Raspunsuri - Pagina 32

Inceputul discutiei

Link direct catre acest raspuns anaemi spune:

Da, ora 19 va fi concertul...noua ne-a spus sotia parintelui Cristian Todireanu care slujeste acolo la biserica.

Azi vine Simona in tara cu cel mic? Sau or fi ajuns? Stiti ceva?

Doamne ajuta sa fie totul bine!

Anamaria & Filip (06.03.2007) & Anastasia (03.08.2008)

Dragostea [...] toate le sufera, toate le crede, toate le nadajduieste, toate le rabda.
Dragostea nu cade niciodata...

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ramo_cata spune:

doamne ajuta sa aiba parte de drum bun si sa ajunga cu bine acasa

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Nicoleta spune:

Au avut avion la ora 13.00 (ora 14.00 a Romaniei). Sper sa ajunga cu bine acasa.

Hai la drum si-om vedea noi ce si cum!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Bebe Beca spune:

Ceva vesti?or fi ajuns acasa, sunt in regula?

Ioana, Rebeca (16.05.2004), Sara (17.04.2009) si 12+
Creste fata mica... Creste si minunea Rebeca

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Link direct catre acest raspuns natynic spune:

I-am trimis sms Simonei dar nu mi-a raspuns deocamdata. Sper cat de curand sa am vesti si, in ceea ce ma priveste, avand in vedere ca acum ea si sotul ei vor fi in tara 3 luni, sa hotaram ce facem in continuare cu campania de aici.Atata vreme cat ei sunt prezenti, misiunea mea de titular de conturi pt donatii ar trebui, corect, sa se incheie curand si toti banutii stransi (imediat actualizez si pe prima pagina) sa ii virez cat mai curand in conturile lor.
Dar, evident, lucrurile le vom discuta si decide impreuna.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns mihatp spune:

naty si , pentru tot ajutorul care s-a vazut pe DC, si mai ales pentru cel care n-a ajuns pe DC

Mamica de berbecut-Luca
9 aprilie 2008

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Link direct catre acest raspuns gudinde spune:

Naty subscriu mesajului Mihaelei.
Toata stima pentru efortul depus.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ramo_cata spune:


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Link direct catre acest raspuns gudinde spune:

Ariel sper sa se rezolve cu PP

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ariel_7000 spune:

fetelor, care va pricepeti la PP, am nevoie de ajutor!
Am primit urmatorul mesaj azi:

"Dear Natalia ,

PayPal appreciates that you have chosen us to accept payments for your
organisation. Upon review of your account, it has been found to be
accepting donations for a sick child.

PayPal requires accounts wishing to receive donations to provide more
information about the reason for receiving these donations.
Please provide more information why you should be receiving these donations.
If you have any reference to more information about the sick child, please
provide a website URL or documentation.

In order to secure your account, we would like further information from
you. We appreciate your understanding as we work to ensure account safety.

Please log in to your PayPal account to respond to this request. Be sure to
log in securely by opening a new browser window and typing the PayPal URL.
Once you log in, you will be asked to provide information to secure your

If we do not receive a response within Sep. 1, 2010, we may have to limit
access to your account. Limited access protects your account until
additional security measures can be completed.


PayPal Account Review Department

Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you
will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account
and click the Help link in the top right corner of any PayPal page."

Am intrat pe PP si e urmatorul mesaj: "Please visit the Resolution Center and complete the "Steps to Provide More Information."

Am intrat si mi se cer urmatoarele:

- To confirm you're the credit card owner, please send us a copy of your latest credit card statement that shows your name, address, and complete credit card number.

- Please send us a copy of a document confirming your status as a non-profit organization. Examples include 501c3 determination letter, declaration made to the Prefecture de Police, and proof of registration with Charity Commission for England.

- Please provide us with information about your business.

Le-am trimis poza cu acceptul de la Hanovra, in engleza si link catre subiectul de pe DC, insa nu am primit nicio notificare ca am trimis bine unde am dat, ca e ok ce le-am dat sau ca nu.... eu una, nu mai pricep! si avem data limita 1 sept sa dam toate info, altfel blocheaza banii!


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