Vacanta in Grecia (2)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 6
Bebe Beca spune:
Melina, mai da-ne te rog cateva idei de vizite in Halkidiki... Am retinut Porto Carras si Neos Marmaras. Pestera pe care brat este?
Ioana si Rebeca
selket spune:
Poate ajuta:
sau poti alege ce zona vrei: este undeva culture map.
Am cateva sugestii pentru cine mai vrea sa isi faca vacanta in Grecia.. si anume sudul Greciei. Niste prieteni tocmai s-au intors de acolo si din ce mi-au povestit au vizitat niste locuri foarte interesante, un circuit cu masina proprie de nota 10.
Nu ma intind la detalii despre Atena cu Acropolele si distractia cu reducerile de prin magazine catre sf lui iulie inceputul lui august de care mai toata lumea a auzit.
De Delphi iarasi cred ca stiti si care este in zona.
Nu trebuie ratat Cap Sunio de unde se poate admira cel mai frumos apus de soare din Grecia, renumitul "apus de soare de la Templul lui Poseidon.
Mistra - ruinile unui "oras fantoma" bizantin parasit la un moment dat de catre toti locuitorii lui si care s-a pastrat asa cum a ramas de atunci atat case umile cat si palate sau fortarete, si unde sunt cica cele mai frumoase biserici din Grecia. De aici poti urca daca te tine si vei avea o imagine superba asupra vechii Sparte. Zona am inteles ca este putin cunoscuta si vizitata. Aici " " am vazut cateva poze, ca sa va faceti o idee.
Tot in zona poti vedea canalul taiat de om in stanca care uneste Marea Egee si Marea Ionica.
Mie sincer mi-au cam facut cu ochiul.. pentru viitoarea tura in Grecia.
pozele mele din Grecia (Salonic, Meteora, Halkidiki)- am stat la Hotel Macedonia Sun pe bratul Kasandra si eu una am fost foarte multumita:
selket spune:
Pestera Petralona este un pic mai sus de bratul Kasandra, langa satul Petralona. 40 km s-e de salonic. Aici a fost gasit cel mai vechi craniu uman din europa, circa 700.000 ani vechime precum si primele urme de folosire a focului. Este si un muzeu cu descoperirile din pestera.
Croaziera la Muntele Atos. Foarte aratoase manastirile dar nu le poti vedea decat din vapor pentru ca femeile nu au voie sa intre deloc, iar barbatii numai cu tot felul de hartii.
De vizitat Salonicul (turnul alb, palatul lui galerius, arcul lui galerius, rotonda, baile romane, ruinile teatrului, zidurile orasului). Faci cu autobuzul cam 1,5-2 ore si e foarte ieftin (12 euro dus intors am platit eu din kalithea)
Meteora, drumul 5 ore pana acolo, dar merita.
Am auzit ca ruinile de la Stageira se mai viziteaza, dar nu stiu detalii. Pe bratul Kasandra mai este ceva turn, dar nu foarte spectaculos...
Bebe Beca spune:
A izbucnit un mare incediu in Hanioti si Polihrono. Si parca si Pefkohori... Oamenii sunt disperati... Iar noi nu stim daca hotelurile au fost afectate sau nu.
Ioana si Rebeca
melina34 spune:
Cate ceva despre incendiu:
Firefighters continue battling blaze in Halkidiki
Tourists and local holidaymakers vacated for precautionary reasons from the first leg of the Halkidiki peninsula, the closest to Thessaloniki, after an immense fire broke out in the Kassandra leg Monday afternoon, returned to their hotels Tuesday morning, as firefighters continued the overnight battle against the blaze.
A total of 1,178 persons, mainly children and elderly with respiratory problems, as well as holidaymakers, were evacuated from Kassandra on Monday night in a massive operation mounted by the Coast Guard, assisted by merchant marine vessels, private boats and trawlers of local and nearby fishermen, coordinated by the local prefectural authorities and the Nea Moudania port authorities.
The evacuees were taken to Nea Marmara, Potidea and Nea Moudania in Sithonia, the middle leg, where they spent the night in hotels and camping sites.
The children from a holiday camp in Pefkohori were also evacuated for safety reasons and taken to a safe spot.
A German tourist drowned while attempting to board an inflatable boat on the coast of Kassandra on Monday night. According to available information, the man fell into the sea and disapeared under the waves while trying to board the boat on the coast of Polychronou, which his wife and child had boarded earlier. The man was later identified as Georg Hermann, 41.
