Copil de 2 ani, n-are nevoie de bani!
Raspunsuri - Pagina 2

antoioana spune:
Deci asta ar fi:
Plugariu Antonio-Giani (2 years old) is diagnosed with choroid plexus tumour. After two surgeries done to remove the tumour and more sessions of chemotherapy, hydrocephalus appears again. He undergoes another surgery in which ventriculo-peritoneal shunts are placed. A fourth surgery is done because of a shunt obstruction.
Toni’s general state of health has stabilized now, but he needs another surgery in order to get rid of those shunts. Can you perform a surgery that would eliminate the use of shunts and make a natural circuit for the cephalo-rachidian liquid? Do you happen to know anyone who could do this? Please help us save this child's life!
Here are some details from his medical files:
On leaving the hospital: 27.02.2003
Diagnosis: choroid plexus tumour.
Infant boy, 11 months, is hospitalized for malabsorption syndrome, later transferred to surgery department on suspicion of tumour at right ventricle IV. There has been done a macroscopic ablation of the tumour, the anatomical-pathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of carcinoma of choroid plexus. The clinical examination at hospitalization showed normal limits, the lab tests showed no pathological modifications except for a mild anemia. Chemotherapy started and he was put on VP 16,….
He is discharged and he should avoid cold, dampness, contact with persons who are ill, immunizations. He will daily take Ederm ¼ tb and resturn for another examination in 3 weeks.
On leaving the hospital: 3 .09. 2003
Diagnosis:communicant internal hydrocephaly, choroid plexus tumour
, ventricle IV.
1 year old boy, patient of the clinic with carcinoma of choroid plexus for which a ventriculo-peritoneal drainage was done, is hospitalized with the following symptoms: sleepiness, nausea, vomiting.
Pediatric examination: mediocre general state of health. We cannot tell the temperature, as the mother of the child refuses us to determine it. Slightly congestive pharynx. Teguments with reduced elasticity FC=9. Bilateral physiological M.V. Normal stool. He micturates. Without signs of meningeal irritation.
Surgery. Checking the ventricular end.
He leaves the hospital with the following recommendations: the same as above.
SNC consuming is forbidden.
He will come in again in a month or as necessary.
On leaving the hospital: – 22.01.2004
Diagnosis: choroid plexus tumour
A 22 month old boy, with normal height and weight, is in our files with a surgery done for carcinoma of the choroid plexus, lateral ventricle. He went through chemotherapy, having signs of MIC , for which there has been put a ventriculo-peritoneal shunt (Hospital of Neurosurgery). He is hospitalized for clinical and biological reevaluation. He will come again for another visit in 3 months.
Hb = 11,4g%
GA = 13200/mm3, PMN = 52%
Tr = 265000/mm3
TGP – 20uI
uree = o,31g%
VSH = 10 m/h
Fg = 1,82g%
LDH – 266
On leaving the hospital: : 21.03. 2004
Diagnosis: choroid plexus tumour.
From observation file: A 2 year old patient with choroid plexus tumour undergoes surgery in february 2003 with choroid shunt. He comes back in July and September to be clinically and biologically evaluated. He went through 8 sessions of chemotherapy. When hospitalized, both clinical and paraclinical examinations showed normal limits.
He is discharged: he should not have the immunizations.
Nothing pathological is noticed at the clinical examination. The biological tests show normal results:
GA = 9700/mm3, PN – 27%, L = 68%, E = 5%, Hb = 11,7 g%, Tr = 287000/mc, VSH = 5 mm/h, Fg = 2,18g %, TGP = 27ui, urea = 0,32g%.
He received Etopozid and Cispolatin for one day, but the treatment was stopped due to side effects like: fever (39.7 C), vomiting.
He is discharged with the following recommendations: he will have to come back in 3 months, so the doctors can check the position of the shunt, he will eat in accordance with his age.
Pt.cine vrea sa vada despre ce este vorba.

Elena spune:
Draga Adriana,
I-am scris si eu un email unui neurochirurg (dar care nu se ocupa de chirurgie infantila )de aici, din Germania si mi-a raspuns ca datele pe care i le-am trimis nu sunt suficiente ca sa poata da un raspuns clar, ci poate sa isi dea doar cu parerea. Spune el ca ar trebui sa vada si niste "poze".
Uite care este parerea lui:
"se pare ca sint 2 probleme:
- tumoarea (iar aici nu cunosc prognoza; trebuie cautat in pubmed "carcinoma choroidal/choroideus plexus, prognosis, therapy, review")
- hidrocefalia, care e o consecinta a primei probleme: trebuie identificat mecanismul ce duce la asa ceva; din cite stiu eu exista doar o alternativa principiala la shunt (nota mea-cred ca shunt inseamna valva) si anume ventriculostomia endoscopica, dar asta nu se poate aplica decit la anumite cauze particulare, deci nu stiu daca e aplicabil in acest caz (probabil ca nu); oricum faptul ca a fost nevoie de o revizuire de 4 ori in 1 an deja e un semn prost (shuntul ca atare nu e o solutie proasta - si aici se practica frecvent)".
Apoi intreaba el pe ce se bazeaza dorinta de a evita valvele: e exclusiv dorinta parintilor, sau e recomandarea medicilor, care stiu ca asta ar fi tratamentul optimal, dar nu il pot oferi ?
Sper din toata inima sa primiti si alte raspunsuri, mai optimiste. Doamne ajuta pentru micul Toni !

