Mamici de fulgusori de nov.dec 2009 (89)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 7
Katyuscha21 spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui camy_pus Buna dimineata fetelor Katy ma bucur foarte mult ca te simti ceva mai bine..sper ca analizele sa iasa bune si sper sa ajungi cat mai repede la un ginecolog... Doamne, nu-mi vine sa cred ca se intampla asa ceva in Canada ...mie una, nu-mi place deloc ce aud de la tine... O zi buna tuturor si un we placut! Cami,mamica ingerasului Darius-Andrei n: 15.07.2008 d: 16.08.2008 ingerasul Darius-Andrei b]Sa-l ajutam pe Alex 29+ Darius mi-a trimis de ziua mamei cel mai frumos cadou, un bebe! bebe Flavius Cristian[/b] POZE |
ce sai faci mai Camy de nemernici de astia care nici in fund nu-i dor de tine gasesti la orice pas si colt ed strada,nu scapi de conteaza ca esti in Romnaia sau America ,Canada de astia gasestisi se intampla sa dai chiar peste ei.
29+si lumina ochilor mei ANDREI 2 ani si 10 luni 26.09.2006
Asa creste Andrei
Aniversarea nuntii
Bebica din burtica" target="_blank"> Melodia care ii place lui bebika din burtica" target="_blank">Copii nascuti prematur
Un copil este o Binecuvantare de La Dumnezeu
Nu da cu piciorul la sansa de a deveni MAMA.
Katyuscha21 spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui Mussica Buna dimineata!!!!!!!!! Katyuscha21 ma bucur mult ca te simti mai bine. sa ne tii la curent. Cred ca totusi durerile de spate nu-s chiar o fericire :( 25 saptamani |
nu mai stiu in ce pozitie sa stau daca ma crezi,ca sa imi treaca cat de cat,cand le-am zis la astia de la spital de dureri de spate sau facut pirduti inceata ca nu mi-au zis nimik altceva decat ca se merge pe natural si ca e ceva normal sa ma doara.
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui floricik Neata. Sunt terminata de somn pt ca bebelusa mea a facut aerobic toata noaptea Abia am reusit sa adorm pe la 3 si la 7 dimineata eram deja in picioare. Ce copil energic am... Katy ma bucur ca totul e ok. Are dreptate Camy. Cam ciudat sistemul medical acolo la voi... 25+ |
eu sunt fara cuvinte dar abia astept sa se termine cu bine si o sa fie mai bine.
29+si lumina ochilor mei ANDREI 2 ani si 10 luni 26.09.2006
Asa creste Andrei
Aniversarea nuntii
Bebica din burtica" target="_blank"> Melodia care ii place lui bebika din burtica" target="_blank">Copii nascuti prematur
Un copil este o Binecuvantare de La Dumnezeu
Nu da cu piciorul la sansa de a deveni MAMA.
dienutze spune:
Voi da inca o data siteul cu diabetul scoateti voi liniuta de dupa sfatul
26+ astept pe Ingrid Alexandra pe 30 noiembrie! sa fim sanatosi!
Katyuscha21 spune:
SIMINA9999,MIANY75,RAMONIKA,DIENUTZE va multumesc fetelor pt incurajari si sustineri sunteti niste scumpe
29+si lumina ochilor mei ANDREI 2 ani si 10 luni 26.09.2006
Asa creste Andrei
Aniversarea nuntii
Bebica din burtica" target="_blank"> Melodia care ii place lui bebika din burtica" target="_blank">Copii nascuti prematur
Un copil este o Binecuvantare de La Dumnezeu
Nu da cu piciorul la sansa de a deveni MAMA.
Katyuscha21 spune:
MARIAANDREAI multumesc pt incurajari,asa am sa fac ,la spital daca merg si vad astia ca e "bine"chiar daca tu sangerezi te trimit acasa ca e totul ok
29+si lumina ochilor mei ANDREI 2 ani si 10 luni 26.09.2006
Asa creste Andrei
Aniversarea nuntii
Bebica din burtica" target="_blank"> Melodia care ii place lui bebika din burtica" target="_blank">Copii nascuti prematur
Un copil este o Binecuvantare de La Dumnezeu
Nu da cu piciorul la sansa de a deveni MAMA.
Katyuscha21 spune:
LORELIX ofi?ca ,chiar ma doare spatele in zina rinichilor ,bine ar fi sa se fi eliminat daca a fost ceva si sa nu fie nimik mai grav
29+si lumina ochilor mei ANDREI 2 ani si 10 luni 26.09.2006
Asa creste Andrei
Aniversarea nuntii
Bebica din burtica" target="_blank"> Melodia care ii place lui bebika din burtica" target="_blank">Copii nascuti prematur
Un copil este o Binecuvantare de La Dumnezeu
Nu da cu piciorul la sansa de a deveni MAMA.
Katyuscha21 spune:
CHRISTINAM --CU TROMBOCITELE sunt bine ,am refacut analizele la sange si astept rezultatele specialistul a zis ca sangerarile din nas nu le am de la trombocite ca la nr-ul care il am e imposibil sa imi curga in fiecare zi am ceva in nas si in dec tre sa merg sa fac control si sper sa nu fie nevoie de bisturiu.
