FIV cu ovocite donate Cap.43
Raspunsuri - Pagina 19

speranta2 spune:
Wish, ma bucur mult. Eram sigura pe undeva. Vorba mea e: "Cand e sa fie e!" tot universul conspira pentru reusita.
Fara copii.. casa e curata..portofelul e plin, dar inima e goala....

O_luptatoare spune:
Amalia, in primul mesaj privat, cel in engleza copiat din e-mailul de la ei, scrie ca este vb de clinica Unica. Apoi m-ai rugat sa fac un rezumat in romana pt. ca erau prea multe informatii in engleza. In al doilea mesaj privat ti-am scris doar ceea ce ai transcris si tu, dar n-am zis niciodata ca e vb de Reprofit. Daca vrei iti retrimit mesajele sa vezi ca am dreptate

danah_78 spune:
Bravo Wish.Ma bucur ca a scazut.Al meu are vreo 13 mm dar sunt optimista.O sa dispara el pana la urma.Mai are un pic.Pupici.pentru noile sperante luptatoare.

Wish42 spune:
speranta ce frumos ai scris,super !!!
Prietena ta ti-a spus cate zile a mers fara clexane? Stiu ca mi-ai zis ca s-a intamplat tot in primele saptamani de sarcina,ca a intrerupt clexanele pana la retragerea hematomului dar ti-a spus cumva si cate zile a mers fara clexane?
Eu am un pic emotii ca lipsa clexanului pe perioada indelungata sa nu imi afecteze bb-ii.
Multumesc. 9+
MTHFR ambele gene pozitive heterozigote,ATPO pozitivi

Wish42 spune:
danah ooooo....pai esti super bine !!!!
Tine-o tot asa.Oare cat a fost initial?
Stiu ca ieri ai fost la eco,cred ca ne-ai scris deja,eu nu am citit din urma,daca nu te rugam sa ne spui cum a fost,cum sunt bb-ii ? 9+
MTHFR ambele gene pozitive heterozigote,ATPO pozitivi

Sandy2707 spune:
fetelor va pup pe toate si ma bucur sa citesc vesti bune mai ales de la Wish pe care o pup si ma bucur ca s-a mai linistit
Tusferi Doamne ajuta sa fie defect aparatul tau si sa nu ai de fapt pbl tensiunii. Holterul da-l incolo ca mai mult te streseaza
Amalia, Daniela, Needa, O luptatoare, Speranta, Miri, Miracol si toate fetele va pup
A fost foarte fain aseara la concert, a avut-o invitata pe Corina Chiriac si pe Mircea Banciu si eu ii iubesc pe ambii asa ca...
In plus au mai fost cativa de la Vocea Romaniei si a fost mulatra "vocea Romaniei" Junie sau cum o cheama si a fost mai mult de cat grozava.
Are o supervoce a fost singura care a ridicat sala in picioare; teoretic ar trebui sa ajunga departe dar practic daca nu e din categoria pitipoanca nu stiu daca are sanse...
Am ajuns acasa pe la 12 noaptea, iar dimi m-am dus sa-,mi repet LH, progesteron si estradiol ca sa imi stiu perioada de peak.
Sa aveti o zi minunata...

O_luptatoare spune:
Felicitari Wish!!!
Ca sa nu mai existe nelamuriri si sa nu derutez pe nimeni va transcriu o parte din e-mailul de la UNICA:
Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 5:47 PMMar 8
Message starred
from Jonášová Barbora to you
Treatment at Unica Clinic in Brno
Show Details
1 Attachment2.3MBSave to Computer
Dear Mrs. E...
The procedure is as follows:
1) You will start taking estrogen pills Divina on day 5 of your menstrual cycle, which we can send you via postal service. (A three-month package of Divina inclusive postage cost is approximately EUR 20.00.)
2) You will inform us via email when you took your first Divina pill and we will choose your donor together. We will immediately send you a plan of the procedure with concrete dates.
3) Your gynecologist will perform a vaginal ultrasound to measure the thickness of your Endometrium on day 15 or 16 of the use of Divina. We will set the estrogen dosages prior the transfer tailored based on the ultrasound result. You will receive an exact schedule of the usage forthwith.
4) Based on EU and our state institutions directives the presence of no infectious diseases in your partner has to be checked in a lab accredited by Czech state institutions on the day of the sperm deposition. A blood sample and the examination for infections cost EUR 80.
The complete treatment cycle costs EUR 4500.
This price includes the complete IVF cycle (complete planning of your treatment, stimulation and preparation of donor, oocyte pick-up, anaesthesia for donor, Assisted Hatching, ICSI fertilization method, embryo transfer).
We provide you with an extra bonus as a guarantee of quality.
If a patient does not conceive already within the first cycle, she receives a bonus of EUR 600 for treatment in any further cycle and if the patient would not conceive in the third cycle, the 4th cycle is given free of charge.
In the case that you would prefer a more economical option, we can offer you a shared care, which costs EUR 2.600 and means that you will have the half of retrieved oocytes available, usually 4 to 5.
Scuze pt. mesajul lung, dar ma gandesc ca nu toate fetele au posibilitatea sa plateasca 4500 de euro si nu mi-am dorit decat sa se afle si de optiunea asta cu cei 2600 de euro.

danah_78 spune:
Wish eu am avut doua hematoame,unul s-a resorbit pana in sapt 8,dar aparuse altul in alta pozitie de 19 sau 20 mm.
Bebii sunt bine,dar am scris mai devreme.

fivdonate spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui O_luptatoare Felicitari Wish!!! Ca sa nu mai existe nelamuriri si sa nu derutez pe nimeni va transcriu o parte din e-mailul de la UNICA: Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 5:47 PMMar 8 Message starred from Jonášová Barbora to you Treatment at Unica Clinic in Brno Show Details 1 Attachment2.3MBSave to Computer #8206;.PDF#8206;egg-donation.pdf Dear Mrs. E... ........................... The procedure is as follows: 1) You will start taking estrogen pills Divina on day 5 of your menstrual cycle, which we can send you via postal service. (A three-month package of Divina inclusive postage cost is approximately EUR 20.00.) 2) You will inform us via email when you took your first Divina pill and we will choose your donor together. We will immediately send you a plan of the procedure with concrete dates. 3) Your gynecologist will perform a vaginal ultrasound to measure the thickness of your Endometrium on day 15 or 16 of the use of Divina. We will set the estrogen dosages prior the transfer tailored based on the ultrasound result. You will receive an exact schedule of the usage forthwith. 4) Based on EU and our state institutions directives the presence of no infectious diseases in your partner has to be checked in a lab accredited by Czech state institutions on the day of the sperm deposition. A blood sample and the examination for infections cost EUR 80. The complete treatment cycle costs EUR 4500. This price includes the complete IVF cycle (complete planning of your treatment, stimulation and preparation of donor, oocyte pick-up, anaesthesia for donor, Assisted Hatching, ICSI fertilization method, embryo transfer). We provide you with an extra bonus as a guarantee of quality. If a patient does not conceive already within the first cycle, she receives a bonus of EUR 600 for treatment in any further cycle and if the patient would not conceive in the third cycle, the 4th cycle is given free of charge. In the case that you would prefer a more economical option, we can offer you a shared care, which costs EUR 2.600 and means that you will have the half of retrieved oocytes available, usually 4 to 5. Scuze pt. mesajul lung, dar ma gandesc ca nu toate fetele au posibilitatea sa plateasca 4500 de euro si nu mi-am dorit decat sa se afle si de optiunea asta cu cei 2600 de euro. Never give up! |
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