King of Pop Michael Jackson (3)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 16

purple_blue spune:
eu o tin pe a mea ..scuzeee..
"Sometimes it's hard for me to look my dates in the eye even
if I know them well. My dating and relationships with girls have not had the happy ending I've been looking for. Something always seems to get in the way. The things I share with millions of people aren't the sort of things you share with one. Many girls want to know what makes me tick - why I live the way I live or do the things I do - trying to get inside my head. They want to rescue me from loneliness, but they do it in such a way that they give me the impression they want to share my loneliness, which I wouldn't
wish on anybody, because I believe I'm one of the loneliest people in the world."

Lywh spune:
Buna fetelor,
Am gasit un blog despre Michael, pare interesant:
Toate cele bune,
Omul poate să facă tot ce vrea, dar nu stie să vrea. (Etienne de Senancour)

oana_n spune:
purple_blue am inceput sa citesc, m-ai corupt. esti cu ceva inaintea mea insa o sa putem dezbate.
Lywh pt link. am aruncat un ochi in graba. mi se pare interesant, o sa citesc.
sunt ca un copil mic care a primit multe jucarii si nu stie la care sa se arunce prima data. dar imi place senzatia asta
Alexia, buna vestea cu mailul. ura!!!

danielac spune:
Fetelor, cartea care a fost tradusa si in limba romana, si a aparut atunci cand au fost concertele in Romania, o are cineva scanata?

mistral spune:
Bun gasit tuturor fanilor MJ
Desi va citesc zilnic,pana acum nu am scris aici.Vreau sa va multumesc tuturor pentru toate melodiile,filmuletele,stirile pe care le postati. Unele melodii le-am descoperit abia acum de la voi. Cum citesc o stire despre Michael,intru aici....parca aici as gasi confirmarea daca e reala sau falsa
O zi buna !
Debi,mami de Bianca(06.1999)si Andreea(08.2001)

purple_blue spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui oana_n purple_blue am inceput sa citesc, m-ai corupt. esti cu ceva inaintea mea insa o sa putem dezbate. |
Clar sunt dusa. Am terminat-o. Parca am citit Charles Dickens. E extraordinar sa citesti, sa cauti filmuletele care tin de subiectul respectiv si sa intelegi ce a trait.
Acum sunt cam

Oana n lectura placuta! Cand vrei o dezbatem

mj_girl spune:
duuuamneee fetelor de ce vreti voi sa ma facet sa
azi? omul asta trebuia inchis intr-un clopot de sticla, nimik din ce e rau si negativ in lumea asta sa nu-i faca rau.
bine macar ca putea evada din cand in cand ....
" It's different when I'm on stage, however. When I perform, I lose myself. I'm in total control of that stage. I don't think about anything..... I step out there and I love every minute of it. I'm actually relaxed on stage. Totally relaxed."

oana_n spune:
Those teachers were so wonderful; I'd be promoted from one grade to the next and they'd all cry and hug me and tell me how much they hated to see me leave their classes. I was so crazy about my teachers that I'd steal my mother's jewellery and give it to them as presents. They'd be very touched, but eventually my mother found out about it, and put an end to my generosity with her things. That urge that I had to give them something in return for all I was receiving was a measure of how much I loved them at that school.
tare dulce tre sa fi generozitate nu comentez, ca a devenit atat de mare, cat cuprinsul pamantului.
ma intorc la

purple_blue spune:
Mj_girl asteptam membri in clubul literar . As incepe eu cu poeziile, dar nu pot
Cand ajungeti la pagina va uitati si la asta
Abia astept sa citesc si acel blog.
Si fara legatura.... de la minutul 5.40 mai ales...