Test de memorie
Raspunsuri - Pagina 3

Hesstia spune:
Si la mine, si la mine:
This is a measure of your ability to remember the photos you've seen, regardless of the part in which you saw them. From all 24 photos shown in Parts 1 & 2, you recognised: 22 photo(s). (91%)
This is a measure of how often you recognised a photo and matched it to the correct part, instead of just remembering which ones you'd seen. From all the photos you recognised, you matched: 22 photo(s) to the correct part. (100%)

CorinaDani spune:
foarte interesant testul, multumim.
am 100% la recognition score si 91% la temporal memory score, iar la recunoasterea pozelor "in plus", le-am bifat corect pe toate (am plasat corect 46 din cele 48 de fotografii). io stiam ca am memorie vizuala, dar nici chiar asa
nu stiu daca pozele sunt identice pentru fiecare user care acceseaza testul, insa la sectiunea 2, penultima poza, parca mi s-a parut ca era ernest de la prima tv; l-a mai vazut cineva sau e doar o coincidenta ?

ZIZOU spune:
Mai ma faceti sa imi fie rusine.
Recognition score
( if you saw it )
Your score: 75%
Average score: 92%
This is a measure of your ability to remember the photos you've seen, regardless of the part in which you saw them. From all 24 photos shown in Parts 1 & 2, you recognised: 18 photo(s).
Temporal memory score
( when you saw it )
Your score: 72%
Average score: 68%
This is a measure of how often you recognised a photo and matched it to the correct part, instead of just remembering which ones you'd seen. From all the photos you recognised, you matched: 13 photo(s) to the correct part.

chatonel spune:
Recognition score
( if you saw it )
Your score: 100%
Average score: 92%
This is a measure of your ability to remember the photos you've seen, regardless of the part in which you saw them. From all 24 photos shown in Parts 1 & 2, you recognised: 24 photo(s).
Temporal memory score
( when you saw it )
Your score: 79%
Average score: 68%
This is a measure of how often you recognised a photo and matched it to the correct part, instead of just remembering which ones you'd seen. From all the photos you recognised, you matched: 19 photo(s) to the correct part.

Tilia spune:
Recognition score
( if you saw it )
Your score: 91%
Average score: 92%
This is a measure of your ability to remember the photos you've seen, regardless of the part in which you saw them. From all 24 photos shown in Parts 1 & 2, you recognised: 22 photo(s).
Temporal memory score
( when you saw it )
Your score: 90%
Average score: 68%
This is a measure of how often you recognised a photo and matched it to the correct part, instead of just remembering which ones you'd seen. From all the photos you recognised, you matched: 20 photo(s) to the correct part.

Maria_1 spune:
haios test!
Recognition score - 100%
From all 24 photos shown in Parts 1 & 2, you recognised: 24 photo(s)
Temporal memory score - 79%
From all the photos you recognised, you matched: 19 photo(s) to the correct part.

Ilinca_M. spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui chatonel Recognition score ( if you saw it ) Your score: 100% Average score: 92% This is a measure of your ability to remember the photos you've seen, regardless of the part in which you saw them. From all 24 photos shown in Parts 1 & 2, you recognised: 24 photo(s). Temporal memory score ( when you saw it ) Your score: 79% Average score: 68% This is a measure of how often you recognised a photo and matched it to the correct part, instead of just remembering which ones you'd seen. From all the photos you recognised, you matched: 19 photo(s) to the correct part. Famille Dragoon, mami de ![]() Toulouse, la ville rose ![]() |
Ha! Identic! Iar suntem "surori"?:))
I'm wearing my heart like a crown/ Pretending that you're still around.

Yagmur spune:
Recognition score
( if you saw it )
Your score: 87%
Average score: 92%
From all 24 photos shown in Parts 1 & 2, you recognised: 21 photo(s).
Temporal memory score
( when you saw it )
Your score: 85%
Average score: 68%
From all the photos you recognised, you matched: 18 photo(s) to the correct part.
Yagmur si Luca

georgiana78 spune:
foarte interesant!
iata cerezultat am eu:
Recognition score
( if you saw it )
Your score: 100%
Average score: 92%
This is a measure of your ability to remember the photos you've seen, regardless of the part in which you saw them. From all 24 photos shown in Parts 1 & 2, you recognised: 24 photo(s).
Temporal memory score
( when you saw it )
Your score: 75%
Average score: 68%
This is a measure of how often you recognised a photo and matched it to the correct part, instead of just remembering which ones you'd seen. From all the photos you recognised, you matched: 18 photo(s) to the correct part.