Detectorul de religii :)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 2
vikinga spune:
Elena mi-ai dat de munca cu testul asta, ma gindeam eu asa ca poate nu e adevarat, dar cred ca a fost oboseala de vina si graba asa ca am mai incercat acum cu o cafeluta alaturi si concentratie maxima pe engleza si am luat testul cu brio:)Rezultate finale: 1. Orthodox Quaker (100%) 2. Eastern Orthodox (92%) 3. Roman Catholic (92%) 4. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (87%) 5. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (87%) 6. Seventh Day Adventist (80%) 7. Liberal Quakers (68%) 8. Hinduism (65%) 9. Unitarian Universalism (61%) 10. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (55%) 11. Orthodox Judaism (52%) 12. Sikhism (49%) 13. Bahá'í Faith (44%) 14. Islam (42%) 15. Jehovah's Witness (42%) 16. Reform Judaism (39%) 17. Jainism (35%) 18. Neo-Pagan (35%) 19. Secular Humanism (32%) 20. Mahayana Buddhism (32%) 21. Theravada Buddhism (32%) 22. Taoism (31%) 23. New Age (27%) 24. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (24%) 25. New Thought (24%) 26. Scientology (21%) 27. Nontheist (17%) Vikinga& micul viking Aldo(15noi2003)"Love like you've never been hurt and dance like you do when nobody's watching."
Mik spune:
Se vede treaba ca eu am luat-o rau pe aratura :
1. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%)
2. Nontheist (83%)
3. Unitarian Universalism (80%)
4. Liberal Quakers (79%)
5. Secular Humanism (77%)
6. Bahá'í Faith (75%)
7. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (75%)
8. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (75%)
9. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (67%)
10. Theravada Buddhism (66%)
11. Neo-Pagan (50%)
12. Orthodox Quaker (47%)
13. New Age (45%)
14. New Thought (45%)
15. Taoism (45%)
16. Jehovah's Witness (44%)
17. Mahayana Buddhism (42%)
18. Reform Judaism (42%)
19. Islam (30%)
20. Jainism (30%)
21. Orthodox Judaism (30%)
22. Scientology (30%)
23. Seventh Day Adventist (27%)
24. Sikhism (27%)
25. Eastern Orthodox (11%)
26. Hinduism (11%)
27. Roman Catholic (11%)
Elena spune:
pentru toata lumea !!
Elena, pe cand punem de o intrunire? Pana azi nici n-am auzit de "orthodox quaker" si reiese din test ca sunt si eu tot pe acolo. Ma distreaza ca pe site-ul dat de tine scrie ca au (avem???) niste intalniri care se aseamana cu viata de pe forum: "Intalnirile neprogramate se bazeaza pe ideea de "expectant waiting." Membrii asteapta in tacere pana cand cineva are un mesaj pe care vrea sa-l impartaseasca grupului".
Sigur ca da, Donia, anytime !! si sunt convinsa ca nu vom astepta prea mult pana "se rupe tacerea"
Pe mine cel mai mult m-a distrat warningu´ asta:
Warning: Belief-O-Matic™ assumes no legal liability for the ultimate fate of your soul.
ca si cum cineva ar lua "de bun" Belif-o-maticu in ceea ce priveste mantuirea sufletului lui....
La mine s'a blocat site'ul!
De ce nu ma mir ?!
Da´ mai incearca, Alin, nu renunta !!!
Vikinga loooool....mey, poate ai apasat gresit la vreun raspuns de-ai ajuns c-un picior in moschee si unu´ in sinagoga
uite aici ce-am gasit despre orthodox Judaism:
Irina, iote ca la tine se potriveste "manusa"
Lena, cu mare drag ti-as explica daca as stii !! numai ca nici eu nu stiu mai multe decat tine nici despre quaker-ii astia si nici despre protestantii liberali; despre primii am pus un link in primul meu mesaj, iar despre liberalii protestanti am gasit tot pe site-ul asta ca sunt foarte....liberali, adica nu considera Biblia ca fiind Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu, ci mai degraba " a witness of God",apoi ei cred ca toata lumea va ajunge in rai, pentru ca Domnul e bun si iertator,etc. Mai multe gasesti aci:
Elena spune:
Ei, asa mai merge !
Originally posted by vikinga
Elena mi-ai dat de munca cu testul asta, ma gindeam eu asa ca poate nu e adevarat, dar cred ca a fost oboseala de vina si graba asa ca am mai incercat acum cu o cafeluta alaturi si concentratie maxima pe engleza si am luat testul cu brio:)
Rezultate finale:
1. Orthodox Quaker (100%)
2. Eastern Orthodox (92%)
3. Roman Catholic (92%)
4. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (87%)
5. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (87%)
6. Seventh Day Adventist (80%)
7. Liberal Quakers (68%)
8. Hinduism (65%)
9. Unitarian Universalism (61%)
10. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (55%)
11. Orthodox Judaism (52%)
12. Sikhism (49%)
13. Bahá'í Faith (44%)
14. Islam (42%)
15. Jehovah's Witness (42%)
16. Reform Judaism (39%)
17. Jainism (35%)
18. Neo-Pagan (35%)
19. Secular Humanism (32%)
20. Mahayana Buddhism (32%)
21. Theravada Buddhism (32%)
22. Taoism (31%)
23. New Age (27%)
24. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (24%)
25. New Thought (24%)
26. Scientology (21%)
27. Nontheist (17%)
Vikinga& micul viking Aldo(15noi2003)
"Love like you've never been hurt and dance like you do when nobody's watching."
