Decoratiuni de Craciun

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Leah spune:

Am mai gasit niste chestii pe net si le-am aranjat, am ales eu cateva, ramane la latitudinea voastra sa explorati mai departe. E in engleza dar se intelege usor, chiar nu mai am timp sa mai traduc. Va pup si bafta (eu o sa incerc coronita din styrofoam si decoratiunile din felii de paine)

DECORATIUNI DE CRACIUN" target="_blank">
Decoratiune din felii de paine
· A slice of bread for each child
· A selection of festive cookie cutters
· Paint
· Glitter
1. This activity has a few steps, which means that it takes a few days to complete. But it is simple and worth the wait!
2. Give each child a slice of bread. Show the children the cookie cutters and ask them to select one each.
3. The child places the cutter in the center of the bread and presses down, cutting out the shape.
4. Using your straw make a hole in the top of the bread so that thread can be inserted later to hang up the decoration
5. I find it useful to line a cardboard box with paper and have the children's names written on it for easy identification later. The child places her cut out shape on her name. These are then left to dry out in the classroom. Remember to turn them over so both sides come in contact with the air!
6. When the bread is dry get the children to decorate theirs using glue and glitter. Remind them that one side must be dry before they can commence on the other!
7. Insert ribbon/thread and tie to make a cheap and cheerful decoration. Enjoy!
8. Ca idee personala, le puteti usca mai repede in cuptor sau in tigaia de Teflon, fara ulei" target="_blank">
Modele din felt

Felt is a wonderful and versatile fabric to work with. It is so simple to use in many craft projects. I love the fact that the edges of felt are always finished and don't require hemming. Pinking shears make nice scalloped edges. These felt ornaments make beautiful holiday gifts and can be personalized.
· Felt squares
· Pencil
· Glitter
· Craft glue
· Felt tip markers
· Buttons

What you do:
1. Choose cookie cutters that you would like to create your decorations from. Using the pencil, trace the outside of the cutter.
2. Using either the scissors or the pinking shears cut out the shape you have just traced.
3. Now you can decide how to decorate your felt ornament. Glitter and glue are perfect for stars, sewing cotton balls on Santa's chin would be fun, sewing someone's name with embroidery thread would make a special memento. Be creative- buttons are great for eyes and for creating a snowman.
4. Cut a small opening at the top of the decoration. Thread a piece of ribbon through it. This will be used as a hanger for your decoration.

Modele diverse de descarcat de Craciun, de ex ingeri: site de Craciun: http://home4christmas.comDecorati bradul online: decoratii: din care mi s-a parut interesanta asta:
Coroana din popcorn si styrofoam


Styrofoam wreath base


Pop the popcorn. Lay the styrofoam base on the table and glue popcorn to the top side and both the inner and outer rim. Tie a bow with the ribbon and use the pins to attach to the wreath. Stick the berries around the bow.

Trimiteti o scrisoare de Craciun Mosului:

Etichete de Craciun:

"I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."(Robert Frost)

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Link direct catre acest raspuns n/a spune:

Sa bagati un oki si pe "Atelierul piticilor". Acolo va fi plin de idei pentru Craciun. Deocamdata sunt 2 idei pentru Sf. Andrei (30 noiembrie) super dragute. Si am strans multe idei pentru Craciun dar n-am avut timp sa postez. In weekend insa...." target="_blank">CRACIUN FERICIT!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Sanca spune:

Originally posted by Cary

Poti confectiona fundite pentru bradut,cumperi 3 metri de panglica sau funda,le tai din 10 sau 15 cm,faci fundita si ca sa nu se destrame pe margine poti da cu lac incolor de unghi.

subscriu. De cand erau copii micuti, am renuntat la globuri ca ma saturasem sa matur cioburile de sub brad. Asa ca de cativa ani decoram bradul cu fundite aurii si argintii. Arata simplu si frumos. Anul asta ma gandeam sa schimb la fundite de catifea rosii...
Deabea astept sa-mi decorez casa. Noi ne luam bradul de Sf Nicolae.

frumosii mamei

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Nadia1976 spune:

Originally posted by smillaraaq

Vai, da' ce migaloase sunteti, ce va admir! Eu pana sa fac o chestie de mana o cumpar de 100 de ori si macar stiu ca e buna si ma tine. Decoratii de pom am facut numai in primara, din obligatie. Niciodata nu mi-au iesit la fel de stralucitoare ca cele din comert.

Bafta multa si felicitari!" target="_blank">Smilla crocodila

Da, dar cand vezi cat sunt de frumoase... si cand stii ca tu le-ai facut, asta merita toata rabdarea din lume.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Cary spune:

Ai multa dreptate Nadia si peste ani iti aduci aminte cu cata grija si dragoste ai facut acel glob si bunica fiind le povestesti nepotilor despre acele timpuri......cand poate ei vor calatorii cu avionul la scoala,caci lumea evolueaza atat de repede!!!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns patisor spune:

sunt frumoase si cele din comert dar parca mai frumoase sunt cele facute de manuta ta ,nu-i asa?
aste e parerea mea ,timp sa ai si rabdare ca poti face multe lucruri frumoase de care sa -ti aminteste peste ani si ani.

sa auzim numai de bine

Ramona si Patricia

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Link direct catre acest raspuns anangel_lexi spune:

Leah, te rog spune-mi si mie de unde iei hartie autocolanta pt. imprimanta, ca eu nu gasesc decat etichete!?

I wish I were an angel...

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Link direct catre acest raspuns korinna spune:

Stiu ca ai intrebat de decoratiuni facute in casa..insa ieri am mers in Billa penrtu cumparaturi si am vazut niste chestii destul de ieftine..-niste podoabe din plastic auriu cu funditii rosiila 17.000 punguta....braduti de pus ca decor in casa..din catifea impodobiti:36.000,si niste stelute albe din catifea alba..superbe..tot 36.000.asa ca eu am luat detoate!

Corina mamika de 2 baietzi

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Link direct catre acest raspuns anangel_lexi spune:

Uitati aici un site cu desene de Craciun care mie-mi plac la nebunie:

I wish I were an angel...

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Link direct catre acest raspuns vlada spune:

Superbe intr-adevar Alexandra ! S-a uitat si baietelul meu,are 1,8 ani, si i-au placut mult de tot. Nu stiti cumva si imagini pt. desktop cu tema Craciunului ?

Andreea si Vlad
Iubirea mea

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