Semne ca te inseala...

1) You find birth-control pills in her medicine cabinet, and you've had a vasectomy.
2) Mutual friends start acting strangely toward you. (They either know about the cheating or have been told stories about what a horrible wife or girlfriend you are.)
3) Your cheating husband or wife stops confiding in you and seeking advice from you.
4) Sets up a new e-mail account and doesn't tell you about it.
5) He leaves the house in the morning smelling like Irish Spring and returns in the evening smelling like Safeguard.
6) She joins the gym and begins a rigorous workout program.
7) She buys a cell phone and doesn't let you know.
8) He sets up a separate cell phone account that is billed to his office.
9) The cheating husband carries condoms, and you are on the pill.
10) Begins to delete all incoming phone calls from the caller ID.
11) Deletes all incoming e-mails when they used to accumulate.
12) He becomes "accusatory," asking if you are being true to him, usually out of guilt.
13) Raises hypothetical questions such as, "Do you think it's possible to love more than one person at a time?"
14) He buys himself new underwear.
15) He insists the child seat, toys, etc., are kept out of his car.
16) The cheating wife stops wearing her wedding ring.
17) Has a sudden desire to be helpful with the laundry.
18) Has unexplained scratches or bruises on his or her neck or back.
19) Suddenly wants to try new love techniques.
20) He/she fairly suddenly stops having sex with you.
21) He/she suddenly wants more sex, more often.
22) Supposedly works a lot of overtime, but it never shows up on the pay stub.
23) Picks fights in order to stomp out of the house.
24) You find out by accident he or she took vacation day or personal time off from work - but supposedly worked on those days.
25) Shows a sudden interest in a different type of music.
26) Spouse's co-workers are uncomfortable in your presence.
27) Has a sudden preoccupation with his or her appearance.
28) Spends an excessive amount of time on the computer, especially after you have gone to bed.
29) He throws up a lot because he just ate at his mistress's house and had to eat the dinner you prepared when he got home.
30) Your spouse is away from home, either nights or on trips, more than previously.
31) His/her clothes smell of an unfamiliar perfume or after-shave. You see lipstick on your husband's shirt.
32) The amount of money being deposited into your checking account drops off.
33) You find items of intimate apparel or other small gift-type items that you did not give your spouse.
34) Your spouse seems less comfortable around you and is "touchy" and easily moved to anger.
35) You get calls where the caller hangs up when he or she hears your voice.
36) He/she loses attention in the activities in the home.
37) Your intuition (gut feeling) tells you that something is not right.
38) He/she has a definite change in attitude towards everyone in the home.
39) She uses a low voice or whisper on the phone or hangs up quickly.
40) She has a "glow" about her.
41) Atypical erratic behavior.
42) He sneaks out of the house.
43) She sleeps with her purse by the bed.
44) She goes to the store for groceries and comes home 5 hours later.
45) He tells you that you can get hold of him at a different telephone number.
46) The telltale sign of a cheating spouse? Having to ask that question in the first place

blue eyes spune:
Semne care trag de minecuta ca suntem pe un forum unde ar trebui sa se scrie in limba romana!
Dar cum unii pun texte intregi in engleza, de ce sa nu pun si eu in italiana? E usor de inteles, ce naiba!
Vandal, daca tot esti fixat cu inselatul si vrei sa-i informezi si pe altii despre semnele cu pricina, tradu!
Ai dont andersted inglish, capisci?
I want to break free!

iren spune:
Atzi uitat romaneshte, sau cum?
Io shi plozii turbulentzi
In caz de greturi si alergii la anumite persoane, se recomanda retragerea intr-un loc izolat si racoros si consumarea, in liniste, a patru- cinci lamii pe ora.

vandal spune:
Mda....chiar trebe sa fii asa agresiva? Ia niste ceai...
Ideee este ca acest forum debordeaza de istorii de dat peste acel articol si am recunoscut unele din stau sa traduc toata chestia aia in romaneste sau sa postez asa? Mmmmm...
Ideea este ca totusi limba engleza e o limba de (foarte0 larga circulatie - spre deosebire de italiana unde nu prea o vorbeste nimeni (n afara de italieni)....
Si e un forum public pina la urma...daca te deranjeaza nu citi...e si mai simplu pentru tine...pastrezi veninul si energia pentru alte ocazii...

KUKI spune:
Vandal, draga probabil ca ai acces si la forumuri in limba engelza. De ce nu postezi acolo textul cu pricina?
Noi aici vorbim, scriem romaneste, chiar daca stim si limbi de foarte larga circulatie, unii engleza, unii italiana samd.

vandal spune:
Mda....acuma fara sa fiu veninos..gasesti toate informatiile/programele/etc pe care le vrei numai in limba romana? Informatia este informatie...probabil ca as putea sa dedic un 20 de minute sa traduc textul ala, dar nu am considerat necesar pentru ca nu era in latina/italiana/sanscrita sau mai stiu eu ce limba de circulatie redusa. Probabil l-as fi postat si in franceza daca era....
Anyway, daca cineva e interesat si vrea o traducere aruncati un cu cea mai mare placere...
N.B.(nota bene pentru traducere)
Daca deranjeaza asa mult rog un mod sa stearga topicul...e pacat de atita energie pt o niaiserie ca asta...

spic de grau spune:
Vandal, bine ca nu ai scris in chineza, ca aia era mai "circulata" decat engleza.Lumy- mamica lui" target="_blank">David Andréi
(11 Martie 2004)
Poti da fara iubire, dar nu poti iubi fara daruire.

iren spune:
Vandal, daca aparea vr-un moderator cu kestia asta din regulament
11. Limba mesajelor pe acest forum este Romana
Limba mesajelor pe acest forum este Romana. In mod exceptional se pot folosi citate intr-o limba straina, cu conditia sa fie acompaniate si de traducere. Nu agreem publicarea mesajelor sau glumelor in alta limba.
probabil ca nu mai ziceai nimic.
Io shi plozii turbulentzi
In caz de greturi si alergii la anumite persoane, se recomanda retragerea intr-un loc izolat si racoros si consumarea, in liniste, a patru- cinci lamii pe ora.

blue eyes spune:
Originally posted by vandal
Ideea este ca totusi limba engleza e o limba de (foarte0 larga circulatie - spre deosebire de italiana unde nu prea o vorbeste nimeni (n afara de italieni)....
Si e un forum public pina la urma...daca te deranjeaza nu citi...e si mai simplu pentru tine...
1. Ia imagineza-ti un picut, cum ar fi daca cineva din, sa zic Suedia, ar gasi un text interesant pe net si ni l-ar posta aici, cum ar fi?
2. Ce zici? Numai italienii vorbesc italiana? Ia cauta un pic pe net informatii despre raspindirea acestei limbi pe glob, in enlgeza daca vrei.

3. Da, e un forum public, dar român! Asa ca putin respect va rugam, domnule vandal!
4. Intre a fi veninos si a avea bunul simt de a scrie in limba materna pe un forum românesc e o mica mare diferenta.
ps.inteleg foarte bine engleza, dar asta nu ma impiedica sa iau pozitie.
I want to break free!

CristinaT spune:
vandal, eu sunt asa de obosita si textul e asa de mare, ca daca nu te superi asa vrea un rezumat" target="_blank"> 6 ani si ...