Ingrijire broasca testoasa!
Raspunsuri - Pagina 2
Elise spune:
broscutele mele sint mai micute - dar tot au socializat cu barbatu-meu, pentru ca el le hraneste.
Cum il vad scop capul din acvariu si se uita la el curioase, "ce ai bun pt. noi"!
De maica-mea fug, de sora-mea nu... de unde am dedus ca au preferintzele lor.
stau dimineatza pe uscat, la soare, intinse ca la plaja.... o sa va trimit o poza sa vedeti cit sint de dragutze.
Brotacul e mai singuratic si prefera sa doarma pe incalzitor sau sa se invirta pe linga el (e mascul si ii plac kestiile mai tehnice, cu beculetze! )
Cele 2 broaste femele sint prietene, si dorm impreuna pe fundul acvariului.
Iar ziua stau pe insulitza sau se dau in leagan pe marginea ei... dans sincron .
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Cristina_C spune:
Atentie la faptul ca broastele testoase pot transmite salmonela
daca nu vi se deschide:
Salmonellosis and Its Risk to Reptile Owners
Veterinary & Aquatic Services Department, Drs. Foster & Smith, Inc.
If you ask the average lay person if there are any risks in owning a pet turtle or other reptile, the one that is most commonly mentioned is Salmonella bacteria. Most, if not all, reptiles carry Salmonella in their intestinal tract and intermittently or continuously shed these bacteria in their feces. Studies have shown that 85% of all turtles, 77% of lizards, and 92% of snakes carry one of the 500 serotypes of Salmonella. Salmonella usually do not cause any illness in reptiles, but can cause serious illness in people.
Salmonella bacteria are easily spread from reptiles to humans. For Salmonella to spread from reptiles to humans, the bacteria must be ingested. This most often occurs when humans place their hands on the reptile or objects that have been in contact with the stool of reptiles; then they place their hands in their mouths, or on objects or food they put in their mouths, and can become infected. For example, infants have become infected after drinking from bottles of infant formula that became contaminated during preparation. Individuals who prepared the formula had not washed their hands after touching a reptile or reptiles were allowed to walk on kitchen counters. Simply touching or holding a reptile will not result in spread of bacteria unless something contaminated with reptile feces is placed in the mouth.
Most healthy humans come in contact with Salmonella and a whole host of disease-causing organisms on a daily basis, but because they have a healthy immune system and they come into contact with relatively small numbers of organisms, they do not contract the disease. Those humans who become infected with Salmonella usually have a mild, self-limiting illness characterized by diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. However, the infection can spread to the bloodstream, bone marrow or nervous system, leading to severe, and sometimes fatal, illness. Such severe infections are more likely to occur in infants and in individuals whose immune systems are compromised (for instance, bone marrow transplant recipients, persons with diabetes mellitus, persons infected with the human immunodeficiency virus, and chemotherapy patients).
Unfortunately, Salmonella bacteria cannot be eliminated from the intestinal tract of reptiles. Administration of antibiotics to eliminate these bacteria has been unsuccessful and may result in emergence of Salmonella bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. Attempt to raise or identify reptiles that do not carry Salmonella bacteria have also been unsuccessful; therefore, bacterial culture of stool samples in an attempt to identify reptiles that are not carrying Salmonella bacteria is not recommended.
Fortunately, by following some good common hygiene practices and avoiding contact with the feces of these animals as much as possible, we can easily prevent the spread of Salmonella. These basic preventive recommendations include:
Wear disposable gloves or wash your hands thoroughly with hot, soapy water after handling reptiles, reptile cages and equipment, and the stool of reptiles.
Do not allow reptiles to have access to the kitchen, dining room, or any other area in which food is prepared.
Do not use the kitchen sink, kitchen counters, bathroom sinks or bathtubs to bathe reptiles or to wash reptile cages, dishes, or aquariums. Also, do not allow reptiles to have access to bathroom sinks and tubs or to any area where infants are bathed. Reptile owners may wish to purchase a plastic basin or tub in which to bathe or swim their reptiles. Waste water and fecal material should be disposed of in the toilet instead of the bathtub or household sink.
Wash all food and water bowls and equipment with hot soapy water and disinfect with a chlorhexidine or household bleach solution (remember to rinse all disinfected utensils with clean water before using).
Do not eat, drink, or smoke while handling reptiles, reptile cages, or reptile equipment. Do not kiss reptiles or share food or drink with them.
Consider keeping your reptiles caged or limiting the parts of the house where reptiles are allowed to roam free. Always wash your hands after coming into contact with any area where reptiles are allowed to roam free.
Pregnant women, children, elderly or frail adults, or immunosuppressed people are particularly at risk of infection or serious complications of salmonellosis. At a minimum, they need to take extra precautions; ideally, they should avoid contact with reptiles.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that children less than five years of age avoid contact with reptiles and that households with children less than one year of age not own reptiles. Families expecting a new child should remove the pet reptile from the home before the infant arrives. The Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians encourage reptile owners with young children to discuss steps to minimize risks associated with owning reptiles with their reptile's veterinarian and their physician. Children should be supervised when they are handling reptiles to ensure that they do not place their hands or objects that a reptile has contacted in their mouths. Reptiles should not be kept in child care centers.
Do not use the same equipment for your animals that you use for yourself.
Follow instructions from your reptile's veterinarian concerning proper diet and environment for your reptile. Healthy reptiles living in proper environments are less likely to shed Salmonella bacteria.
These recommendations are not meant to discourage reptile ownership. If these basic precautions and good common sense are observed, the risk of contracting Salmonella from a reptile is very low, with a few exceptions, such as infants or immunocompromised individuals. Reptiles can be safely kept as pets, but reptile owners should be aware of the methods for reducing their risk of acquiring Salmonella bacteria from their reptiles. Enjoy the reptile and remember that good hygienic practices are one of the best things you can do to protect yourself and your reptile from a whole host of infectious diseases.
