King of pop Michael Jackson (2)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 12

nelia spune:
Stii ce facem noi acum? Noi, adica eu si copiii... Invatam pasii de dans, vom aduce si noi omagiu odata cu voi, dar aici, la noi in casa...
Pe asta il stiti, ca mi-am adus aminte vazindu-l pe site-ul scolii de dans:

nelia spune:
Si daca tot vorbim despre Beat it, ultima" target="_blank">performanta.

mihutza11 spune:
Apropo de "Bad"..
nu stiu daca stiti si filmuletul:
partea 1:
si partea 2:
si cu ocazia acestui filmulet ce credeti ca a facut MJ? a lansat, se poate spune cariera lui Wesley Snipes..
Mihaela, mamik fericit de

Ratusca mea mih1 si mih2" target="_blank">aici
Pozici" target="_blank">Primul anisor
Povestea americancei

purple_blue spune:
Melodia aleasa de mine este "Who is it"
I Gave Her Money
I Gave Her Time
I Gave Her Everything
Inside One Heart Could Find
I Gave Her Passion
My Very Soul
I Gave Her Promises
And Secrets So Untold
And She Promised Me Forever
And A Day We'd Live As One
We Made Our Vows
We'd Live A Life Anew
And She Promised Me In Secret
That She'd Love Me For All Time
It's A Promise So Untrue
Tell Me What Will I Do?
And It Doesn't Seem To Matter
And It Doesn't Seem Right
'Cause The Will Has Brought
No Fortune
Still I Cry Alone At Night
Don't You Judge Of My Composure
'Cause I'm Lying To Myself
And The Reason Why She Left Me
Did She Find In Someone Else?
(Who Is It?)
It Is A Friend Of Mine
(Who Is It?)
Is It My Brother!
(Who Is It?)
Somebody Hurt My Soul, Now
(Who Is It?)
I Can't Take This Stuff No More
I Am The Damned
I Am The Dead
I Am The Agony Inside
The Dying Head
This Is Injustice
Woe Unto Thee
I Pray This Punishment
Would Have Mercy On Me
And She Promised Me Forever
That We'd Live Our Life As One
We Made Our Vows
We'd Live A Love So True
It Seems That She Has Left Me
For Such Reasons Unexplained
I Need To Find The Truth
But See What Will I Do!
And It Doesn't Seem To Matter
And It Doesn't Seem Right
'Cause The Will Has Brought
No Fortune
Still I Cry Alone At Night
Don't You Judge Of My Composure
'Cause I'm Bothered Everyday
And She Didn't Leave A Letter
She Just Up And Ran Away
(Who Is It?)
It Is A Friend Of Mine
(Who Is It?)
Is It My Brother?
(Who Is It?)
Somebody Hurt My Soul, Now
(Who Is It?)
I Can't Take It 'Cause I'm Lonely
(Who Is It?)
It Is Friend Of Mine
(Who Is It?)
To Me I'm Bothered
(Who Is It?)
Somebody Hurt My Soul, Now
(Who Is It?)
I Can't Take It 'Cause I'm Lonely
And It Doesn't Seem To Matter
And It Doesn't Seen Right
'Cause The Will Has Brought
No Fortune
Still I Cry Alone At Night
Don't You Judge Of My Composure
'Cause I'm Lying To Myself
And The Reason Why She Left Me
Did She Find Someone Else?
And It Doesn't Seem To Matter
And It Doesn't Seem Right
'Cause The Will Has Brought
No Fortune
Still I Cry Alone At Night
Don't You Judge Of My Composure
'Cause I'm Bothered Everyday
And She Didn't Leave A Letter
She Just Up And Ran Away
And It Doesn't Seem To Matter
And It Doesn't Seem Right
'Cause The Will Has Brought
No Fortune
Still I Cry Alone At Night
Don't You Judge Of My Composure
'Cause I'm Lying To Myself
And The Reason Why She Left Me
Did She Find Someone Else?