Seven people with first and second degree burns, another two with heart problems and tens of people with brething problems due to the fire were taken to Polygyros hospital and the nearby health centres. Halkidiki General Hospital director Dimitris Pachtas told ANA-MPA that five of the seven burn patients were hospitalised while the other two were released after receiving first-aid treatment. The two heart patients were also hospitalised at the same hospital for precautionary reasons, while 35-40 people presenting breathing problems were taken to the Kassandra Health centre for first aid, including an 8-day-old infant, which was originally taken to the Halkidiki hospital and from there to the Papageorgiou hospital in Thessaloniki, where it was reported to be in good condition, Pachtas said.
A state of emergency was declared in Kassandra late Monday night after the blaze -- which broke out at 6:30 p.m. in a forested area on the mountainside near Poychronou -- spread quickly, fanned by near-gale force winds of 6-7 beaufort, into a ten kilometre front encompassing the regions of Polychronou, Haniotis, Pefkochori, Kryopigi and Skioni, burning tens of homes and cars.
Halikidiki Prefect Argyris Lafazanis told ANA-MPA that the first priority was the safety of the people. He described the situation as a "biblical disaster'.
Land and airborne forces battled the blaze on Monday, while strong landforces continued the battle throughout the night, and were re-joined at the first light of day on Tuesday by six Canadair firefighting planes and a helicopter.
The fire was still raging uncontrolled on two fronts totalling a length of 30 kilometers and, according to Fire Department chief Andreas Kois, the most difficult front was that near the villages Nea Skioni and Aghia Paraskevi, while the second front was between Polychronou and Haniotis.
Local residents were also helping the land forces fight the blaze and save their homes.
Hundreds of firefighters and army conscripts were battling the blaze, assisted by local residents and volunteers, while a total of 80 fire engines were being used in the firefighting effort, as well as tens of water tanker trucks from the surrounding municipalities,
Central Macedonia Civil Protection director K. Kokolakis told ANA-MPA that the efforts were mainly aimed at preventing the fire from spreading to populated aeas, which he added has been partially achieved, adding that the strong winds in the area were decreasing at this time, but noting that if the National Meteorological Service (EMY) forecasts for an increase in wind velocities were realised, this would make the firefighting effort more difficult.
Halkidiki Association of Hoteliers president Gerassimos Bakoyannis told ANA-MPA that the tourists who had been evacuated on Monday had returned to their hotels on Tuesday morning.
He said that the hoteliers and visitors had kept their calm, but the holidaymakers were evacuated for safety reasons and taken to nearby areas.
sursa: agentia de stiri ANA
Bebe Beca spune:
Focul s-a stins acum, a ramas doar mult fum...
Ioana si Rebeca
dumid spune:
Ce bine ca s-a stins!!Esti sigura? Pe 9 sept urmeaza sa plecam si noi in Psakoudia la Philoxenia.
Ma ingrijorasem tare.
ana_p spune:
Am fost printr-o agentie din Cluj de la care prietenii cu care am fost au cumparat biletele. Oricum am vazut oferta cu Avra hotel si la agentii din Bucuresti care au pretentii. Am citit aproape tot ce am gasit despre zona si hotel, dar informatiile erau putine si nu am gasit opinii ale celor care au fost cazati aici (probabil au fost prea revoltati ca sa mai scrie....). Ideea e ca nu imi puteam imagina ca exista in Grecia un astfel de turism
silvi_2005 spune:
Ana, eu astazi am citit despre hotelul acesta ca este execrabil, era un forum international si toata lumea se plangea de el.Imi pare rau ca ai avut asa o experienta nasoala.
Noi plecam in Grecia tot cu agentie din Cluj, la Philoxenia in Psakoudia; am auzit numai lucruri bune despre locatie dar sunt stresata cu incendiul acesta....Oricum cred ca va fi data peste cap Grecia dupa faza cu incendiu, sunt putin descumpanita.
melina34 spune:
silvi si dumid, Psakoudia este pe bratul din mijloc, pe Sithonia, incendiul a izbucnit pe Kassandra care este paralel cu Sithonia;din pacate azi noapte focul a reizbucnit sau cel putin asta am vazut acum 5 min la tv;sper ca temperaturile foarte mari sa se mai tempereze altfel dezastrul s-ar putea sa mai dureze.
ana_p, inainte sa pleci acolo cum ti-au descris cei de la agentie sejurul? ti-au promis ceva si ai gasit altceva?ai facut reclamatie la OPC, la Autoritatea Nationala de Turism?