FIV cu ovocite donate Cap 41
Raspunsuri - Pagina 9

Sandy2707 spune:
Fetele va pup pe toate
Wish tinem pumnii sa fie bine!
Danah ne bucuram de vesti bune de la voi!
Tusferi te apropii de marea intalnire
Amalia pupici la inimioare
Alinuta si eu am prietene care au nascut bine mersi copii sanatosi cu uter infantil asa ca du-te la specialisti buni(ti-a zis Ari) si Doamne ajuta.tuturor ca azi e mai frumos afara si poate poate vine primavara
Eu o astept cu drag

daniela74 spune:
fetelor,vestile vin mai tarziu,doar peste vre-o 3 ore am programarea
Alynutza exact la fel am patit si eu cu ovarul meu stang,gravida in 3 luni,cand eu aveam relatii sexuale de o luna,dar asta se intampla undeva in 1994.Eu aveam un chist cat un pepene micut .Fa cum iti zic fetele,cauta un medic bun si cand o sa ai toate analizele si esti pregatita cu banutii si cu tot trimite mail la cehi sau le greci(mie nu mi-au raspuns)si te asteptam sa te gravidesti
fetelor va pup,merg sa ma fac frumoasa

Sandy2707 spune:
Daniela Doamne ajuta sa nu ai nimic si uterul tau sa fie bobocel si pregatit de bebelasi.
Donatoarea mea a avut 12 ovocite dar mature doar vreo 7 sau 8 si am avut in ziua 1 6embrioni, care au ramas doar 3 pana in ziua 5, unul singur mai buna si nika de congelat.
Unele fete au avut totusi si de congelat asa ca eu cred ca depinde si de donatoare dar si de sperma soatei.
Oricum la tine iese din prima asa ca nu ai nevoie de congelati
Parca Ivisor spuea ca mai are un fulgisor-o pup pe ea si buburuza si fulgisorul
Eu o astept cu drag

Wish42 spune:
Dragutzele mele dragi m-am hotarat sa merg la eco pe la 18.20 si acum va comunic rezultatul deja.
2 saci ovulari:
-sac I - 17 mm cu vezicula vitelina de 5 mm fara ecouri embrionare
-sac II - 15 mm cu vezicula vitelina de 5 mm fara ecouri embrionare
Presupun ca ecourile embrionare reprezinta bataile inimioarelor asa?
In timpul ecografiei l-am intrebat daca este posibila o dezlipire a placentei.Mi-a spus ca dupa asta se uita.
Mi-a aratat intr-un loc si mi-a spus ca este posibil acolo sa fie dar foarte putin, insa in nici un caz nu imi poate spune cu siguranta pentru ca nu se vede clar.
M-a intrebat daca vreau o consultatie normala unde eventual se vedea mai bine chestia cu placenta (sau cel putin asa am inteles) dar am refuzat.
Cand am plecat mi-a spus ca sarcina este bine.
Oare stiu mai multe decat inainte de ecografie despre cauza spotingului meu???? 5+
MTHFR ambele gene pozitive heterozigote,ATPO pozitivi

daniela74 spune:
Wish eu zic sa stai linistita,ai aflat doar ca ai 2 saculeti pretiosi si te asteptam peste o saptamana sa ne zici ca ai auzit si inimioarele
m-am intors de la dr,recunosc ca am avut emotii,dar totul este excelent,arata foarte bine si endometrul (am si uiat sa intreb cat era,am vazut doar ca l-a masurat,oricum nu conteaza foarte mult luna asta)important e ca nu am nimic si ``sanse mari``dupa spusele dr.Aveam si 7 foliculi pe amaratul ala de ovar .Mi-am luat o piatra de pe inima,acum astept sa treaca timpul
fetele,stiu ca s-a mai discutat dar atunci nu am bagat la cutiuta pentru ca nu am avut niciodata blastociti,care este mai bun HB sau XB?