purple_blue spune:
"Who Is It" is a song by Michael Jackson from his 1991 Dangerous album. The song is, like several of Jackson's most famous songs, about rumors. The song peaked at #6 on the U.S. R&B charts, and #14 on the Billboard Hot 100 when released. Michael Jackson sang it a cappella during his 1993 interview with Oprah Winfrey, and the positive reaction to this prompted Sony to issue it as a single in the U.S. instead of the planned "Give In to Me".
The music video for "Who Is It" was directed by David Fincher. The video is set in a neo-chrome Blade Runner-like landscape, where surfaces reflect light and denote luxury in all its splendor. We see Michael Jackson as a suffering recluse who has come to the conclusion that his girlfriend is cheating. He finds a platinum business card with the name 'Alex' seemingly confirming that she is cheating with the person whose name is on the card. As the video progresses, we learn that the girlfriend is working for a secret exclusive billionaire-boys-club escort agency. Her identity and visual appearance is changed regularly, usually between clients, and is confirmed by the platinum business cards she presents to each client as the night goes on. This reveals that the name 'Alex' on the card found by Jackson is one of her aliases and is not a secret lover. She senses that something is wrong, defies her watchers and runs back to Jackson's home to find him. She finds Jackson's assistant at the door, who refuses to let her in and reveals that Jackson has left and probably for good. The assistant then hands her a collection of her alias business cards revealing that her secret is out and that she has been exposed. Devastated, she is forced to return submissively back to her ruthless employees and continue on as a high class prostitute. The video ends with the ex-girlfriend being prepared for another client while Jackson attempts to sleep on a jet. Throughout the video, a strange ghostly face appears in Jackson's surroundings -- the appearances seem to coincide with Jackson's despair.
In the United States, the music video was never aired on MTV or VH-1. Instead, the video was replaced with montage footage of various music videos by Jackson, as well as live performances during the Bad tour and Motown 25.

moana spune:
Daca tot e ziua "who is it"
- unplugged (o interpretare care mie im face pielea de gaina)
- din interviul cu Oprah
de la 8.22 incolo

danat spune:
Neata fetelor!
Purple foarte frumoasa si "Who is it" si interesanta ca stil. Cred ca oricine o recunoaste dupa primele acorduri. si versurile...iar vorbea despre singuratatea lui
Moana wooow, da.... si mie imi place la nebunie interpretarea din filmuletul lui Oprah, cand face totul din gat si voce, cata perfectiune, Dumnezeule!!!! Si tot el se simtea embarassed dupa ce a interpretat atit de bine!
Fetelor sa mergeti cat mai multi la tributul din Bucuresti! Asa as veni si eu daca as putea... cred ca o sa fie minunat!
Dana mama lu'
Radu Stefan
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" target="_blank">
"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"
"Man in the Mirror" - Michael Jackson

rhoneea spune:
Buna dimineata fetelor - Michael
Melodia zilei e superba
Nelia,super idee!!! Mi-as fi dorit sa fiu si eu la buc.
Irina mamica sefului mic Pierre-Sebastien" target="_blank">
*Miracolul nostru*
"If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change!"
Michael Jackson

purple_blue spune:
Da, iar singuratatea.
Ma impresioneaza videoclipul si melodia pt ca sunt pline de semnificatii. Din nou un mini-film marca MJ. Nu prea am cuvinte sa descriu asa ca recurg la emoticoane.
Versiunea unplugged, mi se pare atat de personala, parca i-am patrunde in suflet.

oana_n spune:
buna fetelor
off topic: danat, motanik, nelia. am dorit mai bine. cartierul si strada au redevenit linistite ca si inainte. probabil ca linistea e ceva mai apasatoare, dar odata cu timpul lucrurile intra in normal.ieri aveam senzatia ca traiesc intr-un ghetou de la periferie, nu intr-un cartier linistit si comod din mijlocul orasului.
Imi place la nebunie Who is it. E printre preferatele sotului, si in masina mereu ii da drumu la maxim.Se aude muult mai bine ca in casa.
A fost uimita si eu cand am vazut interpretarea in interviul cu Oprah. Chiar am dat replay de 2-3 ori la buacata aia. Nu imi venea sa cred. Pana la urma e una din miile de dovezi incontestabile ale talentului sau. Si mai apoi, tot el "s-a inrosit", offf cat bun simt...cata sensibilitate, cata atentie.....
Nu vreau sa dau click inca pe varianta unplugged ca inca nu ma simt instare. Nu mi-am revenit de tot si nu vreau sa fac piele de gaina si sa ma ia plansul...Sper sa am maine curaj sa o ascult.
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