se poate si in Romania

se poate si in Romania | Autor: histamina

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pentru cei care au fost in vizita la Danone ati retinut-o pe dna Erika iordache,cea responsabila cu PR-ul.
eu am fost reticenta la produsele lor,am ramas reticenta,dar nu pot remarca o dovada exemplara de profesionalism!
printre intrebarile care curgeau din toate partile,am pus si eu o intrebare despre potentialul alergen al produselor am revenit dupa am trimis mailuri.nimic.
primesc urmatorul mail:

Buna dimineata!

La fiecare final de an imi fac un inventar al "datoriilor", de fapt al promisiunilor si dorintelor ne-onorate, si dau zor sa mai recuperez cate ceva.

Imi amintesc ingrijorarea dumneavoastra si discutia noastra despre producerea de histamina in alimentele fermentate, asa ca, pentru a suplini lipsa mea de informatie, l-am rugat pe colegul nostru de la cercetare, specialist in alergeni, sa ma ajute. Gasiti mai jos raspunsul lui, in forma originala.
Eu am inteles ca:
- branzeturile maturate sunt susceptibile a contine niveluri semnificative de histamina
- iaurturile Danone sunt facute cu fermenti in a caror selectie s-a utilizat drept criteriu si productia de histamina
- iaurturile Danone au fost verificate in laborator, iar continutul lor in histamina a fost sub limita de detectie analitica
Intr-adevar, colegul David mi-a transmis rezultatele analizelor facute la un laborator din Hamburg, toate produsele analizate avand continutul de histamina sub limita de detectie de 10 mg/kg.

Pentru anul care vine va doresc sa va bucurati de sanatate si realizari, iar grijile sa va ocoleasca.

Craciun Fericit si La Multi Ani!

Cu cele mai bune ganduri, Erika Iordache


Hi Erika,

Production of histamin during fermentation in dairy products is related to the type of fermentation (long/short, fermentation/ripening conditions..) and the type of bacteria/yeast involved in. As a consequence, it is very common to find (very) high levels of histamin in cheeses especially those with long time ripening at relatively high temperature.
Toxic dose for histamin ranges from 100 to 225 mg ingested but some histamin intolerant patients may react with far less than 50mg histamin ingested.

As cheese, yogurth is also a fermentation process and as such it may produce histamin and biogenic amines. Fermentation conditions for yogurth are far away from fermentation/ripening conditions of some cheese but in the view of special low histamin diet, expert opinion is more divided, from those saying yogurth could be consumed in a low/zero histamin diet to those who are saying yogurth has to be avoided. So there is some controversy about allowance of yogurth in a low/zero histamin diet and in many cases yogurt is still in the list of food that have to be avoided by histamin intolerants.

Production of histamin in yogurth is highly strain dependant and may occur following different ways :
- microbial contamination (poor hygien conditions, industrial strains contaminated)
- temperature not properly managed during shelf life
- production of histidin after proteolytic attack mainly by Lactobacillus during the growth phase giving birth to amino acids from which Streptococcus may produce histamin. When using Streptococcus strains with no histidin decarboxylase activity then histamin will not be produced or at very low levels.

As far as hygienic conditions of starters and along the production line are properly managed, production of histamin is highly strain dependant. Internally and together with its suppliers, Danone has build a long history of selecting low/no histamin producing strains and David gave you more details on how the strains are selected and the average level of histamin and biogenic amines found in our products.

So far, regarding histamin content in yogurt, a relevant selection of our starters together with proper management of hygen and temperature during shelf life, alows to have non detectable levels of histamin (at least less than 10ppm) in our products . Even if a total absence cannot be garanteed, Danone products should be suitable for most of the histamin intolerant patients.

But we have to know that, depending on producer skills, knowledge and strains used, it's possible to found on the market, yogurth with relatively high content in histamin, not suitable for histamin intolerant patients.

If you need other information feel free to come back to me

Best regards

multumesc pentru profesionalism!
asa un specialist in PR isi doreste oricine!


Inceputul discutiei

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citat din mesajul lui histamina
some histamin intolerant patients may react with far less than 50mg histamin ingested.

Aha. Deci exista o explicatie stiintifica a faptului ca unii useri nu te agreeaza.

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vezi ma capcaune,daca nu mai e topicul ala cu zmeura de fi vazut aoclo intolerante,nu gluma!

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