irina.c. spune:
Mey,da de unde atatia quakeri pe forumul asta?Sunt singura crestina ortodoxa?Cand va-ti convertit,fratilor?Irina si bb Iinca(26apr04)
"Toti traim sub acelasi cer ,dar nu toti avem acelasi orizont."
flafi spune:
eu credeam ca sunt orodoxa... dar vad ca ei nu sunt de aceeasi parere...
1. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%)
2. Orthodox Quaker (100%)
3. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (89%)
4. Eastern Orthodox (88%)
5. Roman Catholic (88%)
6. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (87%)
7. Liberal Quakers (87%)
8. Reform Judaism (87%)
9. Jehovah's Witness (80%)
10. Unitarian Universalism (80%)
11. Seventh Day Adventist (79%)
12. Orthodox Judaism (78%)
13. Islam (68%)
14. Sikhism (68%)
15. Hinduism (65%)
16. New Thought (52%)
17. Secular Humanism (48%)
18. Scientology (47%)
19. Neo-Pagan (46%)
20. Mahayana Buddhism (43%)
21. Theravada Buddhism (42%)
22. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (41%)
23. New Age (40%)
24. Bahá'í Faith (39%)
25. Jainism (30%)
26. Nontheist (29%)
27. Taoism (24%)
"So if you tried to understand me
Would you crucify or damn me
Or stand by me
Like smoke around the flame" Vaya con Dios
lily spune:
Destul de relevant testul
1. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (100%)
2. Eastern Orthodox (88%)
3. Roman Catholic (88%)
4. Seventh Day Adventist (87%)
5. Orthodox Quaker (79%)
6. Jehovah's Witness (72%)
7. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (68%)
8. Hinduism (65%)
9. Orthodox Judaism (60%)
10. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (55%)
11. Islam (50%)
12. Jainism (39%)
13. Sikhism (36%)
14. Liberal Quakers (33%)
15. Mahayana Buddhism (28%)
16. Unitarian Universalism (28%)
17. Theravada Buddhism (27%)
18. Bahá'í Faith (27%)
19. Neo-Pagan (24%)
20. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (23%)
21. New Thought (23%)
22. New Age (23%)
23. Reform Judaism (20%)
24. Scientology (19%)
25. Nontheist (15%)
26. Secular Humanism (13%)
27. Taoism (7%)
Kehleyr spune:
Beyyyy, nici la mine nu merge . Asta-i un complot!!! Trebuie sa incerc de la alt calculator...
Beam me up, Scotty, there is no intelligent life down here...
oana0204 spune:
Irina, nu esti singura
1. Eastern Orthodox (100%)
2. Roman Catholic (100%)
3. Jehovah's Witness (98%)
4. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (93%)
5. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (92%)
6. Orthodox Judaism (87%)
7. Orthodox Quaker (86%)
8. Seventh Day Adventist (79%)
9. Islam (78%)
10. Sikhism (72%)
11. Hinduism (70%)
12. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (69%)
13. Bahá'í Faith (55%)
14. Reform Judaism (54%)
15. Jainism (48%)
16. Liberal Quakers (46%)
17. Unitarian Universalism (37%)
18. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (32%)
19. Scientology (31%)
20. Mahayana Buddhism (27%)
21. Neo-Pagan (26%)
22. Theravada Buddhism (26%)
23. New Thought (25%)
24. New Age (24%)
25. Secular Humanism (22%)
26. Nontheist (19%)
27. Taoism (15%)
Oana D - 17+ saptamani
anamariame spune:
Deci nu stie nimeni cum stau treburile cu quaker-ii? 1. Orthodox Quaker (100%)2. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (87%)3. Hinduism (85%)4. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (80%)5. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (79%)6. Eastern Orthodox (76%)7. Roman Catholic (76%)8. Seventh Day Adventist (75%)9. Liberal Quakers (73%)10. Neo-Pagan (71%)11. Unitarian Universalism (69%)12. Theravada Buddhism (66%)13. Mahayana Buddhism (65%)14. Sikhism (65%)15. Jainism (65%)16. Jehovah's Witness (62%)17. New Age (60%)18. Orthodox Judaism (58%)19. Taoism (48%)20. Bah#65533;'#65533; Faith (46%)21. Reform Judaism (45%)22. Islam (43%)23. Secular Humanism (40%)24. Scientology (39%)25. New Thought (33%)26. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (32%)27. Nontheist (22%)Ana-Maria"Some people see things as they are and ask WHY?I dream things that never were and ask WHY NOT?"