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Raspunsuri - Pagina 13

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Link direct catre acest raspuns capcaunul spune:

Circ total pe OTV! Divertis in vremurile lui bune. E-un reporter pe Calea Mosilor cu o droaie de isterice si gura-casca in jur. Fiecare pluseaza. Deja pirandele incearca sa-l convinga pe reporter ca e vorba despre EXACT aceeasi duba care a fost semnalata si-n Rahova, si-n Giurgiu.
Mai uitati-va si voi, sa-mi povestiti finalul, ca mi-am consumat minutele alocate zeroteveului. Sau asta-i abia episodul 1?

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Link direct catre acest raspuns JuliaSM spune:

Nuu,e doar prologul..Odiseea abia incepe.

Cine zicea acum ceva pagini de otv?! Gura aurita a avut...

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Link direct catre acest raspuns JuliaSM spune:

Ontopic,am gasit intamplator cateva sfaturi foarte bune,in ceea ce priveste rapirile copiilor.Le copiez aici,sunt in engleza,daca nu mi se permite,le traduc ulterior:



Do not allow any stranger take your baby in the street, even if the stranger flatters your child and asks for permission to caress him. Saying “no” is always the best method to prevent danger.

When you carry your baby in the pram, it is always convenient to have the baby facing you all the time. It is not advisable to make the baby look frontward since that helps kidnappers’ task.

At a square, it is important not to lose sight of your child. Do not get distracted talking with other mothers while your child is playing, specially if the child is naughty and likes to run a lot.

When a person tries to caress your baby, it is necessary to be categorical and say: “Thanks for your good intentions but I’d rather you didn’t come close to my baby”.

Do not embroider your child’s name on his kindergarten pinafore, since strangers can call him by the name and make him believe that the person knows him.

In case of a dubious situation, take your child and leave at once. If that is not possible, the best way out is to shout asking for a policeman.

It is very important to report all the things that happen, whether the kidnap was completed or not. Alerting the police is important so that they can catch the kidnappers and avoid future cases like this.

It is always advisable to resort to a police station as soon as possible to make the report.


Tell your child how much you love him constantly so that he can always bear in mind that his parents are there to support and help him at the different stages of life and before any crisis he may be going through.

Teach your children that if they are at a public place and suddenly become apart, they must not wander around looking for you. They must approach a security guard or some shop and ask for help to find you.

Get references of the people taking care of your children while you are at work or just out.

It is important that both your children and you are careful and alert so as not to be afraid.

Be alert when a teenager or a grown-up pays too much attention at your child or gives him improper or expensive gifts.

Teach your children that nobody should approach them or touch them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable. If someone does so, they should tell you immediately. Nobody should touch them in the private parts of the body.

Teach your children no to get into a car or leave with someone unless you have authorized them.

If a grown-up needs help or information, he should not ask so to a child but to another grown-up.

Have an easy and secret key word with your children. If someone approaches them and tells them that you cannot pick them up and that they should go with him/her, that person should say the key word so that your child is sure you have authorized him/her. If the person does not know the word, tell your child to walk away as fast as possible and tell the teacher or security guard.

Teach them to shout and defend themselves in case somebody takes them against their will. They should shout: “This man (or woman) is not my father (or mother) and is trying to take me!”

Your children should not go anywhere by themselves. Tell them always to move around with a friend.

If someone wants to take a picture of your children, he/she must first ask you for permission. Teach your children not to accept someone take a picture of them without your permission.

Teach your children to trust on their instincts and assure them they have the right to say NO to anything they feel is wrong or makes them feel uncomfortable.

Have an effective communication with your children. It is important to create a proper atmosphere at home to make your children feel comfortable to talk about sensitive issues and experiences they may have suffered.

Let them talk openly about the things they like and do not like, their friends and their feelings.

Know where your children are at all time. Get to know their friends and daily activities.

Be aware of any change of behavior in your children; they are a sign that you should talk to them and find you what is going on.

As regards Internet…

Get to know Internet and the services your child uses. If you do not know how to have access to it, ask your child to show you and to teach you what he does when he is "online".

Teach your children all the benefits and dangers of the cybernetic space in order to protect him from a dangerous situation.

Try to place the PC in a family-use room, like the dining room or kitchen rather than the bedroom.

Try to meet your children’s “cybernetic friends” just as you know their other friends.

If your child tells you about an upsetting person or thing he has come across online, do not blame him but help him to avoid future problems.

Teach your child to never reveal information identifying him (address, telephone number, school, etc.) unless he does so under your supervision and authorization.

Your children must know that they should never have a personal meeting with other Internet users without your consent.

It is not convenient for your children to spend long hours in Internet, specially late at night.

Tell your children never to answer email messages or comments from chat room or news groups which are rude, obscene, improper, threatening or just make them feel uncomfortable. If they receive an harassing message with sexual connotation or which is threatening, send a copy of such message to your Internet Service Provider asking for help.

Nowadays there are services that grade web sites according to their contents and filtering programs and navigators that allow parents to block sites they know have questionable material.


Instructions should be short, simple and concrete.

They must always carry an identification (name, telephone and address).

They must be taught that the first thing they should do when they get lost is show that identification.

It is essential to make certain that it is never their fault if they get lost, so as not to make them lose confidence in themselves. You may approach this by saying: “Sometimes the buses change their trip because streets are being repaired.... that’s why I give you this identification so that it can help you in case you get off the bus in another place and you cannot make out where you are”.

They should always ask for help: they can either approach a police officer (teach them to distinguish the uniform the same way they recognize the bus they habitually take) or ask at the station they arrive at to help them get to the police station. They should never stay in the street; it is better to enter any shop to ask for help.

It is important to transmit tranquillity: "Don’t worry, if you go to the police or transport station, they will help you....”

Source: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns capcaunul spune:

Julia, Julia, degeaba postezi. In Ferentari si-n Giurgiu nu se vorbeste engleza.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns capcaunul spune:

Am nimerit iar peste otv:
Ce-am aflat in doua-trei minute:
- tatal si copilul "rapit" (!) sustin ca nu-i vorba de rapire;
- toata strada il contrazice;
- vanzatoarea si-a retras la politie afirmatia cum ca barbatul il tinea de mana pe copil;
- acum sustine ca a alertat multimea si politia doar pentru ca i s-a parut suspect barbatul;
- o isterica sustine ca s-a aruncat in fata dubitei ce-a demarat in tromba dupa rapirea esuata, dar dubita a ocolit-o in ultima clipa;
- alta isterica spune ca este exact dubita ce opereaza in ferentari.
Se descrie dubita: alb-gri, cu-n chelios negru la fata si-un sofer cu ochelari;
- din multime se aude ca are numar strain;
- se cearta in continuare aia din strada cu tatal copilului;
- il inteleg pe Plesu care spunea ca daca otv-ul nu exista, trebuia inventat.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns capcaunul spune:

Isterica (cea mai isterica dintre toti de-acolo) tocmai si-a incheiat tirada:
Si Basescu e-mplicat.

Acu c-a venit si cireasa sa se-aseze pe tort, inchid linistit (ot)teveul.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Madanic spune:

N-am citit tot subiectul insa ce am citit este SF. Orice individ care rapeste un om/copil pentru organe nu se va oprii la scoaterea unui rinichi si va returna apoi victima (care ar fii un martor al infractiunii). Chiar daca a luat tot ce se putea preleva, tot nu ar arunca un cadavru intr-un loc public, pentru ca "si mortii pot vorbii".

Copiii nu pot fi lasati nesupravegheati. Cand sunt la gradinita si scoala ei sunt in responsabilitatea educatoarelor/invatatoarei/profesorilor. Nimeni nu va poate obliga sa lasati copii sa mearga in excursii neinsotiti. Daca nu aveti incredere in cadrul didactic nu-i lasati.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ancadragoman spune:

citat din mesajul lui capcaunul

citat din mesajul lui sveronica
Am si eu o curiozitate......cum se face ca cineva a auzit de la altcineva......vecina unei prietene, bunica vecinei, nimeni din acesti martori inventati nu vine cu o poza macar. Oricine are telefon cu care poate imortaliza o imagine concludenta. Dintre atatia martori chiar nimeni nu ar avea o poza cu un copil?....sau cu acea vestita ambulanta neagra ?....mai sa fie.....

Le este frica.
Nu-ti spuse rinichi_2005 mai sus ca imparatia a amenintat televiziunile sa nu bage nicio stire ca-i an electoral? Adica Basescu i-a zis lui Felix: "Motane, injura-ma la antene cat vrei, da sa nu bagi vreun rinichi pe post ca-ti tai semnalul!"

anca de fetita cu fundita Maria Alexandra (4 noiembrie 2007)
poze si filmulete
povestea nasterii" target="_blank">eu sunt Maria" target="_blank">Montaje Mariuca



Doneaza 2 euro prin SMS la 874 si ajuta la reamenajarea si dotarea Sectiei de Pediatrie a Spitalului Fundeni

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ancadragoman spune:

citat din mesajul lui capcaunul

citat din mesajul lui Paff
Na ca a ajuns si la OTV stirea

Chiar acum, titreaza OTV-ul, un copil e rapit pe Calea Mosilor!

in direct?...SENZATIONAL!!!

anca de fetita cu fundita Maria Alexandra (4 noiembrie 2007)
poze si filmulete
povestea nasterii" target="_blank">eu sunt Maria" target="_blank">Montaje Mariuca



Doneaza 2 euro prin SMS la 874 si ajuta la reamenajarea si dotarea Sectiei de Pediatrie a Spitalului Fundeni

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Link direct catre acest raspuns roxanaz spune:

capcaune, merci ca mi-ai zis, nu mai vizionasem zerotivi de mult. diseara am cu ce ma distra. nu pot sa cred ca nu va urma episodul doi

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