Abdomen Xtraplat (58)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 14


BellaDonna spune:
ok am mai spus daca tot vorbiti de emotional o buna solutie eu o vad meditatie(ma axez special pe ex de respiratie) sau biofeedback care le practic regulat da si le vad beneficiile, in rest nu ma bag ca nu vreu sa isc polemici si cu asta imi cer scuze, avem opinii diferite, eu cred in medicina integrativa care e explicata foarte bine de dr. Weil


Allure spune:
despre RA (rheumatodi arthritis): eu nu pot sa ma multumesc cu explicatia ca organismul isi ataca propriile celule din greseala sau cauze...necunoscute. un motiv exista, ca la orice pe lumea asta, mai ales intr-un sistem biologic extrem de organizat cum e creatura umana
tot citind am gasit o explicatie pe cit de simpla, pe atit de logica data de Andreas Moritz. Reproduc citatul ca mi-e sila sa traduc:
"Arthritis can strike at any age. I used to have juvenile RA from age 10-16. RA is not an autoimmune disease (self-attack) as advocated, it rather is the body's attempt to "attack" toxic deposits in the joints. The presence of these deposits causes dehydration, inflammation (a result of a healthy immune response) and destruction of the cartilage. Without depositing these toxins in the joints and other parts of the body, the blood would be poisoned and you would die very quickly. This makes arthritis not a disease, but a survival mechanism.
Arthritis has several causes. The most immediate one is impure blood, due to inability of the liver to keep it clean (because of presence of thousands of stones in the bile ducts of the liver). To remedy this situation, you will need to cleanse the liver and remove all stones
The next most important causal factor is the thickening of the basal memebranes of the blood capillaries in the body with accumualted protein. This results mostly from eating meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cheese and milk. The capillaries supplying the joints with nutrients, water and oxygen can no longer do this efficiently. At the same time, the lymph ducts draining metabolic waste products and dead cells from the joints, are becoming congested for the same reason and fail to remove these. Subsequently, the joints become saturated with toxins and may attract bacteria to help break down parts of them. This, and the involvement of the immune system, can cause severe pain.
Dietary choices obviously play a major role. Milk and cheese, for example, are a leading cause of arthritic conditions. They deplete the body of healthy calcium, due to their high concentration of phosphate. The body possesses the ability to produce its own calcium through 8 different methods, with the help of other minerals and specific enzymes. Not all of these types of calcium are identical. Different parts of the body require different kinds of calcium. This also applies to the knee joints. But the capillary walls must be thin enough to let the calcium enter the connective tissue and cells.
If you feel you want to take glucosmamine, this is something you need to decide for yourself. But it is good to know that removing the symptom of arthritis doesn't mean you are healed. The body can be forced to shift toxins around and put them elsewhere, just to cause even more severe forms of illness. Dealing with the causes is a more efficient way to deal with arthritis.
Eating less amounts of food or even skipping a meal when not hungry is a powerful way to help with arthritic pain.
If knee joints are involved, colon cleansing is a must. There are reflex points in anscending and descending colon that regulate circulation of the legs and knees. Congestion in the colon also leads to circualory problems in the knees. Colonics are the fastest way to cleanse the colon. THey syould be combined with liver cleanses, if possible."
deci pe scurt, mincarea de carne si produse animale intoxica singele (era vreo noutate??), ingreuneaza circulatia catre incheieturile si asa prost irigate de micutzele capilare, au loc depuneri de produse de metabolism si alte procarii care n-au ce cauta in circulatie pe termen lung iar organismul le detecteaza si normal ca le ataca.
solutia este dieta vegana sau cel putin vegetariana (minimum de proteina animala), miscare zilnica la intensitatea permisa, curatarea de toxine, de pietrele de la ficat si vezica biliara, etc
rezultatele probabil se vor arata in timp, dupa ce singele se "limpezeste"
nu pot sa stiu ce rezultate vor avea persoanele cu reumatisme avansate dar macar acest mod de viata va stopa dezintegrarea in continuare a incheieturilor. posibil si o reductie semnificativa a durerilor.
si eu am fost dignosticata acum 7 ani prin MRI cu inceput de ostheoarthritis; de atunci insa eu tot am mincat din ce in ce mai sanatos si m-am "miscat" la greu; n-am nici un simptom in afara de stiffness in the morning (of course datorita circulatiei proaste pe timp de noapte!) dar care dispare dupa 3 minute de stretch la prima ora :)
nu sint vegana dar maninc extrem de putine proteine animale si numai organic; imi doresc sa le elimin la maxim in viitor.
sper ca a ajutat la intelegere
Ileana, daca iei mai mult de 5000 IU pe zi, sa iei si K2 ca sa eviti calcificarile.
vit D intareste sistemul imunitar; mie mi-a disparut un neg (care imi reaparuse pe deget) dupa 3 saptamini de 10.000 IU/day
la dermatolog cind am fost si tratamentul cu nitrogen a esuat mi-a zis doctora ca n-are ce sa-mi mai faca
Cind am inceput sa iau vit D nici prin cap nu mi-a trecut ca va ajuta cu negul. Asta nu a fost placebo, e stiinta.
“ True health is a journey not a destination, a process not an event, a habit not a diet. "
"You aren't going to get the butt you WANT by sitting on the one you HAVE"


