Fluturasi de martie-aprilie 2011 (9)

Raspunsuri - Pagina 5

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Link direct catre acest raspuns bb_yasmi spune:

petro felicitari si tie!!!! desi nu am scris am urmarit tot timpul ce ai mai scris la mamici de italia! felicitari pt baietel!!!

mamica fericita de 2+ si 10 +

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Link direct catre acest raspuns abramburika spune:

bb - multumesc . Si eu am mai citit din umbra pe ici pe colo , ca na, am prea mult timp liber si nu am ce face cu el. Iar acum mi s-a ivit ocazia sa ma bag in vorba si sa te felicit.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns miki1979 spune:

citat din mesajul lui mandreeac

Ce harnicutze sunteti burticilor?

Voi cum stiti fetelor ca e cu bataile inimii, ca am inteles ca si astea ar indica sexul copilului. Eu nu mai am rabdare, vreau sa aflu ce este. Mama si sor-mea deja vorbesc cu bebe, ca si cum ar fi fetitza si la fel si sotzul.

Andreea B. cu o minune in burtica. Multumim Doamne ca esti bun cu noi si ajuta-ne sa fim sanatosi 10+

pai la fete ritmul cardiac e mai mare, la baieti mai mic ( cam 160 bat/min la fete si 140 b/min la baieti insa depinde si de varsta gestationala, valorile sunt cam pt dupa 11-12 sapt cred, cand se stabilizeaza bataile inimii ). pe la 8-9 sapt eu stiu ca valorile cresc mult dupa care descresc si se stabilizeaza.
ca sa-ti dau un ex. la mine la prima sarcina a fost baiat si a avut media de 140 bat/min, doar prin sapt 8-9 a ajuns la 160-168 b/min. acum la a doua sarcina am fost la eco la 8.5 sapt si avea 180 b/min, ceea ce mi se pare mult, cred ca e cam maxim..asa ca am zis ca ori e fata, ori s-a nimerit eco chiar in momentul cand ajunge la max si pe urma incepe sa scada..la urmatoarea eco daca tot sunt mai ridicate eu zic ca e sigur fata..
oricum nu e sigura metoda si nici certificata, sunt doar niste pareri/banuieli.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns miki1979 spune:

mandreeac- la tine ce valori aveau si la cate sapt ?

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Link direct catre acest raspuns miki1979 spune:

aa, uite am gasit in link-urile de pe prima pag:

Starting at week 5 the fetal heart will accelerate at a rate of 3.3 beats per day for the next month.

The fetal heart begins to beat at approximately the same rate as the mothers, which is 80 to 85 bpm. Below illustrates the approximate fetal heart rate for weeks 5 to 9, assuming a starting rate of 80


Week 5 starts at 80 and ends at 103 bpm

Week 6 starts at 103 and ends at 126 bpm

Week 7 starts at 126 and ends at 149 bpm

Week 8 starts at 149 and ends at 172 bpm

At week 9 the fetal heartbeat tends to beat within a range of 155 to 195 bpm.

The fetal heart rate will begin to decrease and generally will fall within the range of 120 to 160 bpm by week 12.

deci zic ca depinde unde te situezi in intervalele alea, spre limita min sau maxima.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns dorinut@ spune:

Si eu am tot citit despre legatura BPM-sex bebe.

Bebe la mine la 9,1 saptamani avea 176 BPM.. dupa 'teorie' ar fi fata dar, conform multor articole stiintifice am citit ca nu e nimic adevarat.

[...]There is an old wives tale that supposedly predicts the baby's gender based on how fast or slow the heart is beating. Supposedly, if the fetal heart rate is above 140 you are expecting a girl. However, if the heart rate is below 140, it is supposed to be a boy. There is no evidence or statistical proof to support this theory.
Some facts

* Stress-related changes in a pregnant woman's heart rate and blood pressure, along with chronic anxiety, can affect the heart rate of her developing fetus. link
* Chinese researchers found that the fetuses responded to their own mother's voice with heart-rate acceleration and to the stranger's voice with a heart-rate deceleration. This also shows that your baby can already learn, remember and recognise before it's born. link
* Does the fetal heart rate predict the sex of the baby? - A research by the University of Arkansas among 2500 pregnant women showed that this (old wives tale) is not true.




Nasturelul meu mic 9+


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Link direct catre acest raspuns bb_yasmi spune:

stiti cumva vreun site de unde imi pot comanda tricou cu mesaj pe burtik?

mamica fericita de 2+ si 10 +

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Link direct catre acest raspuns miki1979 spune:

citat din mesajul lui dorinut@

Si eu am tot citit despre legatura BPM-sex bebe.

Bebe la mine la 9,1 saptamani avea 176 BPM.. dupa 'teorie' ar fi fata dar, conform multor articole stiintifice am citit ca nu e nimic adevarat.

[...]There is an old wives tale that supposedly predicts the baby's gender based on how fast or slow the heart is beating. Supposedly, if the fetal heart rate is above 140 you are expecting a girl. However, if the heart rate is below 140, it is supposed to be a boy. There is no evidence or statistical proof to support this theory.
Some facts

* Stress-related changes in a pregnant woman's heart rate and blood pressure, along with chronic anxiety, can affect the heart rate of her developing fetus. link
* Chinese researchers found that the fetuses responded to their own mother's voice with heart-rate acceleration and to the stranger's voice with a heart-rate deceleration. This also shows that your baby can already learn, remember and recognise before it's born. link
* Does the fetal heart rate predict the sex of the baby? - A research by the University of Arkansas among 2500 pregnant women showed that this (old wives tale) is not true.




Nasturelul meu mic 9+


da, nu e nimic dovedit, altfel s-ar fi recunoscut metoda oficial.
insa la mine la prima sarcina dr. mi-a dat de inteles ca ar fi baiat pe la 9-10 sapt pe baza batailor inimii si a faptului ca era mai voinic..si asa a fost.
insa poate fi pura coincidenta..voinic este pt ca seamana cu tati deci e genetic, iar bataile inimii..cine stie

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Link direct catre acest raspuns bb_yasmi spune:

asa ceva: http://www.nappyhead.co.uk/acatalog/Funky_Slogan_Maternity_T-shirts.html

mamica fericita de 2+ si 10 +

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Link direct catre acest raspuns mandreeac spune:

Yasmi , Roxy

Miki azi am fost si avem 9s si 5zile si 160bpm. Sunt extrem de curioasa de sexul bebelusului si d-aia v-am intrebat, dar la sfarsitul lunii aflu ce este, asta daca si sta cuminte bebe.

Andreea B. cu o minune in burtica. Multumim Doamne ca esti bun cu noi si ajuta-ne sa fim sanatosi 10+

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