Poveste cu Mos Craciun
Dragele mele,
Va rog mult, nu stiti o poveste pe care Mosul sa le-a spuna baietilor mei in seara de Ajun? Anul acesta va veni pt prima oara Mosul "in carne si oase" si as vrea sa le spuna o povestioara frumoasa despre Laponia, reni, elfi, etc...
Multumesc foarte mult,
Gabriela si baietii
oana0204 spune:
Once upon a time, a beautiful princess was living in a big castle. She was very rich but very sad, because she had neither family nor friends, even though hundreds of servants were ready at any moment to meet her wishes.
One day, at Christmas, she saw Santa Claus and fell in love with him. He was very young at that time and he was so charmed by de princess beauty that he forgot he was already engaged. They planned to marry the next 24th of December.
The wedding day came and the princess was waiting for her groom wearing a beautiful laced dress and many jewels. But somebody else appeared instead of Santa. It was his fiancée, a well-known witch. She spelled the princess to become a tree, in fact a fir tree, so nobody would hug or kiss her because of the needles. So the princess became a fir tree, but a very special one: the lace and the jewels had turned into many brightly colored things.
Since then Santa Claus has come and brought presents to every house where an adorned fir tree exists, once a year. And nobody knows that 24th of December is for Santa anyhow you may think, but a happy day.
Asta prinde foarte mult daca ai o fetita.. am sa mai caut si mai dau .. promit cel putin una, varianta ortodoxa..
Oana DFoto
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oana0204 spune:
A Christmas Story
One winters' night I was in my bed and was awakened by a noise. When I opened my eyes I saw a horse-like face looking straight at me. I was too scared to shout so I covered up under my blankets. Then I heard someone say "Don't be scared, I'm Rudolph!"
I uncovered and looked at him like he was nuts. Then I started to crack up laughing because his face was so goofy looking. He stared at me angrily and said “Why are you laughing?”
"Because you look so goofy", I said.
"Well sorry, I have a red nose, but I was born like it."
"Well, what do you want?”
"You see, Santa has lost his list and we need you to help us find it.”
"But why me?"
"Because your birthday is so close to Christmas."
"O.K. I'll help."
"Hop on my back, we'll fly."
So, I got on his back and we started to take off. As we were flying towards the sky I could see Corner Brook down below us. We were there in an instant. When we got to the North Pole I thought that I was dreaming. Sure enough, when I got there Santa was crying. I said, "What's wrong?”
"“I lost my list and if Idon't find it, all the boys and girls will be sad."
"Don't worry I'll help you find the letter.”
So Santa, Rudolph and I searched for the list. First I went into a big room filled with candy canes, ginger bread cookies and ginger bread houses. As I looked at all the goodies an old women came over to me and said, "Hello what's your name?”
"Oh yes, you're the one who Santa wanted to find his letter."
"Well I'm his wife and I'm telling you, you won't find it in here. Want a gingerbread cookie?"
"O.K. and thanks".
I went on and came into a big room with little elves and Teddy Bears crying.
"What's wrong?" I said.
"If Santa doesn't get us Teddy Bears delivered, Christmas will be ruined," replied one Teddy Bear.
"I know, Santa told me."
"Please find the list",” replied an elf.
"I'll do my best",” I said.
Then I started to get tired. "Wow, this place is big", I said to myself. Finally, I came to a big door. I opened it, and inside there were millions upon millions of letters there from little boys and girls. I started searching through the letters and I saw mine. It said:
Dear Santa,
I’'ve been good all year. Thanks for all the toys you brought me last year. This year I want a Choo-Choo train, a Teddy bear, a coloring book and a game for my Nintendo.
PS: I'll leave a lunch for you and your reindeer.
I was searching for a half hour when Rudolph came in and said, "Did you find it yet?"
"No, not yet!"
As the words came out of my mouth I saw a scroll.
" I think I found it," I said.
"Yippee",” said Rudolph
We raced to Santa and gave him the letter.
"Good, and thanks for the help," he said.
After a while of talking we got in the sleigh.
"I'll give you a ride home",” said Santa.
As we were flying through the air I could hear my mom. She was saying "Christopher, Christopher wake up it's Christmas! I opened my eyes to see it was just a dream."
Oana DFoto
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oana0204 spune:
Puss' Christmas Story
It had been almost a year now since Puss and his family had come to the North Pole to live with Santa. Oh my, it had been a wonderful year. But lately Puss had felt an odd sense of discontent, a kind of sense that something was missing. He climbed to his favorite place at the top of the reindeer barn and sat to ponder. All around him he could see the busy preparations for the big day; elves bustling around finishing up all the toys, reindeer practicing their takeoffs and landings, everybody busy with something. Then the problem became crystal clear.
