o fetita moare dupa vaccinul anti virus HPV

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Citesc cu placere: Supereva.ro | Blogul meu |

desprecopii spune:
campania de vaccinare anti cancer cervical `cu Cervarix in UK - la fetite - a fost suspendata.
sursa: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1216714/Schoolgirl-14-dies-given-cervical-cancer-jab.html
Citesc cu placere: Supereva.ro | Blogul meu |

anangel_lexi spune:
Dumnezeu s-o odihneasca in pace si pe parinti sa-i intareasca! de
Maria Cornelia (20.09.2006)
Din ce in ce mai mare
Si primele perlute
www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_shared?p=88028d9eaeae0f93a00846" target="_blank">Vesnic cu Emma in suflet

blackpanterro spune:
Toate certurile pe tema asta, aici se rezuma din pacate...daca ai scapat urli tare ca trebuie facut vaccinul dar pe parintii astia, a caror copii au ajuns statistici, pe ei cine ii consoleaza?
Foarte trist...
Adriana si Aidan - 4 ani
A ticket to hell has never been funnier
"May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who screws up your day and may their arms be too short to scratch...AMEN"

psichoMom spune:
Offff... da este o intamplare tragica si stiu ca o sa-mi iau la rosii la greu pentru ce am sa spun...
S-a scris despre acest caz si la celalalt topic despre HPV... Apropos, Mirela, chiar nu se putea posta acolo???
Acolo se spunea ca orice vaccin, implicit acesta, implica in cazul unor persoane, alergice la anumite componente ale lui, riscul de soc anafilactic... Din nefericire tanara a prezentat manifestari specifice...
Sa spui ca a murit din cauza unor efecte secundare specifice, asa cum se spune in articol fara sa spui care sunt acestea, mi se pare iresponsabil... efecte secundare poate avea si o penicilina in cazul unora... Ca celelalte fetite au prezentat stare de greata si alte manifestari usoare... e neseminificativ... Amintiti-va copiii vostri ce manifestari au avut la aplicarea diverselor vaccinuri contra diverselor boli...
Este o intamplare nefericita, tragica pentru familie, si, din pacate, presa a profitat din plin de ea!
Condoleante familiei!

felicici spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui psichoMom Offff... da este o intamplare tragica si stiu ca o sa-mi iau la rosii la greu pentru ce am sa spun... S-a scris despre acest caz si la celalalt topic despre HPV... Apropos, Mirela, chiar nu se putea posta acolo??? [...] Este o intamplare nefericita, tragica pentru familie, si, din pacate, presa a profitat din plin de ea! Condoleante familiei! |
Discutia de la acel topic este neinteresanta din punctul meu de vedere, motivatia pentru care unul si altul dau diverse argumente este pur si simplu ca se convinga pe sine, sa se reasigure, sa se gaseasca cu cei care le impartasesc opiniile. Daca ii ajuta sa se simta parinti mai buni este foarte bine. Aceasta stire are cu totul alta greutate si credibilitate, de ce spui ca din pacate presa a profitat de ea?...Trebuia sa nu aflam deloc, sa aflam mai pe scurt, mai pe larg, sau cum?

desprecopii spune:
Mom, am pus aceasta stire aici si nu il cadrul altui topic pentru ca este o informatie care trebuie sa ajunga la toata lumea. Scuze, insa moartea unui copil in urma unui vaccin (si inca alte trei colege erau ieri in spital de urgenta) nu poate fi parcata undeva, la alt topic - iar din punct de vedere jurnalistic este un fapt care trebuie facut cunoscut tuturor parintilor.
Si mai este o stire: campania de vaccinare a fetitelor - impotriva cancerului cervical - a fost sistata in UK.
Nu vad de ce am deranja cu acest topic, este pur si simplu o informare - iar de aici in colo fiecare parinte este liber sa faca ce crede el de cuviinta. A fi informat corect inseamna sa stii si la ce ajuta acest vaccin dar si ce riscuri exista.
Citesc cu placere: Supereva.ro | Blogul meu |

