Melodia zilei Michael Jackson - 4
Raspunsuri - Pagina 10

oana_n spune:
dry_votka se propune o singura melodie pe zi. deoarece azi e deja propusa melodia, ceea ce ai propus tu ramane sa fie melodia zilei de maine 12 ianuarie
pe prima pagina a subiectului este lista cu melodiile propuse de-a lungul timpului. acolo gasesti ce s-a propus deja. in cateva minute o sa fie updatata la zi lista

dry_votka spune:
Ok, am inteles, si ma scuzati
Insa in continuare sunt putin nelamurita:
1. Daca mai multi useri vor sa propuna in aceaasi zi cate o melodie? Cum se procedeaza, se stabileste cate un rand, sau cum?
2. Melodia zilei trebuie sa fie alta decat cele care se regasesc in acea lista?
Si eu sunt fan MJ, si vreau sa fac parte din clubul vostru si de aceea as vrea sa cunosc si regulile.
simtul umorului nu a murit

oana_n spune:
dry_votka bun venit
1.principiul e "primul venit, primul servit". cine propune primul dupa ora 00.00 aia e melodia zilei. daca intri si vezi ca e propusa deja pentru ziua in curs, poti sa scrii si sa "rezervi" ziua urmatoare pentru piesa ce o vrei si atunci in ziua urmatoare revii cu linkul si versurile
2. in principiu melodia zilei ar trebui sa fie din afara listei, adica ceva ce nu s-a propus pana acum inca, asta pana epuizam toate melodiile. apoi probabil o vom lua de la capat. insa melodii mai sunt

dry_votka spune:
Ok, am inteles si...o sa ma straduiesc
Multumesc mult
Imi place mult fan clubul vostru, si felicitari pentru idee - adica pentru sectiunea aceasta "speciala", se merita
simtul umorului nu a murit

oana_n spune:

purple_blue spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui dry_votka Si eu sunt fan MJ, si vreau sa fac parte din clubul vostru ![]() |

nelia spune:
Auziti, dar daca ni se face dor de o melodie propusa deja, cum procedam? Mie mi s-a facut dor de Remember the time si voiam sa va spun si voua...
Fall Again este intr-adevar o melodie foarte frumoasa.
Eu nu am mai propus, ca nu mai am timp decit sa arunc un ochi, dar promit sa mai vin si eu cu melodii. Insa vreau sa va dau o pentru propuneri, foarte multe nici nu le stiam.

lisa-marie spune:
Daca pentru astazi nu este propus nimic atunci sa fie Ease on down the road, o melodie din musicalul The Wizz, in duet cu Diana Ross.
Come on and
Ease on down, ease on down the road
Come on, ease on down
Ease on down the road
Don't you carry nothing
That might be a load
Come on, ease on down
Ease on down the road
Come on, ease on down, ease on down the road
Come on, ease on down, ease on down the road
Don't you carry nothing
That might be a load
Come on, ease on down, ease on down, down the road
Pick your left foot up
When your right foot's down
Come on legs keep movin'
Don't you lose no ground
You just keep on keepin'
On the road that you choose
Don't you give up walkin'
'cause you gave up shoes, no
Ease on down, ease on down the road
Come on, ease on down
Ease on down the road
Don't you carry nothing
That might be a load
Come on, ease on down
Ease on down the road
'cause there maybe times
When you think you lost your mind
And the steps you're takin'
Leave you three, four steps behind
But the road you're walking
Might be long sometimes
You just keep on steppin'
And you'll just be fine, yeah
Ease on down, ease on down the road
Come on, ease on down
Ease on down the road
Don't you carry nothing
That might be a load
Come on, ease on down
Ease on down the road
Well there maybe times
When you wish you wasn't born
And you wake one morning
Just to find your courage's gone
But just know that feeling
Only last a little while
You stick with us
And we'll show you how to smile, yeah
Get 'em up, goin' down, ease on down
Get 'em up, goin' down, ease on down
Get 'em up, goin' down, ease on down
Get 'em up, get 'em up ease on down" target="_blank">"Let Sadness see what Happy does" target="_blank">Let Happy be where Sadness was till now..."" target="_blank"> Long live" target="_blank"> THE KING" target="_blank">- MICHAEL" target="_blank"> JACKSON!!!

JoAnn spune:
To speak the truth and never lie/To share my love without a sigh."

JoAnn spune:
1st Verse
Live and sigh, crying eyes
Your touch, your heart, your warmth, your lullaby
Live to dream, don't it seem
The tears, the pain, the hurt, reality
Don't you know these dreams, I wish could be
The real you and me
I come running back to you
You push me away, you push
Push me away
2nd Verse
Darken days, please go away
The nights are bright, delight dream, and stay
As I dream loving you
Your touch, your heart, your warmth, please come true
Don't you know these dreams, I wish could be
The real you and me
I come running back to you
You push me away, you push
Push me away
Don't you know these dreams, I wish could be
The real you and me
I come running back to you
You push me away, you push
Push me away
To speak the truth and never lie/To share my love without a sigh."