Copilasii din 2002 (12)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 3

irina_ina2000 spune:
Lucia mult succes si sa realizati cat mai repede tot ce va trebuie pentru plecarea voastra.Eu nu am avut curajul acesta tot din cauza parintilor si in parte nu regret dar sunt sigura ca acolo material ne puteam realiza mult mai bine.Cat despre legatura dintre mine si Alexandru cu toata cresa lui sa stii ca in momentul cand apar langa el nu mai exista altceva pt el.Cel mai mult ma deranjeaza ca seara la culcare nu adoarme decat cu mine si nu accepta pe nimeni altcineva .E obositor si stresant cateodata pentru ca ma tine cate o ora langa el pana binevoieste sa adoarma si eu stau numai cu gandul la cate treaba as putea face eu in acel timp.
Sanzi ma bucur ca are pereche la sotii cu creioane si carioci Alexandru .Acum macar sta mult pe afara si problema mare este ca se joaca numai in nisip daca gaseste si pana nu isi pune in cap nu se lasa, asta pentru ca spune ca asa este la mare.Daca ar stii saracul cat mai are de asteptat pana ajungem si noi la mare , dar el stie doar ca o sa mergem si se bucura inainte.Week end placut la toata lumea!!!!


Gabbriela spune:" target="_blank">cantelece, jocuri, poezii, de colorat
Fetelor am pus mai sus un link tare bun in eng, cu detoate pt copii, in special cantecele foarte frumoase, si explicate frumos la fiecare cum se canta, cum se executa miscarile, si chiar si melodiile. Distractie placuta.
Atatica pt ziua de zi, luni va mai aduc altele... o zi buna, sanatate si numai bine la toata lumea
irina_ina2000 special pt tine , iacata versurile.
Frère Jacques
Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques,
Dormez vous? Dormez vous?
Sonnez les matines, Sonnez les matines
Ding Ding Dong, Ding Ding Dong
English Version:
Are you sleeping, are you sleeping?
Brother John, Brother John?
Morning bells are ringing,
morning bells are ringing
Ding Ding Dong, Ding Ding Dong.
If You're Wearing... (asta cantam la gradinita, se distreza pitici pe el tare)
(Do the moves along with the song)
If you are wearing red, shake your head
If you are wearing red, shake your head
If you are wearing red
Then please shake your head
If you are wearing red, shake your head
If you are wearing blue, touch your shoe
If you are wearing blue, touch your shoe
If you are wearing blue,
Then please touch your shoe
If you are wearing blue, touch your shoe
If you are wearing green, bow to the queen
If you are wearing green, bow to the queen
If you are wearing green,
Then please bow to the queen
If you are wearing green, bow to the queen
If you are wearing yellow, shake like Jell-O
If you are wearing yellow, shake like Jell-O
If you are wearing yellow,
Then please shake like Jell-O
If you are wearing yellow, shake like Jell-O
If you are wearing black, pat your back
If you are wearing black, pat your back
If you are wearing black,
Then please pat your back
If you are wearing black, pat your back
If you are wearing brown, turn around
If you are wearing brown, turn around
If you are wearing brown,
Then please turn around
If you are wearing brown, turn around
Hokey Pokey (asta il cantam la gradinita, e cam lungut, dar tare le place la copii)
You put your right foot in,
You put your right foot out;
You put your right foot in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey-Pokey,
And you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!
You put your left foot in,
You put your left foot out;
You put your left foot in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey-Pokey,
And you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!
You put your right hand in,
You put your right hand out;
You put your right hand in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey-Pokey,
And you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!
You put your left hand in,
You put your left hand out;
You put your left hand in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey-Pokey,
And you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!
You put your right side in,
You put your right side out;
You put your right side in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey-Pokey,
And you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!
You put your left side in,
You put your left side out;
You put your left side in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey-Pokey,
And you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!
You put your nose in,
You put your nose out;
You put your nose in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey-Pokey,
And you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!
You put your backside in,
You put your backside out;
You put your backside in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey-Pokey,
And you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!
You put your head in,
You put your head out;
You put your head in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey-Pokey,
And you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!
You put your whole self in,
You put your whole self out;
You put your whole self in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey-Pokey,
And you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about
Goin' on a lion hunt (asta il cantam la gardinita, numai ca in loc de leu avem urs in cantecel)
Goin' on a lion hunt.
Goin to catch a big one.
I'm not afraid.
Look, what's up ahead?
Can't go over it.
Can't go under it.
Can't go around it.
Gotta go through it. [Make sloshing sounds and move hands as if slogging]
Goin' on a lion hunt.
Goin to catch a big one.
I'm not afraid.
Look, what's up ahead?
Can't go over it.
Can't go under it.
Can't go around it.
Gotta go through it. [Snap fingers]
Goin' on a lion hunt.
Goin to catch a big one.
I'm not afraid.
Look, what's up ahead?
Can't go over it.
Can't go under it.
Can't go around it.
Gotta go through it. [Make gestures climbing up and down.]
Goin' on a lion hunt.
Goin to catch a big one.
I'm not afraid.
Look, what's up ahead?
Can't go over it.
Can't go under it.
Can't go around it.
Gotta go through it. [Make gate-opening gestures.]
Goin' on a lion hunt.
Goin to catch a big one.
I'm not afraid.
Look, what's up ahead?
Can't go over it.
Can't go under it.
Can't go around it.
Gotta go through it. [make swimming gestures]
Goin' on a lion hunt.
Goin to catch a big one.
I'm not afraid.
Look, what's up ahead?
Can't go over it.
Can't go under it.
Can't go around it.
Gotta go through it. Grass [move hands together and apart]
Goin' on a lion hunt.
Goin to catch a big one.
I'm not afraid.
Look, what's up ahead?
Can't go over it.
Can't go under it.
Can't go around it.
Gotta go through it. [act like you are feeling your way in a dark cave]
Feel yourself along the wall.
Oh, oh What's this?
Something funny.
With a long soft thing on it's end!
With two sharp things!
Two big gleaming sharp things!
Run for your life!
Run out of the cave!
Crawl through the grass!
Swim across the river!
Run through the gate!
Run around the trees!
Jump over the sticks!
Slosh through the mud!
Run into the house!
Close the door!
Run up the front stairs!
Crawl under mom's bed!


