Caritate - Michael Jackson & Fanclub
Raspunsuri - Pagina 2

Alexia27 spune:
Am si eu o propunere. Mica. Sper sa fie buna. Eu cand am vazut titlul topicului m-am gandit la altceva, nu la ce e de fapt, adica o trecere in revista si constientizare a ce a facut Michael.
Asa ca stateam eu si cugetam ca ce frumos ar fi daca am face si noi, fanclubul ceva donatii in memoria lui Michael...sau sa alegem un caz de la umanitare care sa fie cumva "pe lista" lui de interes si sa donam din partea "fanclubmj" sau de ziua lui sa donam la o fundatie pe care o sustinea...ceva de genul asta, nu mi-e prea clar cum ar fi mai bine...
Ce ziceti?
I'm alive and I'm here forever
Michael Jackson

danielac spune:
Anul 1997
25.01 - Michael waved his personal fee for his Bombay appearance and donated $1.1 million to a local charity helping to educate children living in slums.
04.04 - British magazine "OK!" is publishing exclusive photos of Michael's son Prince. The magazine pays about 1 million pounds for the photos. Michael donates the money to charity.
18.06 - Michael signed the "Children in Need" book auctioned by the charity UNESCO.
Anul 1998
09 - Michael meets 5 year old Aza Woods, who suffers from cancer, at the Hilton Hotel in Las Vegas. Michael introduces Aza to the attraction "Star Trek: The Experience" and spends the rest of the afternoon with the little boy. Finally Michael invites Aza to spend some time with him at his Neverland Ranch.
16.11 - Michael arrives in Harare, Zimbabwe. He is a member of the American Delegation invited by the Minister of Defense. The delegation thanks the government of Zimbabwe for helping to keep the peace in this area.
Anul 1999
04.09 - Michael presented Nelson Mandela with a check for 1,000,000 South African rand for the "Nelson Mandela Children's Fund."

CRISMIR spune:
IMPRESIONANT!!! am stiut niciodata exact care au fost donatiile si actele de caritate care le-a facut...DANIELA
"Before you judge me, try hard to love me."MJ
Mirela si puiul scump, Robert Cristian(19 oct.2004)
Pozele noastre aici...
...sau aici...

melku spune:
Alexia, te sustin! Excelenta idee. sunt atatea cazuri la umanitare aici pe forum. sau oriunde om gasi...
We must learn to live and love each other before is to late

motanik spune:
Daniela, multumim pt info.
Impresionant cate a facut, nu?
Alexia, sunt de acord sa strangem o suma toate, daca vor si fetele, sau cate vor si sa o facem anual, de ex anul asta ne putem organiza sa strangem pana in Craciun si suma stransa decidem apoi unde o donam.
Andra si bebe Theodora Povestea noastra
Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson

Alexia27 spune:
Melku, Motanik, da, la asa ceva m-am gandit. Donatia sa fie in numele fan clubului, nu nominala, asta apropo de ce zicea Crismir ca nici nu stia de cate donatii si sponsorizari a facut Michael. Adica,el putea sa cheme presa, televiziunile , extraterestrii, ca uite lume ce fac eu, vedeti? Ori el a fost asa de discret, a facut chiar din suflet si dezinteresat. Si cam asta e spiritul pe care l-as dori eu.
I'm alive and I'm here forever
Michael Jackson

astrojunkie spune:
Si mie mi-ar placea tare mult ceva de genul asta, dar eu vad altfel desfasurarea de forte: demult imi doresc sa merg fizic la un leagan de copii sau la o casa de batrani, cu lucruri de care au nevoie, dar nu am avut cu cine, si-apoi cat de multe lucuri pot cumpara eu singura?
Cred ca si timpul petrecut cu ei este important, nu numai banutii de care au atata nevoie...
Deci daca ati vrea si asa ceva, eu sunt prima!

danielac spune:
Anul 2000
22.01 - During Christmas last year a violent storm ravaged the park of the Chateau de Versailles and destroyed 10,000 trees in the park. The estimated cost for rebuilding the park is around $20 million. Some celebrities are supporting the restoration of the park. French officials are reporting that Michael Jackson is one of them. He was one of the first people to donate money to this cause.
28.10 - Michael painted a plate to be auctioned for the "Carousel of Hope Ball" benefiting childhood diabetes research.
Anul 2001
06.03 - Michael donated a black hat, a birthday phone-call and a jacket worn at the Monaco Music Awards in 2000 to the Movie Action for Children auction, an event being given by UNICEF with all proceeds will going to UNICEF's efforts to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission in Africa.
26.03 - Michael handed out books to young people at a Newark, NJ theater. The event, which helped to launch the Michael Jackson International Book Club, part of his new Heal the Kids charity, aims to promote childhood reading and encourage parents to return to reading bedtime stories.
Anul 2002
15.009 - Michael donated 16 exclusively autographed items consisting of CD's, videos and 2 cotton napkins to aid in the support of the victims of a severe flood in Germany. These items were auctioned off for charity and managed to raise 3935 Euro (US$ 3,814).
12.10 - Michael Jackson invited more than 200 Team Vandenberg members, who recently returned from overseas deployments, and their families to his Neverland Ranch. This was to show his appreciation for the sacrifices the military in his community make.
19-29.10 - Michael donated an autographed teddy bear dressed in his likeness to Siegfried & Roy's celebrity teddy bear auction. This auction benefits Opportunity Village which is a non-profit organization based in Las Vegas (USA) that enhances the lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families. Michael's autographed teddy bear raised $5,000 for the charity.
21.11 - Michael donated a jacket to the The Bambi Charity Event in Berlin which raised $16,000.

danielac spune:
Anul 2003
25.04 - Michael Jackson performed at a fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee at the Apollo Theater in Harlem helping to raise nearly $3 million dollars towards voter registration.
06 - The Wolf family, who experienced serious damages to their belongings during the flood in Saxony, Germany last August, was invited to Berlin by Michael Jackson when he was at the Bambi Awards. On that occasion Michael invited them to Neverland. In June, they spent three days at Neverland, meeting Michael and his children.

motanik spune:
Astro, daca exista posibilitatea ca cineva sa se ocupe, de ex tu, putem strange bani si tu iei de ei ce trebuie si mergi acolo intr-o zi, ii bucuri pe copii sau batrani si apoi ne arati si noua poze sa ne bucuram si noi ca am putut ajuta cumva.
Bine, asta numai daca sunt si fetele de acord.
Andra si bebe Theodora Povestea noastra
Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson