Breaking News - 9
Raspunsuri - Pagina 19

Medy6 spune:

nelia spune:
Asta va fi coperta albumului? Daca da, nu-mi place!
CORNELIA, mami de" target="_blank">AGATA, TUDORA si LISANDRU

nelia spune:
Din nou ciudatenii... Voi ati vazut versurile de la Breaking News? Ciudat titlu pentru un cintec, de parca ar fi stiut ca acolo va fi mai mereu peste doi ani de la inregistrare:
CORNELIA, mami de" target="_blank">AGATA, TUDORA si LISANDRU

rall spune:
Nici mie nu imi place deloc coperta noului album. Nu pot spune ca nu are nimic de-a face cu Michael, avea tablouri asemanatoare prin casa, dar o coperta de album merita mai multa semnificatie, gratie, atentie la detaliu.
Ati vazut ce spune familia lui Michael? Fratii, nepotii - ca in "Breaking News" nu e vocea lui. Sincer, nici mie nu imi pare.
"If you question the validity of a professional photo you can ask the photographer for more pictures from that photo shoot. If it is authentic the photographer will turn over different shots. Some with different poses, some even with eyes closed. I questioned the validity of the vocal's on "breaking news" and several other songs of theirs that I've heard and they told me no other takes or tracks exist. They claim my uncle was so happy with the performance he instructed them to delete all the other files. I had the honor to learn and watch my uncle record my entire life and that is NOT how he worked. No outtakes, no other tracks, no backups, no proof. roughly 10 songs they turned in… same story for all of them. I asked for the computer it was created on... they said it broke. I asked for the original hard drive... they said it was destroyed. One dubious excuse after another." (Taryll Jackson)
"to all the mj fans… regarding the song "breaking news" i am so sorry you have to deal with this. my uncle loved you so much and would not want it this way. However there are songs that ARE my uncle singing on the upcoming album and I will support those 100% But I will not support "Breaking News" and a few others because it simply is not him. They tried to fool me and they tried to fool you. I told them it would never happen." Taryll Jackson)
Oamenii astia sunt nebuni

Medy6 spune:
Versurile despre care scria Nelia:
Everybody wanting a piece of Michael Jackson.
Reporters stalking the moves of Michael Jackson.
Just when you thought he was done,
he comes to give it again.”
no matter what, you just wanna read it again
no matter what, you just wanna feel it again
now is that strange that i fall in love
who is the boogie man you thinkin’ of
all went crazy coz im just in love
this is breaking news X2
everybody watching the news of michael jackson
They want to see that I fall,
cause I’m Michael Jackson
You write the words to destroy
like it’s a weapon
you turn your back on the love and you think you can get it again
no matter what, you just wanna read it again
no matter what, you just wanna feel it again
now is that strange that i fall in love
who is the boogie man you thinkin’ of
all went crazy coz im just in love
this is breaking news X2
now is that strange that i fall inlove
who is the boogie man you thinkin’ of
all went crazy coz im just in love
this is breaking news X2
all the news today they say CRAZY time
who is stranger today we want this day baby
now is that strange that i fall in love
who is the boogie man you thinkin’ of
all went crazy coz im just in love
this is breaking news X2
now is that strange that i fall in love
who is the boogie man you thinkin’ of
all went crazy coz im just in love
this is breaking news X2

motanik spune:
Chiar acum ascult si eu Breaking News, e ceva diferit da...dar putem sa ne gandim si la faptul ca nu il auzisem in ultima vreme cu ceva nou, poate vocea s-a mai schimbat putin odata cu anii in plus. Zic si io, 95% suna a Michael, doar un 5% ma pune pe ganduri.
Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson

nelia spune:
Aveti alt film cu varianta intreaga? Nu ma lasa sa acult linkul de mai sus. Oricum, e ciudat ce se intimpla... ma intreb ce interese au cei implicati... Nici dupa cintecul lansat de mama lui (cica!) nu ma omor. Ceva e putred in Danemarca... ori vor sa scoata bani din orice, acum cit e fierul caldut inca, ori se platesc polite si dintr-o parte si din alta... dar oricum, ceva e putred la mijloc.
CORNELIA, mami de" target="_blank">AGATA, TUDORA si LISANDRU