0 - 2 years 2 - 3 years
Opere de arte


sinzi_ana spune:
Gabb eu stiu altfel cantecelul Hokey pockey ...dar principiul e la fel..refrenul e mai greu...daca il stiam pe asta cred ca ii invatam pe ai mei ca e mai usor!!!
Lucia muuuuult succes...Noi am mai plecat de acasa si e destul de greu...iti e dor de fiecare frunza din de fiecare batator de covoare...apoi cand vii acasa te intrebi de ce nu te poti lipsi de mizeria asta...dar asta e!!! Eu nu pot sa spun ca sunt asa sentimentala...dar imi era un dorrrrr!!!!!!! Si uk e mai aproape si veneam destul de des acasa!!! hihi...e un poces lung emigrarea asta, care incepe de abia cand ajungi acolo!!!
Irina, hihi...pai du copilul la mare sa isi dea cu nisip "original" in cap!!! hihi
Iau in fiecare zi viata de la capat
Sinzi si David
Prin Mamaia si tati cu naufragiatul
La marea Neagra


light spune:
Irina multumesc mult pentru urari. Si eu trebuie sa stau langa Liviu pana adoarme, noroc ca in ultimul timp il obosesc bine pe afara si adoaarme repede.Sanzi si tie iti multumesc, asa e, acomodarea e cea mai grea, in rest, te descurci cu multa vointa, ambitie si de ce nu si noroc. Dar m-ai facut curioasa. Voi ati vrut sa emigrati sau ati fost doar plecati pt studii sau altceva. Daca e prima varianta de ce v-ati intors?mama Lucia si Liviu minunea (24.05.2002)" target="_blank">Povestea-nasterii Super-desenele lui Liviu - iunie 2005


Gabbriela spune:
1. In the kitchen:
Mommy cooks our
Dinner in the
Kitchen every day;
when I'm watching,
Mommy sometimes
says I'm in the way.
When I'm old as
Mommy I will
Learn to cook and bake;
Then whenever
I feel like it,
I'll bake my own cake!
2. We’ll all join in the curcle:
We'll all join in the circle,
We'll all join in the circle,
We'll all join in the circle,
And sing a song or two.
We'll all clap hands together,
We'll all clap hands together,
We'll all clap hands together,
And sing a song or two.
We'll all stand up together,
We'll all stand up together,
We'll all stand up together,
And sing a song or two.
We'll all join hands together,
We'll all join hands together,
We'll all join hands together,
And sing a song or two.
We'll all turn 'round together,
We'll all turn 'round together,
We'll all turn 'round together,
And sing a song or two.
We'll all stand still together,
We'll all stand still together,
We'll all stand still together,
And sing a song or two.
We'll all sit down together,
We'll all sit down together,
We'll all sit down together,
And sing a song or two.
We'll all be quiet together,
We'll all be quiet together,
We'll all be quiet together,
Now singing time is through.
3. Come, Dreams
Pretty dreams, my baby, wait
Just beyond the Slumber Gate;
Come, dreams,
Come to baby, come;
Come, dreams,
Come to baby, come.
Day is done and night is near,
Off to sleep now, baby dear;
Come, dreams,
Come to baby, come;
Come, dreams,
Come to baby, come.
Weary you must be with play,
Running, running, all the day;
Come, dreams,
Come to baby, come;
Come, dreams,
Come to baby, come.
Now it's time for you to sleep,
Hush now, baby, not a peep;
Come, dreams,
Come to baby, come;
Come, dreams,
Come to baby, come.
Big and strong you're sure to grow,
If to sleep you'll quickly go;
Come, dreams,
Come to baby, come;
Come, dreams,
Come to baby, come.
4 A Ring o' Roses:
The King has sent his daughter,
To fetch a pail of water;
(Children hold hands and dance around in a circle)
Tishoo, tishoo,
All fall down.
(Children fall to the floor)
The bird upon the steeple,
Sits high above the people;
(Children hold hands and dance around in a circle)
Tishoo, tishoo,
All kneel down.
(Children kneel)
The wedding bells are ringing,
The boys and girls are singing;
(Children hold hands and dance around in a circle)
Tishoo, tishoo,
All fall down.
(Children fall to the floor)
5. Here Are Baby's Eyes So Blue
Here are baby's eyes so blue,
(Gently touch baby's eyes)
Here is baby's little nose;
(Gently touch baby's nose)
Here are baby's rosy cheeks,
(Gently touch baby's cheeks)
And here are baby's little toes!
(Playfully run fingers from baby's cheeks,
past tummy and down to her or his toes)