Vauva spune:
Mi se pare absolut normal sa fie sistata campania de vaccinare in urma unui asemenea incident. Si eu sunt convinsa ca a fost o reactie alergica puternica care a cauzat decesul fetitei. ramane sa aflam...
Din ce am inteles eu din articolul din Daily Mail totusi celelalte fete au avut doar efecte secundare care se asteapta sa apara in cazul administrarii unui vaccin. Deci, Mom a punctat f bine despre efectele secundare specifice care apar la administrarea oricarui medicament sau vaccin
Este tragic ce s-a intamplat dar totusi presa intotdeauna profita de astfel de stiri.
Apropo, ati vazut poll-ul de la sfarsitul articolului referitor la aceasta vaccinare?

voljena spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui desprecopii campania de vaccinare anti cancer cervical `cu Cervarix in UK - la fetite - a fost suspendata. sursa: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1216714/Schoolgirl-14-dies-given-cervical-cancer-jab.html ************** Citesc cu placere: Supereva.ro | Blogul meu | |
suspendata partial...
nici o alta copila nu a fost trimisa la spital, cica le-au trimis acasa...

Vauva spune:
Extract de pe BBC:
The batch of the vaccine used has been placed into quarantine as a "precautionary measure".
The local NHS also confirmed the vaccination programme would continue, but after a "short pause".
Dr Caron Grainger, joint director of public health for NHS Coventry and Coventry City Council, said their sympathies were with the girl's family and friends.
She said: "The incident happened shortly after the girl had received her HPV vaccine in the school. No link can be made between the death and the vaccine until all the facts are known and a post-mortem takes place.
"We are conducting an urgent and full investigation into the events surrounding this tragedy."
Adverse reactions to Cervarix
Total number of reactions reported between April 2008 and 23 September 2009
Q and A: Cervical cancer
A small number of girls at the school had also reported mild symptoms such as dizziness and nausea but were not admitted to hospital.
The injection - part of a national immunisation programme - protects against the human papilloma virus (HPV), a sexually transmitted disease linked to most cervical cancers.
A routine programme of vaccinating 12 and 13-year-old girls started in September 2008 across the UK using the Cervarix vaccine made by GlaxoSmithKline. A catch-up campaign is now under way for older girls.
It is thought about a million girls have already safely received the jab.
Dr David Elliman, a consultant in community paediatrics at Great Ormond Street Hospital, told the BBC it was important to investigate "very quickly" to allay people's fears about the safety of the jab.
He said: "Once in a while you will expect someone to have a severe allergic reaction to a vaccine, just as with food or any medication.
"At this stage we don't know what was the tragic cause of this child's death, so whether or not it's linked we cannot say, but these are the sort of things one would look for - a severe allergic reaction or more likely a coincidence."
When the national immunisation project was announced, there was some controversy about the selection of Cervarix over Gardasil, which is used by the majority of vaccination programmes worldwide.
Dr Pim Kon, medical director at GlaxoSmithKline UK, which makes Cervarix, said: "Our deepest sympathies are with the family and friends of the young girl.
"We are working with the Department of Health and MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) to better understand this case, as at this stage the exact cause of this tragic death is unknown."
The global pharmaceutical company added that the vast majority of suspected adverse reactions have related either to the symptoms of recognised side-effects or were due to the injection process and not the vaccine itself.
In the UK, about 3,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer every year and about 1,000 die from it.
The department said Cervarix had a strong safety record.
Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley said the tragedy needed to be investigated "as a matter of urgency".
There are more than 100 types of HPV but only 13 of them are known to cause cancer.
Cervarix protects against two strains of HPV that cause more than 70% of cases of cervical cancer in women.
Vaccination is not compulsory and consent is required before it is administered to the under-16s.
Cervarix was licensed for use in Europe in September 2007.

mianna spune:
stiti ca se moare si de la o banala aspirina, nu? www.sanatateatv.ro/ghid-terapeutic/aspirina--benefica-sau-nu/" target="_blank">http://www.sanatateatv.ro/ghid-terapeutic/aspirina--benefica-sau-nu/
ii facem si ei topic?