Breaking News - 2
Raspunsuri - Pagina 7

anka77 spune:
Poate nici This is it!!!! nu va mai fi in cinematografe in octombrie, atunci chiar ar fi de r....t!!!!
Mai suporti una?,brother-says-michael-jackson-could-be-exhumed.html " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"

melku spune:
imi vine sa urluuu!!!. imi vine sa urlu, sincer! isi bat joc!!! ce i-as face lui jermaine asta, profitor imbacsic! da' oare nu-si da seama ca e ridicol?!
sa-l lase in pace, cel mai bine sa-l lase in pace.
si neverland nu mai e casa lui de mult. ura casa aia, dupa toate cate s-au intamplat in timpul procesului.
OMG, imi vine sa urlu aici in birou!
We must learn to live and love each other before is to late

astrojunkie spune:
Drepturile de la This is it au fost cumparate de Sony, deci e alta mancare de peste, ca aia sunt seriosi, chiar daca avea Michael ce avea de impartit cu ei.
Jermaine e dus cu capul, el i l-a prezentat pe Tohme Tohme lui Michael (nu stiu ce cauta la spital in ziua, aceea, fusese concediat cu cateva luni inainte), si erau bagat cu Nation of Islam (NOI), cand cu licitatia, cei de la Juliens Auctions au primit amenintari cu moartea. Tohme e bagat si cu Colony Capital Llc, compania care a cumparat Neverland, unde si Michael era actionar, ca s-o salveze din faliment. Deci are tot interesul sa transforme neverland intr-un Graceland, noroc ca s-a opus Katherine.
Cei de pe mjjcommunity spun ca este sigilata cu beton cripta, asa ca sunt slabe sansele de relocare, si oricum din cate am vazut, pentru orice trebuie sa ceara aprobare de la judecator si de la administratorii averii.

anka77 spune:
Cred ca va mai dura sa devina Neverland atractie turistica, intr-adevar.
Edit: eu am senzatia ca Jermaine are interese ascunse legate de inmormantarea la Neverland, prea se bate cu pumnii in piept, si avand in vedere ca e prieten cu Thome nu e exclus sa le fi trecut ceva prin cap din care sa mai scoata ceva banuti. El e Gica Contra....vrea la Neverland si pace!!!! " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"

rall spune:
Who is it? Is it my brother? Somebody hurt my soul now... I can't take it cause I'm lonely....

rall spune:
De pe
"Jermaine Jackson e fra’su mai mare a lui Michael, decedatul megastar. Si era liderul trupei Jackson Five, pana a luat Michael conducerea. Michael s-a desprins de trupa, a ajuns ce a ajuns, Jermaine si restul fratilor au ajuns un rahat si i-a uitat lumea. Michael a murit, fie-i tarana usoara, Jermaine si fratii au aparut din nou la tv. Bocind, spunand cuvinte frumoase, purtand ochelari de soare si manusi cu diamante. Gen Jackson. Michael Jackson. Au dat ceva interviuri pe la televiziuni, au inceput sa stranga bani in pojnare.
Da’ ala mare ce-mi facea?! (vers adaptat din Balada lui Toma Alimos). Palos mic imi rasucea. Adica Jermain l-a injunghiat in spate pe Michael, desi era decedat si inca la congelator. Vazand cum o lume intreaga il plange pe megastar, vazand cum melodiile lui rup iar topurile si se vand mai ceva ca … drogurile la Hollywood, constatand tsunamicul val de iubire, simpatie si admiratie, Jermaine si-a zis sa dea lovitura. A anuntat un mega-concert in onoarea mega-fratelui sau mega-mort si mega-inghetat, adica bocna. Si a lansat zvonuri cum ca printre cei ce vor interpreta melodiile lui Michael se numara U2, Madonna, Robie Williams. Si altii. Mari, mari de tot. Concertul urma sa aiba loc in Viena, mai exact la Palatul Schonbrunn. Unde au trait imparatii austro-ungariei si magica printesa a inimilor, Sissi.
Mergem! - am zis cu sotia. Plus cativa prieteni. Motive erau suficiente. Muzica lu’ Michael care ne place tare, Viena care ne place tare - incluzand carnatul cu branza de la tarabele din centru, numele mari vehiculate + perspectiva unei mini vacante neprevazute. Si de aici au inceput muile. Am luat bilete la Sky Europe, au dat nenorocitii faliment. Cauta alte bilete, din fericire am gasit. Cazari in Viena erau doar scumpe si foarte scumpe, pentru ca zeci de mii de oameni din toata lumea vroiau sa mearga la concert. Jermaine pusese intre timp in vanzare cateva zeci de mii de bilete, urmand sa mai plaseze mai tarziu restul pana spre 100000 bilete. Fanii lu’ Michael s-au aruncat. De dragul mortului, nu de altceva.
A venit ziua anuntarii oficiale a artistilor ce vor canta: Akon, Mary J. Blige, Natalie Cole, Chris Brown, Sister Sledge, US 5, Angella Basset. What the fuck????!!!!! - ne-am zis noi. Unde-i U2, Madonna, Robbie Williams?! Nu-i. Asta e, ne multumim cu cativa cantareti relativ cunoscuti, cu mutilatorul Rhiannei - recte Chris Brown, cu o actrita cu nume de caine - Angela Basset (mai bine canta Anglea Similea) si cu niste necunoscuti pentru mine, adica US5.
Surprizele nu s-au oprit aici. Mary j Blige habar n-avea de concert. Angella Basset la fel. Pe Chris Brown nu-l lasa politia sa plece, Natalie Cole nu stia nimic. Se prefigura deja smecheria secolului, zeci de mii de bilete erau deja vandute.
La ce sa ma astept? La dracu, sint convins ca va canta doar Jermaine + ceilalti frati mai putini celebri. Sa-mi fac sange rau?! Deloc, imi ramane mini vacanta. Viena si carnatul ei cu branza.
Si-am incalecat pe-o sa si v-am spus cum un porc ordinar s-a imbogatit pe seama fratelui sau mort."