Grupele de risc il reprezinta persoanele cu sistemul imunitar slabit, batranii, gravidele si copiii sub 5 ani. Pe langa masuri suplimentare de igiena, ideal ar fi ca persoanele din aceste grupe de risc sa evite contactul cu reptilele. Eu din motivul asta, cu toata parerea de rau ca tineam tare mult la ele, mi-am dat cele 2 broscute testoase cu tample rosii cand am aflat ca sunt insarcinata. Dar macar am stiut ca au ajuns pe maini bune, la o statiune de reptile unde au niste avarii uriase, toate conditiile si nu duc lipsa de nimic (inclusiv companie). Sigur sunt mai fericite decat erau in acvariul meu.
Nu zic sa faceti la fel, dar e bine de stiut ca exista riscul asta.
Pana sa raman insarcinata n-am stiut de chestia asta, abia dupa aceea am aflat tot cautand pe internet. Le-am facut si testul pentru salmonela, a iesit negativ, dar medicul nu mi-a putut garanta ca rezultatul este 100% sigur.
mama lui" target="_blank"> Bobita, zis si Robert, 14 decembrie 2002
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Elise spune:
poze cu "reptilele" noastre cele feroce .... care si-au triplat dimensiunile de cind le avem (adik din februarie)
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romana_74 spune:
Sunt foarte dragute broscutele tale ELISE, dar spune-mi ce le-ai pus pe fundul acvariului? Le dai sa pape in insulita? ca am vazut ca ai insulita la fel ca mine... Trebuie sa le cumpar acvariu, nu? De unde stii care e broscuta si care e broscoi? De cand le-ai diversificat hrana?
ROMANA , MATEI(04.07.2003) si bb LUCA (28.08.2005)
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Elise spune:
"Insulitza" e de fapt un geam orizontal, la nivelul apei, usor oblic, ca sa se poata urca pe el, pe care am lipit niste pietre pe care le-am luat de la Bamboo (Carrefour Orhideea) la "saculet".
initial, le-am pus aceleasi pietre si pe fundul acvariului, dar cum pareau sa sa tot impiedice in ele, le-am scos.
Poti sa iei un acvariu normal si sa-i lipesti o insulitza (atentie la adeziv, sa nu fie toxic) sau poti sa cumperi unul din magazinele de profil.
Noi n-am gasit, tocmai li se terminasera acvariile pt broaste, deci am luat acvariu normal si l-a "adaptat" barbatu-meu.
Cind le schimbam apa le punem intr-un recipient mai mic, de plastic.
Din care tot incearca sa evadeze.
Cred ca la ala te referi.
Broscoiul e mai mic si se diferentiaza prin comportament.
Broastele stau una linga ala toata ziua, broscoiul studiaza incalzitorul.
Ca hrana le dam peste si carne de pui cruda, taiata f. marunt. Le-am mai dat si salata, dar inca nu le place.
Cu mincarea de la Pet Shop-uri n-am avut deloc succes, nici n-au gustat-o.
Le-am mai luat in schimb o solutie vitaminizanta pt carapace, care se toarna in apa.
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Hermis spune:
Si eu am avut 3 luni o testoasa, pe care in final am returnat-o persoanei care ne fericise cu ea (cadou facut copilului mare), pentru ca spalam la ea, mai ca la bebelus (si avem unul).
Manca virmi uscati si vitaminizati, sotul ii freca carapacea cu o solutie pentru intarire, ii cumparam o broasca de calciu care se topea treptat in apa (tot pentru carapace), i-am luat si o solutie cu niste bacterii care cica mai mancau din excremente si anihilau mirosurile ( o spalam zilnic dar tot mirosea), si mai aveam si o solutie care se punea in apa pentru a scoate clorul din ea.
In astea 3 luni a crescut destul de mult -e drept ca fiind iarna ii tineam vasul desupra caloriferului si era superincantata. Am dat-o in martie, dar am observat ca la caldura mai putina era cam apatica. Deci neaparat trebuie si un incalzitor/ termostat.
Cam atat - daca nu ai foarte multe alte lucruri de trebaluit merge, altfel...
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romana_74 spune:
Vreau sa va spun ca totusi am ajuns la concluzia ca degeaba parintii incearca sa educe copilul cum vor ei si cum cred ei ca e mai bine, ca vin bunicii si strica tot. Matei a primi azi de la bunicu ( tatal meu) inca 3 broscute . Apoi mi-a spus ca el si-a dorit asa, adica mama, tata si copiii, exact ca si familia noastra... iar bunicu s-a executat...
ROMANA , MATEI(04.07.2003) si bb LUCA (28.08.2005)
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bebe2004 spune:
Am si eu o broscuta de vreo 3 ani. Am avut 2, dar am pierdut una. aseara cand i-am schimbat apa am remarcat faptul ca are carapacea cam moale. Mananca, e vioaie, in ultimul timp i-au tot cazut solzi de pe carapace, dar eu cred ca e normal. Ea creste si nu mai are loc in vechea carapace. Azi merg la dr veterinar sau la un magazin sa-mi spuna ceva de situatia asta, dar sunt curioasa si ce spuneti voi. Mentionez ca e destul de mare, adica n-o poti cuprinde cu mana.
Andreea, mami lui Alexandru (26 apr 2004) noi
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marius spune:
Scoate-o la soare. Neaparat. + Calciu se gaseste in magazine de profil. Aveti probleme adica are ea broasca vreau sa zic dar sunt remediabile.
Marius Pernes
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