clinica cand o deschidem??? Tu ce faci in continuare???
Stuart si tu intri tot pe februarie-martie cu FIVUL??
danyalo imi pare rau. Iti spun din riscul ca ma eu dupa laparo am aflat diagnosticul si la mine( trompa dreapta impermeabila partea superioara, stanga greu permeabila cu tendinte de colectare si hidroslpinx) Mie medicul din TM mi-a facut tespul postcoital, sa vada daca spermatozoizii ajung in uter - testul a iesit pozitiv. a zis ca nu mai are sens sa-mi faca si prin IA tot in uter ajung. Am facut totusi una si dupa FIV...

kla78 spune:
PUSSI prima data cred ca ar trebui sa deschidem o clinica virtualasi daca avem suficienta clientela deschidem una de-adevaratelea

KITTA spune:
Fetelor, m-am intors de la IAS dar nu am vorbit cu dr. decat fugitiv. A zis ca bine ca am luat decizia asta impreuna de a face o IAS,bla, bla, bla. La eco mai era un folicul de 14 mm care urma sa se sparga asa ca mai trebuie sa prestez pt. el in private si inca alti cativa foliculi mai mici. Deci, m-am mai linistiti putin ca ceva foliculi s-au produs in total, dar nu toti de aceeasi dimensiune in flanc, ca sa poata fi scosi deodata. Discutia s-a amanat pt. marti, deci mai stau in agonie pana atunci.
Fetelor, mis mi-a dat dr. asta Utrogestan intravagi si dupa IAS, ceea ce la anterioarele 8 la Giuli nu mi s-a intamplat. Voua vi s-a dat dupa inseminari?Este ceva bun cred eu si ma intreb de ce cei de la Giuli nu dau, ii doare mana sa scrie reteta sau mi l-a dat mie numai asa pentru efectul Placebo?