Caritate - Michael Jackson & Fanclub
Raspunsuri - Pagina 4

Alexia27 spune:
Nu esti neaparat naiva si nu e obligatoriu sa se ajunga la asa ceva, dar tin minte aici pe DC cazul fetitei de 11 ani insarcinata, care a facut avort in UK. Si acolo din ceva frumos s-a ajuns la discutii ca nu stiu ce bani au fost pusi in cont personal si nu mai stiu ce. S-a lamurit treaba pana la urma, totul a fost ok, dar discutiile au fost neplacute, si exact asta vreau sa evit.
Dar cred ca in situatia prezenta asta e singura solutie, un cont unde sa adunam banii. Si cred ca ar trebui facut de cineva din Ro, ca pana la urma banii acolo se vor duce si nu are rost sa-i trimitem prin cine stie ce tara.
Acum, sa vedem cine se ofera
I am alive and I am here forever
Michael Jackson
I won't be a rock star. I will be a legend
Freddie Mercury

mj_girl spune:
evident, orice alte propunere este binevenita si, sincer, nu cred ca se vor strange sume asa mari incat sa tenteze pe cineva, nu ca nu mi-as dori sa se straga fonduri substantiale...
He is a special part of me !

cory_box spune:
Charity Awards
05.1984: At a ceremony in the White House President Reagan presents Michael an award for special efforts; he is honored for his participation in a national ad campaign against drunk driving.
01.1989: The "Say Yes To A Youngsters Future" program honors Michael in recognition of his efforts to encourage children to natural sciences and award him with the "National Urban Coalition Artist/Humanitarian Of The Year Award".
03.1989: At the Universal Amphitheater in Universal City, California, Michael receives the Black Radio Special Award for his humanitarian efforts.
09.1989: The Capital Children's Museum awards Michael with the Best Of Washington 1989 Humanitarian Award in recognition of his efforts to raise money for the museum, and for his never-ending support of children.
02.1990: From Japan Michael receives a Role Model Award.
04.1990: During a ceremony, where Michael is awarded as "Entertainer Of The Decade", Michael meets President George Bush, who honors him with the "Point Of Light" award. Michael receives this award for his philanthropic activities. President Bush explains Michael's humanitarian commitments to the press.
09.1990: The Council of the American Scouts honors Michael with the first "Good Scout Humanitarian Award". Michael receives this award for his humanitarian activities by supporting the Make A Wish Foundation, the Prince's Trust, the United Negro College Fund and Childhelp USA.
10.1990: Michael Jackson and Elton John will be the first recipients of the award in memory of Ryan White, which will be handed over in 1991.
05.1992: President George Bush presents Michael with the "Point of Light" award for his continuing support of deprived children. During his stay, Michael visits little Raynal Pope, who had been injured very badly by dogs.
06.1992: The organization "One To One", who is caring for better living conditions of young people, honors Michael with an award for his commitment to deprived youngsters.
07.1993: The American Friends of Hebrew University honors Michael with the Scopus Award 1993.
08.1993: The Jack Awards are presented and Michael is honored with the "Our Children, Our Hope Of Tomorrow" award.
11.1993: Michael rejects the Scopus Award. He was nominated for this award, which was planned to be given him on January 29th, 1994.
04.1994: On occasion of the 2nd Children's Choice Award ceremony at Cit Center in New York, Michael is presented with the "Caring For Kids" award. This award is to honor celebrities, who take time for young people. 100,000 children and young people from 8 to 18 years old gave Michael their vote of confidence. The Children's Choice Awards are sponsored by Body Sculpt, a charity organization, that offers drug-prevention programs for young people.
11.1995: Michael receives the award "Diamond of Africa".
05.1996: The Ark Trust-Foundation, who wants to draw the attention of the public eye on animal's problems, presents the 10th Genesis Award. Michael is presented with the 1995 Doris Day Award. He gets this award for the "Earth Song" video, which draws attention to the plight of the animals.
05.1999: At the Bollywood awards in New York, Michael is presented with an award for his humanitarian activities. The award is signed: "Though he comes from the young American tradition, Michael is the embodiment of an old indian soul. His actions are an expression of the philosophy of Weda, which asked to work for the people - not for one's own interests."
05.2004: At the Ethiopian Embassy in Washington, D.C., Michael was presented with a humanitarian award by the African Ambassadors' Spouses Association in honor of his work fighting AIDS in Africa.
"My goal in life is to give what I was lucky to receive: the ecstasy of divine union through music and dance.”- MICHAEL JACKSON

