Mladite si mugurasi de mai-iunie 2008 (122)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 5
Victoria_mami spune:
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citat din mesajul lui YLARI
Nu-l gasesc... ![]() YLARI Edit: l-am gasit. ![]() |
Oh, ma pregateam sa spun unde e, cand am vazut edit-ul tau...
Mami de Printesa Victoria Isabella
Victoria Isabella, Printesa Noastra Perfecta!
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
Doloress spune:
Sanatate multa copiilor bolnaviori. Mircea, Eva!
LORICH voiam sa zis ca si eu continui cu alaptatul, i-am dat termen pana la 2 ani. Ma bucur ca nu raman singura, ca ma simt cam stinghera asa in decizia asta, toata lumea de prin tara imi zice ca nu sunt normala, etc, stii tu cum e mentalitatea. Aici insa se alapteaza si pana la 3 ani. Nu pot sa renunt cand il vad cat e de fericit la tzataza. Si cum nu am in plan sa raman inca insarcinata, nu vad unde e problema. De cateva nopti e tare agitat, plange, se trezeste uralnd, eu zic ca-i mai ies niste maselute pe undeva. Dar isi ia tzatzica in brate si se linisteste imediat.
SIMONACIP si eu as vrea 3 copii. Mai trebuie sa-l conving si pe sotu din dotare. El vrea numai 2, dar il dam noi pe brazda. Numai sanatate sa am sa le pot duce pe toate.
CLEO m-ai innebunit cu pozele, cred ca le pun la favorite sa ma tot uit la ele!
ALYSH exact asa simt si eu vis-a-vis de sora-mea, am sa pun si ce a scris ea despre mine pe blogul ei, e in engleza, sper sa nu va plictiseasca. Dar e tare frumos ce a scris…Nu cred ca vreo prietena ar fi in stare sa scrie asa despre mine si cand vad atata dragoste… ma gandesc ca nu pot sa-l lipsesc pe Patrick de eventualitatea unei relatii asa minunate.
ESME ce bine ca l-ati gasit, portofelul adica! Ce bine suna placinuta ta, am sa o salvez.
"Vos enfants : vous pouvez vous efforcer d'être comme eux, mais ne tentez pas de les faire comme vous" Khalil Gibran
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
Doloress spune:
Si cum va promiteam, uitati ce scria sorela mea pe blogul ei de ziua mea :
My Past, My Present … My Sister …
" You can’t think how I depend on you, and when you’re not there, the color goes out of my life.” (Virginia Woolf)
"A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost"
No matter what she’ll tell you, mind my words: it was NEVER a competition! Not when we were not in school yet, for my parents’ attention; not in school, for who made the best grades, not during high school, for who gets a boyfriend first! It was never like that. For me. But society, friends, and family made her think that it was.
As the younger sister, everyone expected her to deliver “just as her older sister” did. With no regard to her unique personality and skills, with no regard to her rebellious (vs. my please-everyone) nature, they kept expecting her to match me. Or even go higher than me.
And she will tell you she always tried to learn from me, copy me, deliver just at the level I delivered. Well, all that, until she hit teenage-hood, of course, when she told the world to go scratch, and she will be the opposite of me, because she felt like no matter how hard she tried, she could never “be her sister”. That’s when the spite and the difficult years (for both of us) started.
The truth is, and we only now realize it, we’ve learned from each other. It was never trying to overdo each other as much as trying to complement each other, in everything. Until it was time for me to fly away (literally), we were two perfect halves of the same beautiful whole mom treasured! She’s taught me just as much as I’ve learned from her.
She’s taught me how to make crème brulee, and I introduced her to cheesecake; she’s taught me adventure, and risking it all for the thrill of it, because life is short, I taught her about permanence and her own precious value, that she needs to so carefully hone and guard; I taught her to read, she taught me how to pick books; she taught me about loving animals, and protecting the weakest of creatures; I taught her how to be strong and weather storms; she got me addicted to Sex and The City, and I bought her The SATC Movie. I taught her about honesty; she showed me the life-or-death importance of a white lie! I taught her about pain, and sadness, she showed me how to love – unconditionally, wholly, completely, helplessly.
I showed her how to be a good daughter, she showed me how to be a good mother. I showed her how to smile politely, she showed me how to laugh out loud. I showed her how to travel, she taught me how important it is to have a home to come to. I taught her about jewelry – she’s trying to this day to show me all about fashion. And I fail – every time!
We split the chores: I’d dust, while she’d brush the carpet. We’d split the chicken for dinner: she’d let me have my wings and breast, I’d let her have her leg. Oh, how she hated the breast!
I taught her about the importance of eating healthy, she’s taught me how to viscerally love food, indiscriminately, with the same passion she does everything else! She’s done just that: taught me unbounded passion! My life has the bright colors it has because of her encouragement and daily support!
I look back at our lives, and I see the same two little girls, trying to figure it all out. The quarrels about who gets to wear what sweater today; the yells and fits we threw about who gets to go where with which grandparent; the fights over boyfriends, and who gets to get drunk tonight, and who gets to cover for the other; the love at the end of the day, when we laid in the same bed, hugging, and heard each other’s breath. So calm. And peaceful. So … home.
How I miss it all – although all is right here, available, at hand, inside our hearts and memories. Forever locked away and close, no matter how many continents separate us!
Shared beds and bathrooms … shared friends, schools and loves … Birthdays and name days, and family parties with their gossip about relatives too fat, too skinny, too annoying … Oh, the gossip! The homemade, mom driven, “girly” beauty school: when to dye our hair? When to tweeze our brows (evidently, I was skipping that class!)? When to shave? How often? How we discovered it all – together, side by side. No competition there …
She’s turned out to be the one person in my life that I admire the most. An accomplished mother and wife, she’s about to celebrate her nine year anniversary this month – married to her high school sweetheart this whole time, after four years of dating.
She’s put roots twice, in two different countries, and she’s accomplished a family, a successful career, and a home in both. Her beautiful, healthy, smart, one year old son, whom she’s brought up with such tender love and care, and saint-like patience, through all his challenges as a very early preemie indeed, to his beautiful antics of 16 months! Her tenacity, drive and courage amaze me every second! Her love and dedication for everything she’s set out to do puts my existence to shame!
She is the best mother I know to date, and she’s the best sister anyone could hope for, most of all - because she keeps me real, and grounded She makes sure my head stays screwed on, and the right size, and she’s holding that mirror in front of me, relentlessly! She’s helped me realize my own mistakes growing up, and my own faults as a daughter and a failed wife and partner. She’s given me the privilege and trust to be her only son’s godmother and guardian! How can I ever repay her, in a lifetime?!
I am not sure who declared us a competition, at any point in time, but, my dear sister, if it is indeed a competition, I am pretty sure you’ve won it!
Happy birthday, my love, and so, so, so many more healthy ones, too!
I love you now, and forever …
Your older sister, who was lost and lone, for the first three years and four months of her life, when you were not there …
"Vos enfants : vous pouvez vous efforcer d'être comme eux, mais ne tentez pas de les faire comme vous" Khalil Gibran
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
gabitzam spune:
Hai ca m=a facut sa plang sora ta, Doloress. Mai ales la ultima fraza. Esti o norocoasa.
Alaturi de SEBI
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
Victoria_mami spune:
Doloress, in primul rand vreau sa-ti spun ca eu sunt o fire rece, neimpresionabila f usor, dar am citit ce a scris sora ta si am avut lacrimi in ochi! Foarte frumos si emotionant. Sa va dea Dumnezeu sanatate amandurora si familiilor voastre!
Mami de Printesa Victoria Isabella
Victoria Isabella, Printesa Noastra Perfecta!
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
Victoria_mami spune:
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citat din mesajul lui Doloress SIMONACIP si eu as vrea 3 copii. Mai trebuie sa-l conving si pe sotu din dotare. El vrea numai 2, dar il dam noi pe brazda. Numai sanatate sa am sa le pot duce pe toate. Mami de pitic Patrick (29.04.2008) "Vos enfants : vous pouvez vous efforcer d'être comme eux, mais ne tentez pas de les faire comme vous" Khalil Gibran |
Poate urmatorul va fi... 2! Gemeni frumosi, destepti si cuminti, ca si fratiorul lor mai mare, Patrick.
Mami de Printesa Victoria Isabella
Victoria Isabella, Printesa Noastra Perfecta!
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
Doloress spune:
Multumesc fetelor. Intr-adevar sunt tare norocoasa cu asa o surioara! Si eu am plans cand am citit... Abia astept sa ne intalnim in septembrie.
Desiree nu prea vreau gemeni, mi-e frica de nasterea prematura, mult mai frecventa in cazul gemenilor, imi zic ca nici unul nu am reusit sa-l duc pana la capat, dar apoi sa am doi. cate unul, pe rand, nu trebuie sa se ingramadeasca
"Vos enfants : vous pouvez vous efforcer d'être comme eux, mais ne tentez pas de les faire comme vous" Khalil Gibran
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
YLARI spune:
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citat din mesajul lui gabitzam Hai ca m=a facut sa plang sora ta, Doloress. Mai ales la ultima fraza. Esti o norocoasa. Cresterea copiilor este in parte bucurie, in parte razboi de guerilla Mami de puf mare, Andrei-Stefan (25.05.05) si puf mic Raducu(06.06.2008) Alaturi de SEBI |
Si eu am citit... de 2 ori... zilele astea chiar ma gandeam cand au trecut zilele, anii aia de acasa, cu toti ai mei pe langa mine... parca au devenit mai pronuntate intrebarile astea. Si ultima fraza e intr-adevar impresionanta. Sunteti norocoase ca va aveti una pe alta.
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
Reallaura spune:
Am venit din Ikea.
Am luat spatii de depozitare si niste jucarii lui MIrcea, am mancat, am dat o raita prin Mall, dar nu am luat decat o bluzitade la Motivi...
EU m-am simtit cam cu greata azi, desi imi doream greturi, acum nu mai vreau
Doloress imi placea de sora ta, acum si mai mult!
Ylari ati fost la Bulacu??? Cum se mai simte Eva draga de ea???
Sybille frumos exemplul cu btranica!
Esme wow, ce faza cu portofelul!!! Super! NU credeam ca se poate asa ceva... Mirci nu mi-a mancat azi, ii facusem cartofi si dovlecei la cuptor cu branzica, cascaval, costita. NU i-a placut. Ne-am lins noi pe degete..
Plec acum, asteptam niste prieteni
Laurita, mami de Mircea Ioan, 15 mai 2008
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
YLARI spune:
Laurita azi nu era Bulacu
Am fost la Codleanu, care mi se pare cam... distanta, asa, nu stiu, Bulacu e o dulce
Imi pare rau ca ai greturi. Of
Sa porti sanatoasa bluzitza!
Dar Mirci cum e?
Eva e mai bine parca. Oricum a dormit super bine la pranz, 3 ore! Si nici n-a mai tusit decat de vreo 2 ori.
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)