de cate ori deschid pc-ul constat ca firewall-ul e oprit (e firewall care e in pachetul pt Windows XP).. de ce oare?
si uit sa merg de fiecare data cand deschid pc sa-l pornesc, si nici n-am chef..
stie cineva de unde-l pot regla sa fie pornit tot timpul?
Louisea si Bandit
start / control panel(classic view) / windows firewall
Cu respect,
Suntem urate... si ne tarim!
asta stiam jocs dar uite acum ca am deschis pc ma uit acolo si vad ca iar e inchis..
ii pot da acum sa porneasca dar dupa ce inchid si deschid pc, firewall-ul e iar inchis. trebuie sa-l pornesc de fiecare data cand pornesc si pc.
cum sa setez sa fie tot timpul pornit?
Louisea si Bandit
trebuie sa aiba pe undeva options sau preferences ceva...
da-i load firewall at start up si se rezolva...
alternativ, ai mai putea sa faci un shorcut al programului respectiv pe desktop si apoi sa-l muti in Start/Program/start up...
...Life's tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late...
Habar nu am... dar vezi ca ai un buton de "restore defaults" si daca nu ma insel windows firewall este default "on"
Cu respect,
Suntem urate... si ne tarim!
Prior to Service Pack 2, Windows XP shipped with the firewall disabled by default. Activating the firewall meant having to either run a wizard or navigate through the Network Connections folder to turn it on manually.
With installation of Service Pack 2, Windows Firewall is turned on by default, providing improved default levels of protection on all new installations and upgrades. This also helps protect any new network connections as they are added to the system.