King of Pop Michael Jackson (8)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 6

oana_n spune:
Dar chiar v-ati propus sa scrieti, nu gluma.
Eu chiar am o perioada mai agitata cu multi nervi si probleme de rezolvat. Va citesc din umbra si incerc sa tin ritmul.Am vazut majoritatea pozelor, a filmuletelor si clar nu am lecuire. M-ai terminat danat cu sec. 0.15-0.18 .
Maine mi-am propus sa ascult Europa FM ca au zi dedicata lui M. si azi a fost parca, dar azi nu apuc ca mai am inca ceva treaba. Maine insa cu asta o sa ma delectez. Sper sa fie interesant. Plus ca au si premii in carti, tricouri si alte cele, insa nu sper la ele. Vreau doar sa il ascult, si atat.
Fug si revin mai spre seara. Ma astept sa va gasesc la alt capitol.

melku spune:
uitati aici ceva frumos pentru maine, pentru orice zi, de altfel:
Daria, daca esti pe faza:
#9829;~ A Very Special Birthday Gift ~#9829;
“Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race”
Every year, on August 29th, thousands of fans from all around the world would follow the same tradition: sending birthday gifts to Michael Jackson. Cards, letters, drawings, paintings, photos, books, video messages burnt on DVD's... every year, fans and fanclubs would use any means possible to simply let Michael know that we loved him and that we wished him a happy birthday.
This year, on August 29th, we can give him a birthday present even more beautiful than that. We can let him know that we've heard his message, and that we're going to keep on with his mission of healing the world and making it a better place.
All his life, through his songs, speeches, interviews, Michael expressed his wish to see us coming together and joining forces to help him heal the world. He always knew he couldn't do it alone.
On August 29th, let's fulfil his wish and offer him the most beautiful birthday gift... by making the gift of a donation to someone in need!
“We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving”
This day, and every year, we have the power to make August 29th the most beautiful day of the year. A day where people around the world gather to dance, to sing, to party, to celebrate the birth and life of Michael Jackson... And a day where people around the world also gather to think about Michael's message and to make something positive for the world. Let's make it our new tradition.
It doesn't matter how much you can do or give, a little gift can make a huge difference when it is given by tens, hundreds, or even thousands of people.
It doesn't matter where you are, as long as you have access to a computer and an internet connection, you can make this very special gift.
How does it work?
Michael Jackson was listed in the 2000 edition of the Guiness Book Of World Records for breaking the world record for the "Most Charities Supported By a Pop Star". It stated that he has supported 39 charity organizations. In fact, Michael supported more than 70 charities in his lifetime.
Every year, we're going to highlight 5 of them, that will show you the various causes Michael Jackson was defending.
All you have to do is to choose one in the list and to donate just $5 to this organization!
It will just take 5 minutes of your time!
If you want to do more and donate to several of them or donate a higher amount, go ahead! But the most important is to join together to transform a little gift into a big one.
Here is a list of the 5 organizations. Click on their names for more details and a donation link:
* Make-A-Wish Foundation
* AIDS Project Los Angeles (APLA)
* United Negro College Fund (UNCF)
* Red Cross
* Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (JDRF)
Don't hesitate to indicate that you're making your donation in honor/memory of Michael Jackson whenever you can! That way, they'll know why they suddenly have so many donations on that day!
You can also ask for a card or letter to be sent to his family to let them know that you donated in his honor, but remember producing and sending a card also costs money to the organization.
The postal address of the Jackson family home is:
4641 Hayvenhurst Avenue
Encino California 91436
Thank you!
aveti grija pe cine cititi pe twitter!
nu toti sunt ceea ce zic ca sunt.
de ex, deja Paris are 20 de conturi pe twitt, Prince Michael si el vreo cateva, pana si piticu' dragut de Blanket are!!! adica va dati seama...saracii copii.
twitter are deja, din cauza asta, asa numitul "Verified Account". adica persoana verificata ca e cine se da ca e. ex: Janet Jackson si Elizabeth Taylor, aka DameElizabeth
We must learn to live and love each other before i’s to late