alessia105 spune:
Si daca mai suportati stiri bomba pe ziua de azi
Edit : era stire veche data in premiera de anka77 pe pag 6...dar ramane ca si confirmare in limba romana ( in caz ca cineva nu stie engleza)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Creativitatea nu înseamna gasesti un lucru, ci sa faci ceva din el dupa ce l-ai gasit " - James Russell Lowell

oana_n spune:
Nici o secunda in plus nu il mai suport pe Jermaine. E un sarlatan. Atata vreme cat a fost in viata Michael, nu a transparut de niciunde iubirea asta asa mare a lui Jermaine pt el. Brusc si-a gasit acu printr-un buzunar pierdut sentimentele si tinand cont ca acu e momentul de speculat po****ritatea lui MJ, de fapt pt Jermaine e ultimul tren....S-a gandit sa nu il rateze, sa mai faca ceva profit, sa aiba din ce trai, ca doar si copiii lui ar duce-o bine.
Daca are pic de demnitate se baga sub pat si mai iese de acolo peste 4-5 ani.
Ma duc sa ma racoresc ca simt ca o iau razna.

alessia105 spune:
Dragelor ,
Hai capu sus si pieptul afara , nu va mai suparati atat de Clanul Jackson ( nu ca nu merita ,o parte din ei off course) ,dar nu uitati ceva foarte important si anume ca Michael stia prea bine cum sunt( vorbesc de acea parte insetata de glorie si bani)...l-au umilit ,l-au tapat de bani ,l-au invidiat ,dar EL i-a iubit mereu constant si cand i-a fost mai greu s-a inconjurat de familia lui asta imperfecta,iar ei i-au fost aproape (fiecare cu motivele lui ...dar au fost ) Nu trebuie sa ii iubiti ,ci trebuie sa ii acceptati asa cum sunt ...asa cum si Mike a facut-o .Eu stiu ca e revoltator si suparator tot ceea ce se intampla, dar dupa mine,nici un memorial /tribut/eu stiu ce alt ceva in memoria lui nu e mai frumos si mai impresionant decat tributurile aduse de fanii din toata lumea ,faptul ca mii de oameni (99.9% din ei siguur nu vor ajunge sa vada live un astfel de mega tribut cu mega nume si mega vedete ) se strang pe diverse continente /meridiane si ii aduc in felul lor tributuri ..asta este dupa mine adevaratul mega tribut Michael Jackson ..Faptul ca ,la Bucuresti,Timisoara,Amsterdam ,Mexic,Tokyo,Londra ,Paris etc etc etc( lista ar putea continua muuult si bine ),lumea danseaza , il celebreaza si ii duc mai departe legenda asta e cea mai mare satisfactie .. Cred ca de acolo de sus asta ii place Lui cel mai mult .
In harmony, together well
Join hands and sing
Our love across the land

