Aspirante optimiste > 20 ani (567)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 3
PaulaFrida spune:
gabyv eu fac test in 10 daca nu vin rushii pana atunci,sper ca nu
sunt Z 29
In fiecare zii tot mai aproape de minunea noastra
Marriage Ticker
Trying To Conceive
TTC blinkie
gabyv spune:
paula, asta e semn bun, deobicei erai la 28, nu?
eu nu cred ca ovulez, pt ca e prea devreme (pe 1 sept am lasat ac-urile), dar speram
Will you love me in the December as you do in May, Will you love me in the good old fashioned way? When my hair has turned all gray, Will you kiss me then and say, That you love me in December as you do in May?
PaulaFrida spune:
luna trecuta mi-a venit in Z 39
asta dupa 4 luni de AC tratament pt ovare micropolichistice
suntem la a doua luna de incercare
speram sa fie cu noroc
In fiecare zii tot mai aproape de minunea noastra
Marriage Ticker
Trying To Conceive
TTC blinkie
gabyv spune:
iti tin pumnii...
stii ca a doua oara e mereu cu noroc
Will you love me in the December as you do in May, Will you love me in the good old fashioned way? When my hair has turned all gray, Will you kiss me then and say, That you love me in December as you do in May?
PaulaFrida spune:
gabyv multumim,Doamne da
In fiecare zii tot mai aproape de minunea noastra
Marriage Ticker
Trying To Conceive
TTC blinkie
anda15 spune:
Gabyv, rezultatele vin pana pe maxim 24 septemebrie ca ei zic ca se trimit la analiza in Germania.
De bani nu-mi pare rau, as vrea sa iasa analizele bune mai degraba ca banii vin si se duc
anda15 spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui Lia73 fetele deci 28 din 27 dar TB e 36.6 nici un semn de urati asteptam |
Lia, ai facut test?sau mai astepti?
gabyv spune:
da, anda, ai dreptate, important e rezultatul
Will you love me in the December as you do in May, Will you love me in the good old fashioned way? When my hair has turned all gray, Will you kiss me then and say, That you love me in December as you do in May?
Lia73 spune:
anda il fac maine dim
asta daca nu vine
azi 28 din 27
Tu Maica si Fecioara primeste-ma la Tine,
Ca Tu esti Preacinstita, ma aperi si pe mine
Ajuta-ma sa sufar ajuta-ma sa lupt
Si sa ma rog la Tine cu glas neintrerupt.
Puternica Stapana, doar Tu poti sa ma ajuti
Cu ruga Ta fierbinte spre Fiul cel de Sus." target="_blank"> grafic TB" target="_blank">ovulation ticker
gabyv spune:
hai, Lia, ca poate deschizi tu odiseea de mai-iunie
cine stie....
Will you love me in the December as you do in May, Will you love me in the good old fashioned way? When my hair has turned all gray, Will you kiss me then and say, That you love me in December as you do in May?