EXCEL - cine stie sa ma ajute?

Nu stiu cum sa fac a highlight o valoare maxima dintr-un sir lung.
Am un tabel grasan de tot, cu valori de pe ultimele 11 luni (astea sunt pe coloane) si pentru cateva sute de produse impartite pe grupe si subgrupe (astea sunt pe randuri). Am de facut o medie intre valoarea cea mai buna din primele 8 luni si valorile de pe ultimele trei luni.
Intrebare: cum se face sa highlight automat valoarea cea mai mare din primele 8 luni??
Please, help, ca eu mi-am prins urechile. Ochimetric o sa imi ia o suta de ani! As putea sa fac grafice pe selectie, dar tot imi ia mult. Trebuie sa se poata mai simplu si mai rapid. Merci
Anca si papusica Eliza (26.august.03)
Eliza mica, Eliza mijlocie, Eliza mai mare

Jocelyn spune:
Asta te ajuta?
I plan on living forever. So far, so good

ankalaura spune:
Originally posted by Jocelyn
Asta te ajuta?
I plan on living forever. So far, so good
The page cannot be found
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Anca si papusica Eliza (26.august.03)
Eliza mica, Eliza mijlocie, Eliza mai mare

ankalaura spune:
Bubi, zi-mi daca pricep corect: tre' sa ma duc pe o noua celula, aplic max, si imi da 'noua celula = max de la... pana la.."
Apoi, aplic formula average pe inca o coloana. Fac bine?
Speram sa fie si mai simplu... ceva gen 'if... =max de la... pana la...' then turn GREEN sau BOLD, sau naima sa le ia.
Am un ditamai tabelul, am ajuns la litera T
Si daca s-a putea o magie de genul cum e in options / view > bifezi ZERO values, si turns ce culoare vrei tu, daca ar fi si un max din asta pe care sa-l definesti pe un sir, te-as pupa! ii dau cu mouse de la linia 1 la 381 si m-am scos!
Anca si papusica Eliza (26.august.03)
Eliza mica, Eliza mijlocie, Eliza mai mare

Jocelyn spune:
Scuze, nu stiu de ce nu a mers, hai ca dau copy paste:
"Add conditional formatting
1. Select the cells for which you want to add conditional formatting.
2. On the Format menu, click Conditional Formatting.
Do one of the following:
* To use values in the selected cells as the formatting criteria, click Cell Value Is, select the comparison phrase, and then type a constant (constant: A value that is not calculated. For example, the number 210 and the text "Quarterly Earnings" are constants. An expression, or a value resulting from an expression, is not a constant.) value or a formula. If you enter a formula, start it with an equal sign (=).
* To use a formula as the formatting criteria (to evaluate data or a condition other than the values in selected cells), click Formula Is and then enter the formula that evaluates to a logical value of TRUE or FALSE.
4. Click Format.
5. Select the formatting you want to apply when the cell value meets the condition or the formula returns the value TRUE.
To add another condition, click Add, and then repeat steps 3 through 5.
You can specify up to three conditions. If none of the specified conditions are true, the cells keep their existing formats.
Note If you are using multiple conditions, Excel applies only the formats of the first true condition, even if more than one condition is true.
Copy conditional formatting
1. Select the cells that have the conditional formatting you want to copy.
2. On the Formatting toolbar (toolbar: A bar with buttons and options that you use to carry out commands. To display a toolbar, press ALT and then SHIFT+F10.), click Format Painter Button image.
3. Select the cells you want to format, and click Format Painter again.
Change conditional formatting
1. Select the cells that have the conditional formatting you want to change.
2. On the Format menu, click Conditional Formatting.
3. Click the format button for the condition you want to change, and then change the format.
Remove conditional formatting
1. Select the cells for which you want to remove conditional formatting.
2. On the Format menu, click Conditional Formatting.
3. Click Delete, and then select the check box for the conditions you want to delete."
I plan on living forever. So far, so good

bubi spune:
poti sa faci direct in ultima celula AVERAGE(MAX(primele 11luni),ultimele trei luni) si tragi celula pana jos si gata. Daca vrei si highlight faci si conditional formatting

ankalaura spune:
SUPER! Merci mult
Va pupa mama de specialiste ce avem noi aici pe forum!
Anca si papusica Eliza (26.august.03)
Eliza mica, Eliza mijlocie, Eliza mai mare

Catalin spune:
Va rog sa continuati www.desprecopii.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=65220" target="_blank">aici!
Multumesc pentru intelegere!
Think pink!