Mostenirea lui Michael Jackson
Raspunsuri - Pagina 7

bulinuta27 spune:
am gasit versiunea BAD nu o vazusem pana acum
bulinuta mamica de bulinel dragutel

Poze noi" target="_blank">minune mica

iona2005 spune:
La Toya Jackson si Dima Bilan (castigatorul Eurovision 2008), impreuna cu alte vedete ale muzicii din Rusia au interpretat hitul lui Michael Jackson, Earth Song, in cadrul ceremoniei de acordare a premiilor Muz-TV.
Megastarul a primit trofeul postum pentru contributia lui in domeniul culturii muzicale internationale iar ca moment special al evenimentului, a fost pusa in scena piesa Earth Song in interpretarea mai multor staruri autohtone si nu numai.
Show-ul a inceput cu proiectarea hologramei lui Michael Jackson interpretand primele doua versuri ale cantecului, stafeta fiind preluata de sora acestuia, La Toya." target="_blank">Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race

bulinuta27 spune:
oau iona...mi-au dat lacrimile...
bulinuta mamica de bulinel dragutel
Poze noi" target="_blank">minune mica

purple_blue spune:
Prima versiune a "Thriller", "Starlight"
Uuuu Aaah Uuuuh Uuuh Eeeih
There's indication that someone else is standing on the ground
Across the nation there's always people trying to pull you down
Now is the time for us to spend the scene here close together
Deep in the night we're holding on to someone else's dream
Girl can't you see
We need some starlight starlight sun
There ain't no second chance we got to make it while we can
You need the starlight some starlight sun
I need you by my side you give me starlight starlight toniiiight yeah
They're out to get you there ain't no .. you're acting like a fool
Love can possess you and make you see that ..
High in the night this magic's gonna keep us close together, yeah
We'll start to fly cause this is the beginning of your life
This is the night
Give me some starlight starlight sun
This is the only chance we've got to make it while we can
You need the starlight starlight sun
I need you by my side so give me starlight starlight toniiiight
Light up the world let the love start take charge of this masquerade
Take your delivery and show me that this is your light
Give me your starlight tonight
There's indication that someone else is standing on the ground
Across the nation there's always people trying to pull you down
Now is the time for us to spend the scene here close together
Deep in the night we're holding on to someone else's dream
Girl can't you see
We need some starlight starlight sun
There ain't no second chance we got to make it while we can
You need some starlight starlight sun
I need you by my side you give me starlight starlight
Give me starlight starlight sun
There ain't no second chance we got to make it while we can
You give me starlight starlight sun
I need you by my side so give me starlight starlight
Give me starlight starlight sun
There ain't no second chance we got to make it while we can
We need the starlight starlight sun
I need you by my side so give me starlight starlight toniiiight
Gimme gimme that sun (x3)
Uuuh Yeah
Gimme gimme that sun
Uuuh Yeah
Gimme gimme that sun
Now is the time for be together
Gimme gimme that sun
Starlight Sun
Gimme gimme that sun, starlight (x2)
Uuh Babe
Starlight (x11)

purple_blue spune:
Michael Jackson - Dangerous Demo
Michael Jackson Billie Jean Demo
Michael Jackson: 31 "2nd Billie Jean Home Demo '81"
Michael Jackson: 36 "Slapstick" (Hot Street Demo)