bulinuta27 spune:
fetele eu va pup
sper ca maine sa fie o zi cu zambete asa cum si-ar dori el
plec in concediu 2 saptamani iar maine o sa fiu cu el in suflet
Ptr tine milioane de acolo unde esti
bulinuta mamica de bulinel dragutel
Poze noi" target="_blank">minune mica

danat spune:
Stati asa ca m-ati ametit de tot: adica janet jackson si elizabeth taylor sunt pe twitter cu numele reale, si sunt chiar ele???
iar copilasii n uar fi? ca nu mai pricep...
oricum, de ce s-ar inregistra o vedeta tocmai cu numele adevarat?
Primul twitter postat de Anka am vazut ca ii apartine lui "applehead50"! Hmmm.....
Eu zic ca MJ, daca ar fi vrut sa dispara, cat ar fi fost el de jucaus, nu cred ca posta mesaje care sa dea tocmai acum de banuit.... sa nu ii desconsideram inteligenta totusi...
Bulinutza misto prima gagica din poza cu Michael, exotica asa...cred si eu ca era straight si hard linga ea (pacat ca nu era in goldies pants ca am fi avut ce admira ).
Si imi place cum o tinea pe Brooke Shields cand o pupa pe obraz...ufff...
(va dati seama cate mii de nebune ca noi avea de infruntat MJ la fiecare aparitie?)
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"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"

danat spune:
Concediu placut bulinutza!!!
******************************************" target="_blank">
"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"

anka77 spune:
Da Danat, sunt twitter-urule lor , cu nume reale. nu zic ca applehaead este MJ, eu ziceam sa cititi mes puse de ei.. ca stiu adevarul ,and so on...
Daca te referi la cei 2 copii mari cum ca ar avea cont pe twitter , nu nu au
if you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be deal with. – Michael Jackson
-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me

iliuta spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui danat Ankaaaaaa ![]() Vrei sa zici ceva ca in minutul 1:41-1:43 din clipul asta??? (a se mari pe tot ecranul ![]() Recomand vizionarea si intre secundele 0:15-0:18 ![]() Bun materialul asta auriu, maiales asezat pe asa un trup ![]() Hobby ******************************************" target="_blank"> "If you wanna make the world a better place, Take a look at yourself and then make a Change" " ![]() Am vazut un interviu cu Lisa Marie dupa ce s-au despartit unde spunea ca Michael n-ar fi fost "destul de barbat". Cred ca ar trebui sa-i trimitem filmuletul... ![]() ![]() Fetele, tricourile cum se pot obtine? Si la ce pret? |

danat spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui rhoneea Hola... ..... Am intrat pe haox.Iar mi-a aparut licarirea aia in suflet....Voi ce ziceti?Danat tu de ce zici ca e alive tot de la art. ala? Irina mamica sefului mic Pierre-Sebastien ![]() ![]() ![]() *Miracolul nostru* ![]() "If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change!" Michael Jackson |
Rhoneea nu iti pot oferi, din pacate o explicatie logica, dar pt mine e suficient de logic si rational ca ASA SIMT! Si crede-ma , nu incerc sa ma mint!
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"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"

melku spune:
sa nu uit c-am gasit de dimineata mail. incepe portretul facut din "dot-uri". maine, primul dot. m-am inregistrat si io, o sa fiu punctul nr. 3206 pe chipul lui Michael.
e acolo o posibilitate, dupa ce te inregistrezi, sa vezi cine mai e "dot" din tara ta. si din Romania n-am vazut prea multi. 28 de persoane. care nu v-ati inscris, e super proiectul.
si MJ merita!
We must learn to live and love each other before i’s to late

anka77 spune:
if you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be deal with. – Michael Jackson
-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me