Why do people have children?
-Irresponsible sex
-Pressure by parents to make them grandparents
-Pressure from society
-All our friends are having kids
-To mani****te a man into marriage
-To make a marriage complete
-To heal a relationship
-To prove I can be the parent my parents weren't
-To create something to be proud of
-It's a way of assuring immortality
-We've bought into the type that parenting is the height of fulfillment
-Religion tells us it is our God-given responsibility
-We don't' want to miss the experience
-To have someone take care of us when we are old
-A desire to have someone love us unconditionally
-A cop-out for having to face the big bad world out there
-A way to stop working for those who don't like to work
-It gives one an identity
-To carry on the family name
-A primal instinct
-To find oneself
-To make one feel whole
-To be needed
-The biological clock is ticking
-To expand the mind
-It's the thing you do
-Unrealistic expectations
-To overcome loneliness
-Because my spouse wanted to
-To have 'our' baby
-I want it all
-A deep love and respect for life
-You have searched your soul and have decided you are ready to commit to parenthood
....si pentru ca pur si simplu ii iubim.
Drum bun, licurici iubit!
www.helpsonia.com/povestea-soniei" target="_blank">O inimioara are nevoie de voi! / Blogul cu ingerasi
Misha mami fericita de Alexandru (14.03.2008)
excesul de pufuleti, bomboane si IGIENIZARE dauneaza grav sanatatii (LadyJ)
...You have searched your soul and have decided you are ready to commit to parenthood...
Asta mi se pare cea mai aproape de ce ar trebui sa insemne aducerea pe lume a unui bebe
Cris si Alexutzu
"Tinteste spre luna, chiar daca nu reusesti macar vei fi printre stele."