Buna tuturor.
Doresc sa atrag atentia adminilor in primul rand, asupra faptului ca azi am primit urmatorul mail:
Hello anangel_lexi
Ai primit un mesaj de la : failuv (b00faith@yahoo.com)
La: http://forum.desprecopii.com/forum/
Hello Greetings,
My name is Faith, I saw your profile today and became interested in you, i will also like to know you more, and i want you to send an email to my email address so i can give you my picture for you to know whom i am. Here is my email address (faith.weah@yahoo.co.uk) believe we can move from here!I am waiting for your mail to my email address above.Remember the distance, color or language does not matter but love matters allot in life, Bye for now
Mi s-a mai intamplat de cateva ori sa primesc mailuri de la adrese cunoscute (ale unor prietene) care de fapt sa fie mailuri de genul acesta, ceea ce insemna clar ca nu fusesera trimise de cine credeam eu. Eu presupun ca e vorba de un virus care trimite automat mailuri, de aceea rog adminii sa verifice.
Multumesc mult!
de Maria Cornelia (20.09.2006) si 28+ cu Ioana
Din ce in ce mai mare
Perlute de domnisoara
si eu l-am primit, identic!
Iubirea mea Mufarin, bandit mic
... si iubirea a doua e pe drum
Life is to precious to worry about stupid Shit!