Medy6 spune:
Buna, fetelor .Din pagina oficiala de Myspace (blogul oficial) am gasit urmatoarea stire:
Friday, September 11, 2009
"This Is It" Trailer To Debut During 2009 MTV Video Music Awards
Category: Music
MTV is partnering with Sony Pictures Entertainment and Sony Music Entertainment to exclusively premiere the official trailer from the highly anticipated film Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT during the "2009 Video Music Awards" on Sunday, September 13, 2009 at 9PM (Live ET/Tape delayed PT). The trailer debut on the "Video Music Awards" will provide audiences their first look at the extraordinary new film which opens worldwide in theaters for a two-week limited engagement beginning October 28, 2009.
Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT will offer Jackson fans and music lovers worldwide a rare, behind-the-scenes look at the performer as he developed, created and rehearsed for his sold-out concerts that would have taken place beginning this summer in London's O2 Arena. Chronicling the months from April through June, 2009, the film is produced with the full support of the Estate of Michael Jackson and drawn from more than one hundred hours of behind-the-scenes footage, featuring Jackson rehearsing a number of his songs for the show. Audiences will be given a privileged and private look at Jackson as he has never been seen before. In raw and candid detail, Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT captures the singer, dancer, filmmaker, architect, creative genius and great artist at work as he creates and perfects his final show. Kenny Ortega, who was both Michael Jackson's creative partner and the director of the stage show is also directing the film, which is being produced by Randy Phillips, Kenny Ortega and Paul Gongaware. Executive producers are John Branca and John McClain. The film will be distributed worldwide by Sony Pictures Releasing. Tickets for the limited two-week engagement of the film go on sale beginning September 27.
The movie website will be launched simultaneously with the trailer debut on the Video Music Awards. For more information on the film, please visit the website after the trailer is presented during the show.
The trailer for Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT will make its debut in theaters on September 18th with the Sony Pictures Animation release of Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs.
MTV will be promoting the trailer with MTV News and during promotion spots that will air throughout the week leading up to the debut of the Video Music Awards.
As previously announced, comedian Russell Brand will host the show, and Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Lady Gaga, Green Day, P!nk, Taylor Swift and Muse are confirmed to perform. In addition, Katy Perry, Ne-Yo, Nelly Furtado, Chace Crawford, Leighton Meester and Miranda Cosgrove are confirmed presenters. Wale and the legendary go go band UCB are the official VMAs house band and will collaborate with artists including The All-American Rejects, Pitbull and 3OH!3. The "2009 MTV Video Music Awards" will air live on Sunday, September 13, 2009 at 9PM (Live ET/Tape delayed PT) and on Sunday, September 20 at 5pm ET with Spanish subtitles on MTV Tr3?s.
MTV News and V CAST from Verizon Wireless are giving customers an All Access video pass to the 2009 VMAs, with an unprecedented inside look at the making of the biggest music event of the year. Verizon Wireless customers can sign up for VMA text alerts by texting VIP to 8911 to receive VMA news insider reports delivered directly to their Verizon Wireless phones.
Viewers can vote for the "Best New Artist" category throughout the show, live on September 13.
MTV, Pepsi and Rock BandT have created a new category at this year's VMAs, "Best Performance in a Pepsi Rock Band Video" that allows fans, for the first time, a chance to win their very own Moonman. This summer, contestants entered their original Rock BandT music videos, which fans voted on to select the ultimate winner. The winning band will travel to the "2009 MTV Video Music Awards," walk the red carpet, receive their Moonman, and be featured in an MTV produced promotional spot airing the night of the show.
Shugoll Research and Telescope are the Official Business Advisors of the "2009 MTV Video Music Awards" Nominee and Winner Voting periods.
Jesse Ignjatovic/Den of Thieves is the Executive Producer for the "2009 MTV Video Music Awards." Dave Sirulnick is Executive Producer. Garrett English is co-Executive Producer/Executive in Charge of Production. Amy Doyle is co-Executive Producer. Joanna Bomberg is Executive in Charge of Music and Talent. Jen Jones is Producer. Hamish Hamilton is Director. Robin Reinhardt-Locke is Celebrity Talent Executive.
Official sponsors of the "2009 MTV Video Music Awards" are 5 ® Gum, Febreze, Pepsi, Rhapsody ®, Sears, Taco Bell ®, U.S. Army and Verizon Wireless.
The "2009 MTV Video Music Awards" will be available to a potential viewing audience of more than 1.2 billion people via MTV's global network of 68 channels reaching 577 million households around the world as well as through syndication. In addition, its convergent programming & content will reach the entire interactive community, via MTV's more than 200 digital media properties around the world.