Tari, Orase, Munti, Ape, Nume,Animale, Plante-XVI
Raspunsuri - Pagina 3
guzelnico spune:
Octavia, ai fost mai rapida!
T- Finlanda
O- Focsani
M- Fagaras
A- Fergus
N- Filofteia
A- Foca
P- Frasin
Octavia75 spune:
T - Andorra
O - Arad
M - Apuseni
A - Albion
N - Andrada
A - Acvila
P - Arin
Next: J
Octavia75 mami de Vesna, minune mica (16.10.2008)
Asa crestem noi
"The lunatic, the lover and the poet
Are of imagination all compact"
Tethys spune:
T - Liberia
O - Livorno
M - Livigno
A - Lapus
N - Labis
A - Lama
P - Laptele stancii
JN - litera B
www.infoturism.ro/acorda-puncte/111395/" target="_blank">Vreau si eu un vot!!!
Mi se spune "argint viu"... ~*~*~*~*~ Oare ce varsta avem?!?
Octavia75 spune:
T - Olanda
O - Orastie
M - Olimp
A - Olt
N - Olivia
A - Ornitorinc
P - Orbaltz
Octavia75 mami de Vesna, minune mica (16.10.2008)
Asa crestem noi
"The lunatic, the lover and the poet
Are of imagination all compact"
Tethys spune:
T - Peru
O - Porto Rico
M - Pirinei
A - Putna
N - Pillat
A - Pitigoi
P - Papirus
JN - litera K
www.infoturism.ro/acorda-puncte/111395/" target="_blank">Vreau si eu un vot!!!
Mi se spune "argint viu"... ~*~*~*~*~ Oare ce varsta avem?!?
Octavia75 spune:
T- Quatar
O- Quintero (Chile)
M- Qume to Vizaronivie (Albania)
A- Quittapahilla Creek - Pennsylvania
N- Quade
A- quagga
P- ?
Octavia75 mami de Vesna, minune mica (16.10.2008)
Asa crestem noi, Ce stim sa facem
"The lunatic, the lover and the poet
Are of imagination all compact"