daniela74 spune:
fetelor,o poveste frumoasa pentru voi toate,sper sa nu deranjez pe nimeni
This is what my husband told me;
I hope you enjoy the story as much as I have.......
He tells me to close my eyes and picture an airport in Heaven, a very special airport. Its where all the babies waiting to be born gather, so they can catch their flight to their Mammy and Daddy.
In the departure lounge its mad busy. Flights, full with babies are leaving constantly. Yet there are some little mites who have been here a long time and it seems the airline has forgotten about them!
There's one little girl who has been waiting here ages. So long that sometimes she can’t help feel afraid that she's never going to get home. She watches the screens to see when the next flight to Luton is, and is forever asking the staff if she is next.
When she is tired she falls asleep in one of the plastic chairs and uses her little bag as a pillow. Her little luggage consists mainly of toys, nappies, babygros and a giant Toblerone bar for her Mummy that she bought in Duty Free. She's dying for a piece of it but she's keeping it for her Mummy as a little present.
Sometimes she gets excited and thinks they have called her flight number but they haven't and she gets disappointed that its not yet her turn.
Sometimes she just stares out the window at the runway, watching all the planes take off and sheds a few private little tears.She can hear some of the other babies laughing and cheering as their flight number is called and although she is delighted for them, she wishes she was going to. She sits with the other babies who have been waiting a long time, even much, much longer than she has.
Then came the glorious day when all her dreams came true and they did call her flight number! She grabbed up her little bag, the giant Toblerone and her plane ticket. She couldn’t believe her turn had finally come! It was so wonderful that she even asked her little buddies beside her if she was dreaming, and if she was, they weren’t to wake her up!
Well, the little darling didn’t need to be called twice! She got herself first in the queue and soon as she was allowed, she ran down the little tunnel to the aeroplane. She wiped a tear from her eyes as she spotted the plane. This plane was going to take him to England... and England was home. She wondered how excited her Mummy and Daddy must be, waiting for her plane to land. She knew they would have her little bedroom all ready for her.
She was too excited to be nervous about the flight. She held her breath as the plane took off. “This is it!” She thought. “I’m on my way!!!” seems some prayers are destined to remain unanswered... no sooner was the plane cruising in the air when the stewardesses announced that the plane had to turn back to the airport and let all the little passengers off. Something about a technical fault...
The disappointment of this was heartbreaking for the little girl -she just wanted to get on a plane and go meet her Mummy for the first time. Why was this so hard???
With a heavy heart she made her way back into the airport terminal with the other babies. In the departure lounge there is a Karaoke machine and its become a bit of a ritual when a flight is cancelled, that the little babies make their way into the lounge for a soda and cheer themselves up with singing some Karaoke. Apparently "Dont stop believing" by Journey is their favourite karaoke song! They also love "Livin on a prayer'.
But when a flight has been cancelled there is only one song that will dry the tears and fill the hearts with hope and cheer again.. 'I knew you were waiting for me'....
The little girl tries to stay in good form but it isn’t always easy and sometimes she gives out to the staff saying "My Mummy has been waiting ages for me! I'm next in the queue!"
Then... one wonderful day, not too long after, they call out her name again...
[size=78%]She can't believe it. She rubs her little eyes and goes up to join the queue, not running this time. Her tiny hand still holds the plane ticket which says her mummy's name and the Hospital name. The writing is starting to smear cos she's been holding it so long in her sweaty little fist. Her little legs are shaking. She knows that at any moment they can shatter her dreams by telling her he cannot fly today. As she steps onto the plane, her little heart is pounding with excitement! She can't believe it! She's finally on board again.[/size]
The plane is full of rows of happy babies, all settling down for their long journey which will end when they meet their Mummy and Daddy in September . Then all of a sudden, as she approaches her seat she realizes some other little girl is sitting in it!!!
Their tickets are identical!
So she puts her little bag overhead and snuggles up with her new sister. She's overjoyed to have a little buddy for the journey. They chat to the other babies beside them, telling anyone who will listen that they are on their way to Luton in England to meet their Mummy!!! They Around 32 weeks into the flight, there was a scare on board. The pilot thought he would have to make an emergency landing. My 2 little babes held onto each other tightly but it was a false alarm. The plane was back on track in no time. All the little babies broke out in a huge round of applause. Soon they start to see beautiful green fields they are over England... and England is home. The little girls catch their breath as they take it all in...
We're nearly home now...
In their dreams they hear their Mummy sing to them;
"Where it was dark now there's light
Where there was pain now there's joy
Where there was weakness I found my strength
All in the eyes of my beautiful girls....."
The plane touches down at Luton Airport to cheering and applauding from all the little babies. ”.
They pull up outside the Hospital and put enough money into the machine for an hour or two. This caesarean won’t take too long... they take a deep breath, grabs the giant Toblerone and rushes to Theatre One...
They look up to see a smiling face looking down at them. Their little noses are kissed a thousand times. They fall asleep contentedly in her arms within minutes, so happy. This is the lady they have seen in their dreams...their Mummy... they are finally home...
Meanwhile back at the airport, it is as busy as ever...

amaliaro spune:
Wish felicitari pt saculeti
Daniela foarte frumoasa povestea parca e povestea copiilasilor nostri obtinuti dupa atatia ani
amalia tsakoniati21+
FactotII in stare heterozigota Pai1 4g/4g homozigot glicoproteina IA C807T in stare heterozigota

Wish42 spune:
daniela eram sigura ca totul e ok,ma bucur tare.
EB (sau 1AA, 1AB, etc) - early blastocyst
B (sau 2AA, 2AB etc) - blastocyst
XB (sau 3AA sau 4AA, 4AB, etc unde 3 si 4 arata gradul de dezvoltare, iar AA, AB, BB gradul de fragmentare) - expanding blastocyst (un blasto care se extinde, e usor mai mare decat blasto normal, dar, inca nu(!!) a eclozat..)
HB (sau 5AA) - hatching blastocyst (a strapuns deja partial zona pellucida si se pregateste de eclozare)
full hatched blastocyst (sau 6AA)- blasto complet eclozat, gata de implantare (urmatoarele ore)..
o noapte buna! 5+
MTHFR ambele gene pozitive heterozigote,ATPO pozitivi

ivisor spune:
e bine ca e f putin spoting, e si mai bine ca totul arata bine la eco, eu astept cu nerabdare inimioarele!
cresterea dozei de estrimax si utro, mi-au recomandat-o cei de la brno, apoi la vreo luna am inlocuit 200mg utro de la pranz cu Lutinus(eu am mai folosit la la cele 2 incercari de la Timisoara, si mi s-a parut ca ramane mai mult la locul cu pricina in timp ce eu eram la munca, si la o doza mai mica, aveam 3oo/zi era si progesteronul mai sus, inlocuirea asta am facut-o de capul meu)
pupici la gemenasi

speranta2 spune:
Wish, Daniela ma bucur ca sunteti ok.
Eu am o perioada ma aglomerata la birou, dar sa stiti ca va citesc.
Dupa 17 martie intru si eu in focuri. Trebuie sa facem analizele spuse de ei.
Sunt curioasa ce o iesi la spermograma sotului, ca n-a ma facut-o de 2 ani aproape.