0 - 2 years 2 - 3 years
Opere de arte


sinzi_ana spune:
Lucia ti-am trimis PM...
Gabb, imi fac dosar cu toate cantecelele daca poti si nu e prea greu sa mi le tirmit si pe mail le scot mai usor la imprimanta!!!!!!!!1
Iau in fiecare zi viata de la capat
Sinzi si David
Prin Mamaia si tati cu naufragiatul
La marea Neagra


HelleneC spune:
Buna fetelor!
Cum faceti voi cu un copil incapatanat care nu intelege ca nu se poate ceva la un moment dat? Eu incerc sa am rabdare, dar nu se poate: am un copil incapatanat si cu fixuri... daca i se pune ceva in cap, aia trebuie sa ii fac sau sa ii dau. Mai nou in fiecare magazin trebuie sa cumparam Milcky Joe, chiar daca nu il mananca, dar noi asta trebuie sa facem. Avem certuri la televizor, ca el vrea "telelovela", iar noi nu ne uitam la ele, pur si simplu tipa si plange, si cedam numai sa scapam de insistentele lui.
Va pup, cred ca toate aveti aceleasi probleme, cred ca mai avem de asteptat pana vor intelege cand le explicam ceva!
Numai bine, Elena
Mami ”de George”" target="_blank">Povestea_nasterii" target="_blank">Poze


irina_ina2000 spune:
Buna Hellen,
daca ai stii cate suntem in situatia ta poate ar fi mai usor.Si eu am asa probleme cu alexandru si am incercat multe metode: explicat calm, explicat un pic mai rastit, lasat sa planga cat vrea dar sincer a stat 2 ore si plans in continuu si la culcare soptea numai acel lucru si toata noaptea numai acel lucru l-a spus in somn.Si eu imi pun aceasta problema si zic ca nu sunt eu o mama buna si nu stiu cum sa ma port cu copilul apoi revin si spun ca o sa treaca si merg mai departe.In schimb pun de multe ori toate aceste toane pe stare de oboseala pentru ca am observat ca in ziua in care nu doarme la gradinita e mai irascibil si mai greu de multumit.Are insa si zile cand spun ca sigur nu e copilul care-l stiu eu, ma tine de mana, sta frumos la masa, e de acord sa plecam de la topogan fara discutii si tot asa.Oricum daca cineva poate da solutii la asa ceva si eu sunt interesata.
Gabriela multumesc frumos pentru cuvintele cantecelului.Alexandru e fermecat de acest cantec si daca ai vedea ce atent este sa pronunte asa cum aude la noi spui ca merita sa stau sa ii caut cantecele si sa stau sa-l invat.
Va doresc la toate numai bine!


sinzi_ana spune:
Elena...zii mersi ca vrea doar milky joe...
DAvid vrea asa: o jucarie de fiecare data cand iesim afara (si trecem pe langa magazin) cirese, sa cumparam nu conteaza daca am la mine, rosii tot din piata, paine (nu conteaza ca avem acasa trebuie sa cumparam!!!) sa il dau in trenuletz de cateva ori in satul de vacanta (costa 30.000 biletul si trebuie sa ma dau si eu cu el, deci platesc si eu!!!)
DAca ar fi sa ma iau dupa el as da falimet in 3 zile!!! Il las sa zbiere sau il pacalesc cu ex la trenulet ca mergem sa luam dusi jucarii ca sunt stricate...
Vai de mintea mea cate trebuie sa inventez!!!!!!!!!!!
Si DAvid urla si se tavaleste...doar ca il utlimul timp a devenit mai intelegator si il imbarlig cu pacalelile!!!
Iau in fiecare zi viata de la capat
Sinzi si David
Prin Mamaia si tati cu naufragiatul
La marea Neagra


sinzi_ana spune:
Irina, am vazut ca esti din finii nostrii sunt din Botosani, mi-a placut tare mult lui DAvid, mereu cand se joaca cu un tren spune ca mergem la "botsani"...
Si parcul e frumos...
Iau in fiecare zi viata de la capat
Sinzi si David
Prin Mamaia si tati cu naufragiatul
La marea Neagra