Just then his friend Rudolph came swooping past on a practice flight. Rudolph stopped and floated in mid-air (Santa's reindeer can do that y'know). "Why Puss, you look so sad, it's almost Christmas and you should be excited as the rest of us", said Rudolph, "whatever is wrong my friend?" "Well", replied Puss, "I just realized that everyone here has a job to do except me. I'm just a useless kitten here." "Omy", said Rudolph, "this sounds like something you need to talk to Santa about. Hop on my back and we'll go see him right now." So off they went to Santa's office where they found him going through some last minute letters.
"Santa", said Rudoph, "Puss here has a problem that I think you should hear about." "Well certainly", smiled Santa, "sit right here on my desk and tell me all about it. I always have time for my friends." So Puss told Santa all about his need. "Please Santa", he finished, "isn't there a kitten-sized job I can do, just so I'll feel a part of things?"
Santa laid his finger alongside his nose and nodded thoughtfully. "Hmmmm… this will take a bit of thought. I'll need a cup of tea, so sit right here while I fetch one and we'll see what we can do." He gave Puss a wink and a smile and went off to the kitchen.
Puss sat on the desk and waited. As he sat his eyes dropped to an open letter. "Dear Santa," it read, "all I want for Christmas is a kitten all my own, signed Amy." Puss stared at the letter for a moment and then his eyes lit up with glee. "Santa, Santa... come see. I think I know what I can do." He was dancing with excitement. " There are lots of kittens out there who would love to have a home with children like Amy, could I perhaps find a way to bring them together, please, oh please???"
Santa smiled and said, "well that's a fine thought, why don't you and Rudolph work it out." Puss and Rudolph spent the rest of the night planning and thinking and arrived back at the office bright and early the next morning. "We think we got it Santa", said Puss, "with your permission, Rudolph and I can locate the kittens and if we can use a tiny bit of your magic we can lead the children and their parents to them." Santa laughed so hard his beard wiggled. "Perfect my friends, perfect", he chuckled, "and you can start immediately." He equipped them with a BIG bag of Magic Santa Dust and with Puss securely nestled between Rudolph's antlers off they flew. On each kitten and every family they found they sprinkled a pinch of Santa Dust and it drew them together like a magnet.
So if you find a Christmas kitten this year, you can be sure that Puss and Rudolph have been around. And Puss feels a VERY important part of Christmas now.
Oana DFoto
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qsar spune:
Iaca ce zice la www.desprecopii.com/forum/rules.asp" target="_blank">regulament:
11. Limba mesajelor pe acest forum este Romana. In mod exceptional se pot folosi citate intr-o limba straina, cu conditia sa fie acompaniate si de traducere. Nu agreem publicarea mesajelor sau glumelor in alta limba.
Si in afara regulamentului: cine se ofera sa faca un cadou frumos de Craciun pentru membri desprecopii ne-cunoscatori de limbi straine (ca mine) si sa traduca povestile postate mai sus?
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oana0204 spune:
Scuze qsar.. nu am stiut..
Acum mai dau un link...despre Mos Craciun si nunumai, de data asta in limba romana : http://www.culturalromtour.ro/stiri.php?id=1
Oana DFoto
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![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
anangel_lexi spune:
Prima poveste:
A fost odata o frumoasa printesa care traia intr-un palat mare. Era foarte bogata dar foarte trista, pentru ca nu avea nici familie nici prieteni, desi avea sute de servitori gata oricand sa-i implineasca orice dorinta.
Intr-o buna zi, de Craciun, ea il vazu pe Mos Craciun si de indata se indragosti de el. Pe vremea aceea el era foarte tanar si fu atat de vrajit de frumusetea printesei, incat uita ca era deja logodit. Ei planuira sa se casatoreasca in anul urmator pe 24 decembrie.
Sosi si ziua nuntii iar printesa isi astepta mirele purtand o frumoasa rochie de dantela si multe bijuterii. Dar in locul lui Mos Craciun aparu altcineva. Era logodnica lui, o vrajitoare foarte cunoscuta. Ea facu o vraja si printesa se transforma intr-un copac, mai exact intr-un brad, astfel incat nimeni sa n-o poata saruta sau imbratisa din cauza acelor. Si astfel printesa s-a transformat intr-un brad, dar nu intr-unul obisnuit ci intr-unul special caci dantela si bijuteriile se transformara in multe podoabe colorate.
De atunci Mos Craciun vine o data pe an si aduce cadouri in fiecare casa unde exista un brad impodobit. Si nimeni nu stie ca pentru Mos Craciun ziua de 24 decembrie este orice altceva in afara de o zi fericita.
I wish I were an angel...
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