29+si lumina ochilor mei ANDREI 2 ani si 10 luni 26.09.2006
Asa creste Andrei
Aniversarea nuntii
Bebica din burtica" target="_blank"> Melodia care ii place lui bebika din burtica" target="_blank">Copii nascuti prematur
Un copil este o Binecuvantare de La Dumnezeu
Nu da cu piciorul la sansa de a deveni MAMA.
Katyuscha21 spune:
LUMI-RICHARD am unde sa ma duc dar costa mult si nu imi permit acum sa dau banii la particular
SIMINA_KIN felicitari pt bebelina ta mica sa fie sanatoasa si sa vina la termen si tu la fel sa fii sanatoasa si sa duci sarcina cu bine pana la capat.
29+si lumina ochilor mei ANDREI 2 ani si 10 luni 26.09.2006
Asa creste Andrei
Aniversarea nuntii
Bebica din burtica" target="_blank"> Melodia care ii place lui bebika din burtica" target="_blank">Copii nascuti prematur
Un copil este o Binecuvantare de La Dumnezeu
Nu da cu piciorul la sansa de a deveni MAMA.
Lumi_Richard spune:
M-am intors si vad ca nu ati fost prea vorbarete....
Despre diabetul gestational,trimit articolul pt. ca nu reusesc cu linkul
Diabetes and Pregnancy
Diabetes is a condition that causes high levels of glucose in the blood. Glucose is a sugar that is the body's main source of energy. Health problems can arise when the glucose levels are too high. Diabetes is of special concern during pregnancy.
Diabetes occurs when there is a problem with the way the body makes or uses insulin. Insulin is a hormone that converts glucose in food into energy. When the body does not make enough insulin, or when the body is not using insulin properly, the level of glucose in the blood becomes too high. This is called hyperglycemia (high sugar levels in the blood).
During pregnancy, the hormones produced by the placenta can limit the actions of insulin. As a result, gestational diabetes may occur.
Effects During Pregnancy
The risk of problems during pregnancy is greatest when blood sugar levels are high. Some of these problems may increase the chance of a cesarean birth. This is why you need good blood sugar control during pregnancy. Good control of glucose levels, before and during pregnancy, can lower the risks.
If you have diabetes or if you are at risk of developing gestational diabetes, you should be aware of the problems that may arise:
Macrosomia (very large baby) occurs when the mother's blood sugar level is high throughout pregnancy.
Preeclampsia is high blood pressure and protein in the urine during pregnancy. This can pose problems for the mother and the baby.
Hydramnios occurs when there is too much amniotic fluid in the sac that surrounds the baby.
Urinary tract infections can occur without symptoms.
Respiratory distress syndrome can make it harder for the baby to breathe after birth.
Stillbirth — delivery of a baby that has died before birth — occurs more often in babies of women whose diabetes was not well controlled before and during pregnancy.
Diabetes Control
There are a number of ways that you can measure your glucose level. You may have to go to a lab to have your blood tested, or you may be able to check your blood sugar level yourself using a glucose meter.
Glucose can be controlled with diet and exercise and, in some cases, by taking pills or insulin. You and your doctor will decide together on the best method or mixture of methods for you.
A balanced diet is key in pregnancy. Your baby depends on the food you eat for its growth and nourishment. This is even more important if you have diabetes. Not eating properly can cause glucose levels to go too high or too low.
Moderate exercise is always good. For women with diabetes it is even more important. Regular exercise helps keep blood glucose levels low.
Some women with diabetes need to use insulin shots to keep their glucose at normal levels. Insulin shots can be safely used during pregnancy to control diabetes.
Some women take diabetes pills instead of insulin shots. In some cases, pills alone will not control the diabetes and you may be switched to insulin shots.
Prenatal Care
You play a key role in controlling your diabetes. Prenatal care helps monitor your condition as well as that of the baby.
A woman with diabetes often needs to be monitored closely during pregnancy.
In most cases, women with diabetes go into labor normally when the time comes and have a normal vaginal delivery. They may require special monitoring of their glucose levels and the baby during labor.
Postpartum Care
Problems in the Newborn
After birth, most babies do well. Some babies may need to spend time in a special care nursery.
Problems that may occur include:
Low glucose levels
Low blood calcium and magnesium levels
An excess of red blood cells
Neonatal jaundice (yellow discoloration of the skin)
Breathing problems
These problems are not serious in most cases.
Women with diabetes or those who develop gestational diabetes need to plan future pregnancies with care.
Glucose Control
Your blood sugar levels may be monitored after you give birth. If they remain high, you may need to take medication to control your blood sugar.
Weight Control
Weight loss during pregnancy is not a good idea-even if you are overweight. You and your doctor should set up a program of diet and exercise for you to follow after delivery.
Most women with diabetes can have healthy babies. You and your doctor can work together to plan your pregnancy and control your glucose level.
This excerpt from ACOG's Patient Education Pamphlet is provided for your information. It is not medical advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for visiting your doctor. If you need medical care, have any questions, or wish to receive the full text of this Patient Education Pamphlet, please contact your obstetrician-gynecologist.
Lumi 28+ cu Alexa Annabelle Denise
simina_kin spune:
Lumi da poate si mine
28+ cu Maya Andreea
bebe" target="_blank">Pentru sotul meu! TE IUBESC!!