BellaDonna spune:
si vreu sa adaug ca cei ce practica medicina integrativa nu exclud medicina alopata din contra lucreaza impreuna si asa ar trebui sa fie


Allure spune:
la intrebarea fireasca "de ce numai unii fac reumatisme desi toata lumea maninca proteine animale?" am gasit raspunsul in teoria ayurvedica potrivit careia cele 3 tipuri de constitutie (vata, pitta, kapha) au necesitati alimentare diferite si tolereaza diferit anumite chestii; nu retin exact dar una din ele (pitta, am impresia) nu poate procesa carnea pt ca "nu are nevoie" de ea.
subiectul e fascinant si o sa-l aprofundez in viitor.
cele 3 tipuri sint de fapt cunoscute sub denumirile populare de ectomorf, mezomorf si endomorf dar descrierea ayurvedica e mai complexa si mai interesanta/ folositoare.
“ True health is a journey not a destination, a process not an event, a habit not a diet. "
"You aren't going to get the butt you WANT by sitting on the one you HAVE"



Marina spune:
eu am cumparat insanity de pe amazon pana la urma :)
azi nu m-am apucat de insanity ca v-am urmat sfatul cu vindecatul ranilor prin aruncat in mare, drept care am lalait-o in mare stil si ne-am colorat la greu in rosu momentan


Allure spune:
practic e aceeasi smecherie ca la guta: pe unii mincarea de carne ii face sa acumuleze acid uric la articulatii;
am uitat sa adaug ca artitele sint inarautatite desigur si de conditiile climatice, frig, umiditate, lipsa de soare si (de ce nu?) de stres cronic, s.a.
Marina, nici nu stii cit te invidiez!!!!! Norocoaso!
Abia astept sa ajung si eu la "mare" anul asta. Sper peste citeva luni. Baia in ocean e terapie curata (talazoterapie )
Coraly, nu stiu daca o sa intelegi mare lucru din dieta asta pina nu citesti mai multe despre tipurile constitutionale si principiile ayurvedice. Googaleste "ayurveda diet" si citeste diverse resurse. Asta ar fi una: http://ayurveda-foryou.com/treat/doshadiet.html
Nici eu nu inteleg bine cum vine treaba deocamdata ca n-am avut timp suficient sa citesc. Mi se pare foarte amplu subiectul..
Corinadana, Insanity nu e gluma :) E cel mai greu program de cardio ce s-a pus vreodata pe dvd. Beware!!
“ True health is a journey not a destination, a process not an event, a habit not a diet. "
"You aren't going to get the butt you WANT by sitting on the one you HAVE"


ileana spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui Allure despre RA (rheumatodi arthritis): eu nu pot sa ma multumesc cu explicatia ca organismul isi ataca propriile celule din greseala sau cauze...necunoscute. ![]() |
Eu am convingerea., 99 % , ca ma autodistrug...
Am teancuri de analize OK...uneori, fosfataza alcalina iese la limita inferioara si Complement seric C4 sub limita inferioara, dar atunci eu nu ma pot misca, deloc, inflamatia este vizibila la maini si labele picioarelor, iar eco si radiografiile : nu indica nimic!
Diagnosticul a fost pus de cel de al 3 reumatolog...prima s-a declarat depasita si mi-a zis ca nu poate sa ma creada, ea crede analizele...a -2lea era bulverdat , iar cel de al-3 -lea m-a bagat pe cortizon si sulfasalazina ( 1 an)....
Intre timp am facut fizio ( bai galvanice, ultrasunete, magneto, etc)...nu mi-a trecut...a facut si puseu in timpul procedurilor...
Dr balneo-fizio...mi-a zis primul ca-i pe baza nervoasa si de stres. S-a bazat pe faptul ca sunt afectate "articulatiile terminale"( maini, piciare) durerile de la articulatiile mari fiind generate dupa parerea lui de modificarile de mers, stat , cauzate de durere...
Hematologul mi-a zis ca sunt unele simtome ce pot genera o boala grava ( autoimuna sau cancer).
Ce vit K sa iau?
Allure, ce-mi recomanzi?


ileana spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui Allure tot citind am gasit o explicatie pe cit de simpla, pe atit de logica data de Andreas Moritz. Reproduc citatul ca mi-e sila sa traduc: "Arthritis can strike at any age. I used to have juvenile RA from age 10-16. RA is not an autoimmune disease (self-attack) as advocated, it rather is the body's attempt to "attack" toxic deposits in the joints. The presence of these deposits causes dehydration, inflammation (a result of a healthy immune response) and destruction of the cartilage. Without depositing these toxins in the joints and other parts of the body, the blood would be poisoned and you would die very quickly. This makes arthritis not a disease, but a survival mechanism. Arthritis has several causes. The most immediate one is impure blood, due to inability of the liver to keep it clean (because of presence of thousands of stones in the bile ducts of the liver). To remedy this situation, you will need to cleanse the liver and remove all stones The next most important causal factor is the thickening of the basal memebranes of the blood capillaries in the body with accumualted protein. This results mostly from eating meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cheese and milk. The capillaries supplying the joints with nutrients, water and oxygen can no longer do this efficiently. At the same time, the lymph ducts draining metabolic waste products and dead cells from the joints, are becoming congested for the same reason and fail to remove these. Subsequently, the joints become saturated with toxins and may attract bacteria to help break down parts of them. This, and the involvement of the immune system, can cause severe pain. Dietary choices obviously play a major role. Milk and cheese, for example, are a leading cause of arthritic conditions. They deplete the body of healthy calcium, due to their high concentration of phosphate. The body possesses the ability to produce its own calcium through 8 different methods, with the help of other minerals and specific enzymes. Not all of these types of calcium are identical. Different parts of the body require different kinds of calcium. This also applies to the knee joints. But the capillary walls must be thin enough to let the calcium enter the connective tissue and cells. If you feel you want to take glucosmamine, this is something you need to decide for yourself. But it is good to know that removing the symptom of arthritis doesn't mean you are healed. The body can be forced to shift toxins around and put them elsewhere, just to cause even more severe forms of illness. Dealing with the causes is a more efficient way to deal with arthritis. Eating less amounts of food or even skipping a meal when not hungry is a powerful way to help with arthritic pain. If knee joints are involved, colon cleansing is a must. There are reflex points in anscending and descending colon that regulate circulation of the legs and knees. Congestion in the colon also leads to circualory problems in the knees. Colonics are the fastest way to cleanse the colon. THey syould be combined with liver cleanses, if possible." "*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"* “ True health is a journey not a destination, a process not an event, a habit not a diet. " "You aren't going to get the butt you WANT by sitting on the one you HAVE" ![]() |
Ai link-ul?
Este pe linia mea de gandire...sper sa -mi ajunga si cartea ( ca sa fac curatarea de pietre la ficat). Este singura problema pe care o pot banui, in afara de stres si nervi.
Cu alimentatia, nu-s perfecta, dar nu am facut excese, de nimic, de aprox 5 ani...tot reduc la zahar si dulciuri...