Adi4U spune:
Pentru Hidrocefalie se practica mai multe tipuri de interventii chirurgicale:venticulocisternostomia care este o interventie destul de riscanta si care nu are sanse mari de reusita.Se practica in mod frecvent in anii 80 cand nu aparuse prea mult suntul ventriculo peritoneal. Valve este sinonim cu suntul.Al doilea tip de interventi este neuroendoscopia cu ajutorul caruia se desfunda canalele infundate. Alta interventie si cea mai moderna este suntul care din pacate , personal nu am auzit multe cazuri rezolvate 100%. Dar totusi sunt. probabil mai sunt si alter tipuri de interventie pe care s-ar putea sa nu le stiu sau nu-mi trec prin cap acum. In tara noastra toate aceste interventii se practica in spitalulBagdasar-Arseni dar nu va recomand sa va duceti acolo daca a fost operat in alta parte. Am o prietena care a plecat la o clinica din Torino Italia si si-a operat copilul de hidrocefalie. Apropo mai este drenajul exterior dar nu poate fi tinut mai mult de 7-8 zile si are risc mare de infectie. Semeneaza acest mesaj o mamaica care coiplul ei are hidrocefalie necomunicanta grad IV si neoperabil din punctul de vedere al medicilor neurochirurgi din tara (Bagdasar) Mult succes!

ami34 spune:
Subiectul dezbatut este extrem de dureros!!!
Stiu pt ca am o sora ce a fost diagnosticata cu hidrocefalie acum 28 de ani.
A fost operata (Bucuresti)si i-a fost introdusa o sonda(valva) pe care o are si acuma, pt eliminarea lichidului cefalorahidian.
Nu stiu foarte multe detalii despre operatie pt ca eram f mica atunci. Imi aduc aminte ca ar mai fi fost nevoie de o interventie, dar a fost considerata prea riscanta. Astfel ca operatia a reusit doar pe jumatate.

adrianangi spune:
Am trimis zeci de mail-uri... Dumnezeu stie cite dintre ele vor ajunge unde trebuie. Am primit pina acum doua raspunsuri. Intuiesc ce vor sa spuna domnii, dar va rog sa ma ajutati cu traducerea exacta, ca sa nu dau chix... Multam!
1.There is an operation which might be appropriate. It is called a third ventriculostomy. It is another form of treatment for hydrocephalus but it is not a cure for the condition. Long term there is at least a 5% failure rate. That is better though than a shunt. We do the procedure here. It is also widely done in Europe and there are several centers with specialty interest there.
Rick Abbott, MD
INN, Beth Israel Medical Center
170 East End Ave.
New York, NY 10128
(212) 870-9600
2.Dear Adriana,
I've read through the papers you sent me. The child seems to have had appropriate treatment locally and has had chemo therapy. It's not unusual to have to insert a ventriculoperitoneal shunt after this typ of operations or in this condition. VP-shunts unfortunately can block and must be replaced when that happens. That is common to all shunts, whichever country they're inserted. I try to avoid putting in shunts from the start by doing keyhole surgery to the brain. In this case I'm not sure this keyhole surgery would be effective because of the previous operation and treatment. Anyhow I would only consider doing this if the shunt blocked, this because of the risk involved. At this point in time, the situation seems under control and no action needs to be taken.
If your local team would be interested in having some teaching on the subject, I'd be happy to come over to run a workshop. I don't ask for a fee, just my travel and local expenses. I have quite some teaching experience in this field and have run workshops with live operating in several countries. I joined my CV for reference.
Michael Vloeberghs, MD, PhD
Senior Lecturer in Paediatric Neurosurgery
Consultant Paediatric Neurosurgeon
University of Nottingham
Queens Medical Centre
Special Scientific Advisor to the Rutherford Appleton Laboratories, Oxford.
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oanaruth spune:
Am pus traducerea aici:
Sper sa-ti fie de folos (si sa-i fie si bietului micut...)
Dana si Iubirea ei, Oana-Ruth