Yahoo Messenger
Raspunsuri - Pagina 4

Catalin spune:
Mesaj offline gasit pe Yahoo Mess, fara sa am ID-ul celui care l-a trimis:
"Yahoo! is shutting down December 17th. Yahoo! wants to get rid of free messenger. If you delete this and don't pass it on, your name will be deleted. Alot of people have already been deleted. Right click on the group name of your budy list and click "Send to all in this group" Each person you send it to will count as a signature on a petition they have to get!!! Pass it on we dont want to have to pay for Yahoo!"
Ati primit si voi asa ceva? Stie cineva mai multe despre ce este vorba?
Think pink!

cl spune:
Originally posted by e-cata
Mesaj offline gasit pe Yahoo Mess, fara sa am ID-ul celui care l-a trimis:
"Yahoo! is shutting down December 17th. Yahoo! wants to get rid of free messenger. If you delete this and don't pass it on, your name will be deleted. Alot of people have already been deleted. Right click on the group name of your budy list and click "Send to all in this group" Each person you send it to will count as a signature on a petition they have to get!!! Pass it on we dont want to have to pay for Yahoo!"
Ati primit si voi asa ceva? Stie cineva mai multe despre ce este vorba?
Think pink!
Eu am primit si chiar nu am idee ce poate fi! Nici eu nu am ID-ul celui care mi-a trimis mesajul, habar n-am cine poate fi. Cine stie mai multe amanunte despre acest mesaj?

Oana_B spune:
Puteti sa-l stergeti linistiti, este la misto. Am primit si eu mesaje din astea si chiar zilele trecute dupa unul m-am apucat de cotrobait prin yahoo si nu stiu unde am gasit undeva, zicea ceva de genul ca yahoo nu foloseste mesajele private pentru a comunica cu clientii, ca la inscriere am optat pentru una din cele doua variante, e-mail sau posta.
Mi-am amintit unde am vazut:
I received a message about Yahoo! closing accounts. Is this a hoax?
Recently, some Yahoo! members have reported receiving either an email or an instant message that claims to be from Yahoo! and instructs the recipient to forward the message on to everyone in their address book or on their Friend List. The message falsely states that Yahoo! has run out of resources and will be closing the accounts of anyone who does not forward the message.
Please be assured that this is a hoax. There is simply no truth to this message, and your Yahoo! account will not be deleted because you do not forward the message.
If you receive such an email or instant message, the best way to deal with it is to simply delete or ignore it.
If you have received a suspicious email other than the one described above, please visit the Yahoo! Security Center for tips on protecting your information online.
Si alta:
Yahoo! Messenger is a free service.
Recently, a rumor has been circulating that Yahoo! is going to start charging for the use of the Yahoo! Messenger. Messenger has become an essential communication tool for many people, and perhaps that's why this rumor has spread so quickly.
Whatever its origin, there is no truth to this rumor. There are no plans to begin charging a monthly fee for the use of Yahoo! Messenger in the foreseeable future. Yahoo! Messenger is, and will continue to be, a free service.