purple_blue spune:
Mai vorbim despre actiuni de caritate?
Ar fi un lucru foarte frumos, desi greu (sa gestionezi, sa cauti, sa studiezi cazuri, sa iti dai seama care merita)." target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after, Mrs. Purple Jackson

Alexia27 spune:
Purple, si eu as vrea sa facem ceva concret. Dar din pacte, eu de aici nu pot sa fac nimic mai mult decat sa sugerez, sa vin cu idei. Tot cineva din Bucuresti trebuie sa se ofere sa deschida un cont si sa tina evidenta. Eu aici nici macar nu am dreptul sa am un cont bancar, asa ca...
Cat despre ce actiuni sa sustinem, pai am zis sa nu cautam in zari albastre, ca avem chiar aici pe DC o gramada de cazuri care sunt testate si verificate. Putem alege cate un caz, eventual in functie de urgenta si sa donam niste bani.
Cineva totusi trebuie sa se mobilizeze, din pacate sectiunea asta nu are asa mare succes
I am alive and I am here forever
Michael Jackson
I won't be a rock star. I will be a legend
Freddie Mercury

danat spune:
Pai poate daca incepem de-acum...pina la sarbatori om aduna si noi ceva sa donam unui caz nefericit de pe DC sub titlul de donatie in memoria lui MJ
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"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"
Michael Jackson

motanik spune:
Ok, primul pas e sa strangem bani, apoi decidem catre cine ii donam.
Concret, hai sa stabilim o suma minima, gen 10-15 euro sau dolari si sa avem un cont in Romania unde sa putem pune iar pt fetele din afara apelam la metoda pliculet sau paypal.
Ce ziceti?
Andra si bebe Theodora Povestea noastra
Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson

danat spune:
Total fair si de acord!
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"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"
Michael Jackson

motanik spune:
Ah si in completare:
- cineva din Ro sa puna la bataie un cont cu toate datele personale (nume, adresa), eventual urcate pe mailul comun si aceasta persoana sa se ocupe de banii stransi din Ro - concret cate sunteti din Ro doritoare de actiune?
- cineva din strainatate sa puna la bataie un cont paypal pt cele ce pot trimite prin paypal sau/si o adresa unde pot fi trimisi in plic, urmand apoi ca suma stransa sa ajunga ori direct la beneficiarul banilor ori la colega din Ro care se ocupa de strangerea din Ro - concret cate sunteti din strainatate doritoare de actiune si sub ce forma ati putea participa, paypal sau pliculet?
Eu am paypal si m-am mai ocupat in trecut de strangeri pt actiuni umanitare pe acest forum atat pe el cat si in plic. M-as putea oferi eu, daca nu mai este altcineva (si as prefera sa fie altcineva totusi si nu din comoditate dar pt ca eu paypalul il mai folosesc si la plati pe net si n-as vrea sa se intercaleze cu donatiile voastre - daca nu este nimeni alta insa, o sa vad eu cum fac, renunt la alte activitati pe el si ma ocup de asta).
Asadar hai sa ne mobilizam, eu una spun prezent, disponibila sa trimit banuti atat prin paypal cat si prin plic undeva in Europa.
Andra si bebe Theodora Povestea noastra
Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson

mj_girl spune:
motanik, bine ai revenit
pe lista din Ro treceti-ma si pe mine
ar fi extraordinar daca am reusi sa facem ceva pentru sarbatorile de iarna, ....timp ar fi
He is a special part of me !