Melodia zilei Michael Jackson - 2
Raspunsuri - Pagina 18

oana_n spune:

nelia spune:
Am ajuns si eu la zi cu melodiile, frumoase toate, imi place stilul mai vechi. Ramasesem datoare cu o melodie pentru ca m-ati salvat cu userul si parola...
As vrea sa o propun pentru miine, daca nu o fac acum, cind ma trezesc eu miine sigur va fi deja propusa.
Eu va aduc mai in anii plini de revolta ai lui Michael. Este vorba despre ultima melodie de pe discul 4 din The Ultimate Collection, din care face parte si DVD-ul cu concertul din Bucuresti. Nu stiu daca a mai fost si pe alt album inainte...
Versurile, triste, ca in multe alte cintece care se refera la nedreptatile de pe acest pamint:
Love was taken from a young life
And no one told her why
Her direction has a dimlight
From one more violent crime
She innocently questioned why
Why her father had to die
She asked the men in blue
How is it that you get to choose
Who will live and who will die
Did god say that you could decide ?
You saw he didn't run
And that my daddy had no gun
In the middle of a village
Way in a distant land
Lies a poor boy with his broken toy
Too young to understand
He's awaken, ground is shakin
His father grabs his hand
Screaming, crying, his wife's dying
Now he's left to explain
He innocently questioned why
Why his mother had to die
What did these soldiers come here for ?
If they're for peace, why is there war ?
Did God say that they could decide
Who will live and who will die ?
All my mama ever did
Was try to take care of her kids
We're innocently standing by
Watching people lose their lives
It seems as if we have no voice
It's time for us to make a choice
Only god could decide
Who will live and who will die
There's nothing that can't be done
If we raise our voice as one
They've gotta hear it from me
They've gotta hear it from you
They've gotta hear it from us
We can't take it
We've already had enough
They've gotta hear it from me
They've gotta hear it from you
They've gotta hear it from us
We can't take it
We've already had enough
They've gotta hear it from me
They've gotta hear it from you
They've gotta hear it from you baby
We can't take it
We've already had enough
Deep in my soul baby
Deep in your soul and let God decide
Deep in my soul
It's up to me and i'm still alive
They've gotta hear it from us
We can't take it
We've already had enough
It's going down baby
Just let God decide,
It's going on baby
Just let God decide
Deep in my soul baby
We've already had enough
They've gotta hear it from me
They've gotta hear it from you
They've gotta hear it from us
We can't, we can't
We've already had enough.
Si bonus

Sper ca nu a fost propusa deja, m-am uitat de doua ori pe lista si nu am vazut-o.

Medy6 spune:
Frumoase melodiile si pozele. La min 1.26 insa nu e Michael, ci E`Casanova, unul dintre numerosii imitatori, despre ca s-a spus ca seamana cel mai bine cu originalul. Pagina lui e aici

danat spune:
Nelia imi place foarte, foarte mult melodia si vocea mai joasa a lui Michael din ea.
******************************************" target="_blank">
"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"" target="_blank">Michael Jackson - King of M.U.S.I.C.
.... "Ok, everybody, that's a wrap!"

oana_n spune:
nelia, jos palaria, iar pt bonus

anka77 spune:
Nelia ,superba melodia.Era urmatoarea pe lista mea de propuneri " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2

oana_n spune:
Daca apana acum nu s-a inscris nimeni pentru azi, atunci va propun eu ceva
In Our Small Way
Maybe you and I can't do great things
We may not change the world in one day
But we still can change some things today...
In our small way
Empty words are not enough
Where there's hurt we'll be a crush
When there's thirst we'll fill each other's cup
Because we care we love enough to share
Maybe you and I can't do great things
We may not change the world in one day
But we still can change some things today...
In our small way
In despair we'll be the hope
And the prayer that frees the soul
We'll be there to share each lonely road
Because we love, I know
We care enough
Maybe you and I can't do great things
We may not change the world in one day
But we still can change some things today...
In our small way
Just a little time is all it takes
What a difference just a smile can make, you'll see
Love is all we need
Maybe you and I can't do great things
We may not change the world in one day
But we still can change some things today...
In our small way
Imi place la nebunie, si imi place si ceea ce ma face sa simt

danat spune:
Da, da Oana si mie imi place f f f mult melodia asta!
******************************************" target="_blank">
"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"" target="_blank">Michael Jackson - King of M.U.S.I.C.
.... "Ok, everybody, that's a wrap!"

nelia spune:
Oana, si mie! De fapt ca multe dintre melodiile cintate de Michael cind era copil.
Mi-am dat seama de ce-mi place melodia propusa de mine... intra in acelasi registru muzical, daca pot sa-i spun asa, ca nu seamana ritmul, cu Dirty Diana... care ramine in continuare melodia mea preferata de la Michael (in afara de cele cintate cind era mic, care, repet, sint superbe). Aseara am revazut... Ghost! Si tot nu-mi da pace gindul ca sint niste mesaje acolo pe care el a vrut sa le transmita...

iona2005 spune:
nelia,oana" target="_blank">Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race